The kids of course are the mostly teenaged males flooding the US southern border.
You know, the ones that are costing taxpayers $775 a day for their care!
Biden and Harris better get their acts together because even their ever- friendly media is circling in for a kill.
Not to mention the fact that the ‘humanitarians’ are in a tizzy! After all, they ‘elected’ Chairman Joe and Queen Kamala.
Here is the Associated Press yesterday:
US waives FBI checks on caregivers at new migrant facilities
Of course it has a bunch of sob stories highlighted, but it is also baring some teeth!
HOUSTON (AP) — The Biden administration is not requiring FBI fingerprint background checks of caregivers at its rapidly expanding network of emergency sites to hold thousands of immigrant teenagers, alarming child welfare experts who say the waiver compromises safety.
In the rush to get children out of overcrowded and often unsuitable Border Patrol sites, President Joe Biden’s team is turning to a measure used by previous administrations: tent camps, convention centers and other huge facilities operated by private contractors and funded by U.S. Health and Human Services. In March alone, the Biden administration announced it will open eight new emergency sites across the Southwest adding 15,000 new beds, more than doubling the size of its existing system.
The Biden administration has 18,000 children and teenagers in its custody, a figure that has risen almost daily over the last several weeks.
These emergency sites don’t have to be licensed by state authorities or provide the same services as permanent HHS facilities. They also cost far more, an estimated $775 per child per day.”
$775 per child per day! You can get a good nursing home for $300 a day.
And, if 18,000 are in custody that amounts to over $13 million a day from your wallets via the US Treasury (or borrowed from China!).
AP continues….
And to staff the sites quickly, the Biden administration has waived vetting procedures intended to protect minors from potential harm.
Child advocates say that rather than opening more unlicensed emergency facilities, the administration must speed up placing children with sponsors, especially the approximately 40% of youths in custody who have a parent in the country ready to take them.
HHS has tried to expedite processing of minors in recent weeks, allowing some youths to be placed with parents while fingerprint checks are pending and authorizing the use of government funds to pay for airfare when a child is released.
Much more here.
The AP includes a sob story about a mother who wants her 17-year-old sent to her in Virginia. Of course, my first question is: why the heck did she leave him behind when she ‘made her way’ illegally into our country?
My second question is, how old is he really? Seventeen is conveniently the top age for the ‘children.’
See my post in late February where I showed data from the Office of Refugee Resettlement that confirms that the vast majority of the little darlings are 15, 16, and 17-years-old (72 percent) and that 68% are males.
And, Biden admitted it here in his now infamous presser:
Biden’s UAC Border Problem Exploding as His Words Encourage More to Come
Think about it! You are paying $775 a day to pay for food and shelter for what amounts to an invading army of young males.