They claim it unfairly targets marginalized and over-surveilled groups in America—-like those patriots gathered to peacefully protest outside of the US Capitol on January 6th.
LOL! No, they aren’t defending patriots and so-called white nationalists. But, it sure would be a fun exercise if one of the Southern Poverty Law Centers latest “hate groups” contacted them and asked to be added to their coalition.
From CAIR:
CAIR-Washington, Civil Rights Groups Call on Biden to Halt Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology

(SEATTLE, WA, 2/17/21) – The Washington state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Washington) today joined a coalition of more than 40 organizations calling on President Biden to take executive action imposing a federal moratorium on the use of facial recognition technology.
The letter, sent by CAIR-Washington, the ACLU, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Amnesty International, among others, urges the Biden administration to take three critical steps addressing the use of facial recognition technology by the government.
Those steps include:
~placing a moratorium on all federal government use of facial recognition technology and other forms of biometric technology; [by the way, biometric technology is what the Leftie refugee contractors claim is keeping us safe from refugee fraud—ed]
~preventing state and local governments from using federal funds to purchase or access the technology;
~supporting legislation that would codify into law the federal moratorium and place additional limitations on federal funding of the technology.
Read the full letter is here:
“The use of face surveillance gives the government massively-enhanced powers to identify, locate, and track individuals based on images of their faces,” said Brianna Auffray, Legal and Policy Manager at CAIR-Washington.
“Even if this technology is perfectly accurate—which it is not—the threat of this surveillance has an outsized impact on historically over-surveilled communities.” [Yeh! Like those white nationalists and America First patriots!—ed]
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Sounds like a blessing considering the push for CCP style tech surveillance affecting us all.
No Surprise, about 2 weeks ago Mpls., MN. City Council, with all the wisdom that’s caused
National problems since the accidental death of a criminal and our increase in crime, voted
yes to this. Welcome to the next California……