And, will serve only to make those of us who believe that The President is being maligned on purpose by our own government more resolute to continue fighting (oops! I forgot that word–fighting–ist verboten now!).
Why was it left up to Patriots to spread the word. Why didn’t the FBI warn us about who really was planning the armed rallies?
I am still furious, more so now! at the FBI for warning that “ARMED” Trump supporters might storm ALL FIFTY state capitals on Sunday!
“U.S. state capitals gird for pro-Trump armed protests, FBI flags risk of violence”
What kind of shoddy investigative work are they doing that they didn’t figure out that this was a set-up by a small group of anarchists calling themselves the Boogaloo Bois?
I’ll bet there were more mainstream reporters hanging around state capitals waiting to smear Trump patriots then there were demonstrators of any stripe.
One of a couple of demonstrators to show up at Colorado’s Capitol. The scary lady’s sign says “Hold Congress Accountable for Negligence.” Somebody should FOIA state governments and find out what the police show-of-force cost the taxpayers.
USA Today even had a Capitol Protest Tracker! What are these creeps in the media going to do when they don’t have Trump to blame for everything?
A quiet Sunday: Pro-Trump protests largely unrealized at Colorado Capitol, in other states
DENVER — Law enforcement members and journalists outnumbered the few people who showed up to protest at most state capitols across the nation Sunday, including in Colorado.
This is the flyer the Boogaloo Bois created to try to instigate riots. Very scary that the FBI did not see through the ruse to warn us.
Late Sunday morning into Sunday afternoon, the area surrounding the Colorado Capitol building and Denver’s Civic Center Park remained calm.
Chain-link fence panels encircled the building. A handful of Colorado State Patrol troopers, who are regularly tasked with protecting life and property in and around the Colorado Capitol, were on the premises.
While a handful of demonstrators were present in Colorado, few appeared to be there expressly to support President Donald Trump. Some present carried signs decrying the deadly riot that happened at the U.S. Capitol while Congress was certifying election results for Biden on Jan. 6. Most of the demonstrators present left the area just before 3 p.m.
A few states like Michigan and Ohio had large groups show up, some wearing attire or affiliating themselves with the boogaloo movement. But gatherings and protests around the country were largely peaceful and muted from the chaos of Jan. 6.
Meanwhile, check outGateway Pundit (yes you should just check it out every day) and see their report on how the Boogaloo Bois, affiliated with Black Lives Matter are bragging about their infiltration of the pro-Trump rally on January 6th.
Exclusive: ‘Boogaloo Boi’ Leader Who Aligns with Black Lives Matter Boasted About Organizing Armed Insurrection On US Capitol
Contrary to allegations leveled by the political left and their allies in the mainstream media, anti-Trump groups primarily perpetrated insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Dunn: “I strongly dislike Trump….just as I dislike Biden!”
The Gateway Pundit has obtained archived tweets from Mike Dunn, leader of “Boogaloo Bois,” an anti-government, anti-Trump group whose adherents call for a revolution toppling the federal government.
As rioters roamed the U.S. Capitol, Dunn boasted on Twitter about Boogaloo “fireteams” being employed inside the Capitol building. to taunt “tyrants” like Trump.
Boogaloo Boi “teams have been activated in VA and we currently have 4 fireteams inside capital and 7 more outside,” he tweeted.
A Google search of the Boogaloo movement would lead you to believe the group is comprised of “far right,” “white supremacist” Trump supporters. But, the Boogaloo Bois are actually a far-left group aligned with Black Lives Matter in their disdain for Trump and Republicans.
Endnote: I predict that on January 20th, when Biden/Harris are coronated, they will look like fools surrounded by 30,000 troops and razor wire.
Their administration will begin with images, for the whole world to see, reminiscent of a third world country where elections are bought and sold.
If there is any violence, know that it will be anarchists and revolutionaries like these Antifa/BLM/Boogaloo boys who don’t give a rat’s you-know-what about Biden and Harris.
3 thoughts on “A Quiet Sunday as FBI (Blame Trump) Scare Tactic Costs Taxpayers a Bundle”
If not now when?
The Marxist Democrats and media fear the ‘optics’ of hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters waving Trump flags and signs saying ‘Stolen Election’ peacefully at the inauguration.
It was not lost on these Democrats and the media; there were over 1 million people at the Trump Rally on January 6 -even though the media spikes that part of the story.
The Marxist Democrats, in my opinion, will see the razor wire and show of excessive military force as the ‘reason’ few Trumpers will show up and peacefully mock this election, where over 400+ people signed affidavits witnessing violations of federal election laws.
Sadly, by not showing up, the Marxists will win again, and the media will spin the story the Trumpers weren’t there because of the show of force, once again proving they are violent.
We are now operating in the world of black propaganda where facts and evidence mean very little when the Marxists Democrats control the media, social media, and two government branches.
Black propaganda is a form of propaganda intended to create the impression that it was created by those it is supposed to discredit. Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, which does not identify its source, and white propaganda, which does not disguise its origins at all.
Sadly, you are probably right. Best we can do is make fun of Biden/Harris. They repeat their propaganda enough times and the average uninformed American believes it. Why can’t we repeat our facts over and over and over again—something we aren’t very good at, btw.
If not now when?
The Marxist Democrats and media fear the ‘optics’ of hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters waving Trump flags and signs saying ‘Stolen Election’ peacefully at the inauguration.
It was not lost on these Democrats and the media; there were over 1 million people at the Trump Rally on January 6 -even though the media spikes that part of the story.
The Marxist Democrats, in my opinion, will see the razor wire and show of excessive military force as the ‘reason’ few Trumpers will show up and peacefully mock this election, where over 400+ people signed affidavits witnessing violations of federal election laws.
Sadly, by not showing up, the Marxists will win again, and the media will spin the story the Trumpers weren’t there because of the show of force, once again proving they are violent.
We are now operating in the world of black propaganda where facts and evidence mean very little when the Marxists Democrats control the media, social media, and two government branches.
Black propaganda is a form of propaganda intended to create the impression that it was created by those it is supposed to discredit. Black propaganda contrasts with grey propaganda, which does not identify its source, and white propaganda, which does not disguise its origins at all.
Sadly, you are probably right. Best we can do is make fun of Biden/Harris. They repeat their propaganda enough times and the average uninformed American believes it. Why can’t we repeat our facts over and over and over again—something we aren’t very good at, btw.