This is actually an update of news from Tennessee that I posted at Refugee Resettlement Watch in May with updates in June about the controversial night-flight of Unaccompanied Alien Children (mostly teenagers!) to Chattanooga, Tennessee.
So many posts I write at RRWcould just as easily be posted here at ‘Frauds and Crooks!’
Tennessee suspends shelter license following staffer arrest
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Tennessee officials on Thursday suspended the license of a Chattanooga shelter for immigrant children after one of the employees was arrested following abuse allegations.
The move comes as Tennessee’s top Republican leaders have called for more scrutiny surrounding the shelter. They allege the federal government has not been transparent when pressed about immigrant children moving through the state.
That rhetoric only intensified after Department of Children’s Services Commissioner Jennifer Nichols told lawmakers that in early June during an unannounced inspection of a Chattanooga shelter, a young boy reported he had witnessed “an act that, in our policy, would substantiate and require an investigation” while at the facility.
In a news release, Nichols on Thursday cited the abuse allegation and other issues that had plagued the shelter over the past month as reasons for the suspension.
According to the suspension summary, the department was alerted on June 15 that a 16-year-old boy had “absconded” from the shelter.
A week later, the department was told all the youth had been moved from the facility. On Wednesday, the Chattanooga Police Department announced that a staff member had been arrested and faced criminal charges.
Police officials say 35-year-old Randi Duarte faces charges of sexual battery by an authority figure, coercion of a witness and tampering with evidence. Police received a complaint in late May and worked with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and the Hamilton County District Attorney’s office to investigate the allegation.
I have thought over the years about the “tender-hearted” women who are often the driving forces behind inviting the world to live in America (like Taylor in Greeley).
Duarte’s arrest reminded me that President Trump, just last week in Ohio, reread “The Snake” during his first rally back on the campaign trail.
The list is long, but the one that caught my interest was HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)and one of nine federal refugee contractors I have been writing about for going on 14 years.
Of those nine (below), HIAS hustlers have been the most political, by far, of the contractors and its head honcho, Mark Hetfield, was out front for four years working to defeat Donald Trump with rallies in the streets and cases in the courts all the while sucking up millions of your tax dollars.
Bezos’ Ex-Wife MacKenzie Scott Donates $2.7B to Fund HIAS, Open Borders Lobby, Pro-Censorship Groups, Racial Justice NGOs
MacKenzie Scott, who received $38 billion from her divorce with Jeff Bezos, is giving leftist NGOs, the open borders lobby and “racial justice” agitators their greatest windfall in history.
Scott on Tuesday released a list of 286 groups she’s giving another $2.7 billion in divorce money to on her blog.
The first which stands out is HIAS, formerly known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which works to resettle refugees through America.
They didn’t say how much her donation was but the head of the group [Hetfield] said it “would enable the group to become an emergency responder to refugee crises around the world in addition to a resettlement agency,” eJewishPhilanthropy reported.
HIAS’s latest financial report for 2019 says they had $80 million in total assets and $55 million in net assets.
I’m assuming they probably got a lot more than the $7 million she gave to Repair The World as they’re now planning to go global.
Another notable group on the list is Muslim Advocates, which is basically just a Muslim copy of the Anti-Defamation League that lobbies for internet censorship, mass immigration and hate speech laws.
The top of their website says how they’re suing Facebook for not censoring enough.
Because you may not be a reader at RRW, here is one of the things I have done over the years and that is to check out IRS Form 990sfor the resettlement contractors/political agitators.
Visiting two pages will give you a feel for an organization. First I want to know how much federal money they receive for their ‘religious’ charitable work.
When I first started examining tax documents for non-profits, this information was on page one, but at some point it was moved to page 9 presumably to deter nosey taxpayers from finding it.
Government grants is your involuntary gift from the US Treasury. Some or all of the million in fees is taxpayer money as well.
And here, check out the six-figure salaries the top execs are making.
I call it doing well by doing good. Think about how some staffer for HIAS is making more than a US Senator, Congressman or Supreme Court Justice!
