This story from a couple of months ago exposes again a big lie that the Open Borders Left never mentions—not all ‘refugees’ are thrilled to be in the land of opportunity.
Since 2007, when I first became aware of the Refugee Admissions Program, I have heard stories like this one and continue to be amazed that the virtue-signalling do-gooders, who promote refugee resettlement in American towns and cities, don’t ever seem to ask themselves if what they are doing is really good for the ‘refugees’ involved.
We know they don’t consider if the wholesale movement of third worlders to the US is good for Americans!
Before I give you the story, I assume most of you know about Obama’s “dumb deal” (that is what Trump called it when he first learned about it.)
If not, then briefly, Australia instituted a policy of sending anyone trying to break into their country by boat to offshore islands for detention. It was an excellent deterrent once the word got out!
But public pressure by the Australian Left forced the government to find a home for these mostly Muslim men.
Enter then President Obama who told the Aussies in 2016, just as he was leaving office, that we would take a few thousand of their rejected asylum seekers to America. Trump (foolishly in my opinion) went along with the deal and said we would take 1,250.
However, so far, we haven’t brought in nearly that number (hard to find any reports on exactly how many). Today’s story says we took 500 and this one says we rejected 300.
Today’s post is about an unhappy family of Sri Lankan Tamils (they are not Muslims) who were placed in Arabic-speaking El Cajon, California by a US resettlement contractor—the International Rescue Committee.
Continue reading “'Refugees' from Australia Not Doing so Well in El Cajon, California; Others Ask to Go back!”