The news story I’m about to tell you about is really meant to question the government’s use of dental examinations to help determine the age of mostly young men arriving at our southern border and claiming they are minors, however after using a Bangladeshi man as the star of their story, the LA Times goes on to give some shocking data about Muslim Bangladeshi’s coming across our border. Breitbart reported on the arrests of large numbers of Bangladeshis here last fall.
I wasn’t planning to post this when I saw the title because I’ve written about the issue of dental x-raysto determine the age of a migrant and I knew the Open Borders agitators were agitating to make sure science wasn’t used in determining how an illegal alien was going to be treated, but the Bangladeshi angle is important.
It’s annoying that after we have been badgered by the Progressives that we, conservatives, don’t believe in science (how many times have you heard that regarding global warming!), but they want nothing to do with science when it goes against their political agenda.
U.S. is using unreliable dental exams to hold teen migrants in adult detention
The young Bangladeshi sitting in the dentist’s chair last October thought he was getting checked for diseases.
Dental staff examined his teeth, gave him a cleaning and sent him back to the juvenile facility where he had been held for months since illegally crossing the border in July.
But a checkup wasn’t the real purpose of the dental work. The government wanted to figure out if “I.J.,” as the young migrant has been identified, really was 16, as he said, or an adult. The use of dental exams to help determine the age of migrants increased sharply in the last year, one aspect of the Trump administration’s crackdown on immigration and illegal border crossings.
The accuracy of forensic testing to help determine the age of migrants is very much a subject of the debate. And with the stakes so high, the exams are becoming another legal battleground for the government.
For I.J., the results had serious ramifications. Based on the development of his teeth, the analysis showed an 87.70% probability that he had turned 18.
He was then placed in adult detention (you can read all about it), but…
…in stepped the women (mostly women! see their staff roster) of the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project.
The LA Timescontinues….
But when the Arizona-based Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project took I.J.’s case to federal court, a district judge found that the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s age re-determination violated federal law and the agency’s own guidelines. In April, the judge ordered I.J. released back into Office of Refugee Resettlement custody, a program responsible for unaccompanied migrant children. He has since reunited with his family in New York. [To live happily ever after—ed]
But here is the real news!
An influx of Bangladeshi migrants claiming to be minors has contributed to the government’s recent use of dental exams. From October through March 8, more than 150 Bangladeshis who claimed to be minors and were determined to be adults were transferred from the Office of Refugee Resettlement to ICE custody, according to the agency. In fiscal year 2018, Border Patrol apprehensions of Bangladeshi migrants went up 109% over the year before, rising to 1,203. Similarly, the number of Bangladeshi minors in ORR custody increased about 221% between fiscal 2017 and fiscal 2018, reaching 392.
Bangladeshi invasion! It is maddening when you know we have LEGALLY admitted tens of thousand of Bangladeshis to the US in recent years, yet we are expected to welcome more who came across our southern border. Where the hell did these poor downtrodden migrants get the money for the long trip in the first place? That is what I want to know!
The Times continues….
Ali Riaz, a professor at Illinois State University, said Bangladeshis are leaving the country for reasons including high population density, high unemployment among the young, a deteriorating political environment and the “quest for a better life.” [Just a reminder that seeking a better life does not make them a legitimate asylum seeker or refugee.—ed]
In October, Myriam Hillin, an ORR federal field specialist, was told that ICE had information showing that a number of Bangladeshi migrants in their custody claiming to be underage had passports with different birth dates than on their birth certificates.
Continue reading to learn all about how traffickers give them fake passports. Sickening!
And, again, why does no one ever ask where all these poor refugee-wannabees got the thousands of dollars it took to finance a trip from Bangladesh to our southern border?
Find that answer and learn who is driving the invasion!
And they’re probably mostly Muslim, since the Muslims who fled Myanmar went to BanglaDesh first, where they were not welcome. Gee I wonder why? Could it be the polygamy, the “honor” killings, the the Female Genital Mutilation, the arranged marriages, the grooming of underage children for sex, the sex trafficking, the enslavement of women, the beatings, the stonings, the hidden, all-black veiled faces, the intolerance, the entitlement, the expansionism….? Nawww…. But the Bangla Deshis have more common sense than we do in rejecting them: they value their own survival, and can call a spade a spade…
Bangladesh is a Muslim country so I expect all who come here are practitioners of the religion of peace.
And they’re probably mostly Muslim, since the Muslims who fled Myanmar went to BanglaDesh first, where they were not welcome. Gee I wonder why? Could it be the polygamy, the “honor” killings, the the Female Genital Mutilation, the arranged marriages, the grooming of underage children for sex, the sex trafficking, the enslavement of women, the beatings, the stonings, the hidden, all-black veiled faces, the intolerance, the entitlement, the expansionism….? Nawww…. But the Bangla Deshis have more common sense than we do in rejecting them: they value their own survival, and can call a spade a spade…
Bangladesh is a Muslim country so I expect all who come here are practitioners of the religion of peace.