Visit Donald Trump’s Save America PAC, Hear Directly from The Man!

If you support the MAGA movement and President Donald Trump, become a member of his new Save America PAC. 


But, you don’t have to be a founding member (yes, contributor!) to see the President’s press releases.

LOL! You can tell by the wording of this one about Karl Rove from yesterday, that this is definitely Trump’s voice.

Who needs Twitter!  This is just like his tweets, only wordier!

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

(March 4, 2021)

Karl Rove has been losing for years, except for himself. He’s a RINO of the highest order…


Karl Rove’s voice on Fox is always negative for those who know how to win. He certainly hasn’t helped Fox in the ratings department, has he?

Never had much of a feeling for Karl, in that I disagreed with so many of the things he says. He’s a pompous fool with bad advice and always has an agenda.


If the Republican Party is going to be successful, they’re going to have to stop dealing with the likes of Karl Rove and just let him float away, or retire, like Liddle’ Bob Corker, Jeff “Flakey” Flake, and others like Toomey of Pennsylvania, who will soon follow. Let’s see what happens to Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

For a laugh, there is more.


Here is the Update on the Big Riot at Nancy’s Place Yesterday!

“If this day passes without incident, will they tear down these walls?”


Of course, there was no attack on the Capitol on March 4th and the Warroom’s Raheem Kassam was there and blasted the Republicans for quietly going along with the Democrats’ BS by not demanding a supposed intelligence report that such an attack was planned.

Dems Claim Threat of Massive March 4th Insurrection – Shut Down Business for the Day – Weak Republicans Too Afraid to Ask for Intel Supporting This Crazy Accusation

Watch! The Dems will now say it was the show of force that kept the marauders away!

Back to January 6th…..

I don’t have time to go into it, but I want you to have a look at this story from NBC about a study done of those arrested for being in the Capitol on January 6th.

Most charged in Capitol riot had no connection to extremist groups or one another, report finds

The closest NBC comes to mentioning that there might have been some Leftists in the scrum is after they say that the majority had no involvement in any known network, the “hodgepodge of individuals” had “varied and often conflicting ideologies.”

Many of those arrested were turned in as a result of the FBI’s public outreach, but others were found in this way:

FBI officials have said investigations also used facial recognition software. And a recently filed court document revealed that federal agents used a third method to identify rioters — obtaining lists of all smartphones and other cellular devices at the Capitol that were in use the day of the riot.

The document said investigators then compiled an “exclusion list” of people authorized to be in the building at the time. People whose numbers were tracked but were not on the list would be considered potential suspects, law enforcement officials confirmed Monday.

Just a reminder! CAIR wants to get rid of the use of facial recognition technology: