Doing my regular check on news about the illegal alien from Kenya likely to become one of the most prolific mass murderers in America, I found the news yesterday that six families have filed lawsuits in Dallas County alleging that Billy Chemirmir was responsible for the deaths of their loved ones (five are white women and one white man).

Before I get to the breaking story (one that you likely will not hear about on the nightly news), let me rage for a minute!
When one of the few deaths occur on the southern border—migrants in the process of breaking into the US with children in tow—we are treated to around the clock mention of how Trump border policies killed them!
So, law-breaking migrants who died, not at the hands of a killer, but because they were foolish take precedence over the deaths of vulnerable Americans (killed for their valuables!) in their golden years and killed by someone, a black man, who should not have been in America in the first place? Yes, that is what we must conclude!
Indeed the case of the Kenyan Killer is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the media (its reluctance to mention black on white crime, or immigrant perpetrated crime); with our immigration laws; and, with law enforcement in America right now.
Continue reading “Texas: Kenyan Killer Linked to Six More Deaths of Elderly Retirement Home Residents”