By the way, if you think it is not kosher of me to post salaries I would agree if the business entity was truly a private one, but these government contractors are spending our money so I figure it is fair game.
To learn more about HIAS, check out my extensive archiveat Refugee Resettlement Watch. To be fair, you should know that some of the refugee contractors get many millions more of payola from the feds than does HIAS.
Below are the nine federal refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement of third world refugees to your towns and cities. They will soon be awash in your money as Harris/Biden say they will admit 125,000 refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to the US beginning on October first.
The contractors are paid on a per refugee head basis and to a large degree determine which towns and cities will be new resettlement targets.
The Progressive Leftwingers are masters at keeping the political pot boiling. You can do it too!
Make their heads explode!
Surely you saw the stunt a couple of Trump supporters pulled at Yankee Stadium on Thursday. It was a peaceful protest, no one was hurt, but the reaction by the media was swift and angry, and fun to watch.
Reportedly fans in the stands booed the message, but hundreds of thousands of Trumpsters cheered at home.
If you missed it, here is the NY Postquoting a reporter who called it a “conspiracy theory banner.”
Men booted from Yankee Stadium after displaying ‘Trump Won’ banner
And, what about those audits?
Have you been following especially Arizona right now? If you were confident in your assertions that no massive fraud occurred why would you fight so hard to stop that audit and all of the others bubbling up?
You would think that Biden/Harris would be eager to prove they legitimately won and be demanding audits!
You gotta love Sidney Powell who spoke at a Dallas eventand answered a question we have all had in our minds. What happens if massive fraud is revealed in several key states? Will the election be overturned?
Sidney Powell: We’re definitely in uncharted territory. There are cases where elections have been overturned. But there’s never been one at the presidential level where everybody will jump to point out. That doesn’t mean it can’t be done, though. There’s always the first case. And as far as I know, this is the first case of abject fraud and obtaining a coup of the United States of America. So, it’s going to have to be dealt with. It should be that he can simply be reinstated, that a new inauguration day is set. (cheers) And Biden is told to move out of the White House. And President Trump should be moved back in.
She is right. This could be accomplished.
Otherwise we keep stirring the political pot and wait until 2024.
There is no way Biden will make it that long. Kamala is too wildly UNPOPULAR and dimwitted to win on her own. Did you see her tone-deaf tweet for the weekend set aside to remember our fallen heroes!
Criticism was swift, brutal and justified.
She may have O beat in the narcissist sweeps.
But, the question is, how much damage will they do before they get the heave-ho? A lot!
For instance, see my posts at RRWabout the Unaccompanied Alien Children (aka New Democrats) who are arriving by the tens of thousands—changing America every day that those two remain in charge.
Watch for the Biden Administration to begin weaving and dodging on issues involving defunding the police and “reimagining” policing as Americans now feel safer about the Chinese Virus, but are feeling increasingly less safe from violence especially in large Democrat run cities.
The George Floyd rioting has finally sunk into the American psyche and many are realizing that they need the police after all.
The Republicans just got some news that they can use!
Tie every Dem running in 2022 to the anti-police message of the faltering Black Lives Matter movement.
You can bet the real numbers are even worse for BLM and others pushing their racist message because those polled by Yahoo News likely already leaned to the Left.
Poll: More Americans now say violent crime is a ‘very big problem’ than say the same about COVID-19
In stark contrast to last summer, more Americans now say violent crime is a “very big problem” in the U.S. than say the same about COVID-19, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll — a shift that suggests policing and public safety could come to dominate U.S. politics as the pandemic subsides, potentially putting the Biden administration and Democratic leaders on the defensive.
The survey of 1,588 U.S. adults, which was conducted from May 24 to May 26, found that just 32 percent of them now describe COVID-19 as a very big problem, down from 61 percent last July.
In a certain sense, this isn’t surprising. While mass vaccination has driven COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations to their lowest levels in many months, violent crime has been rising (even though it’s still occurring at a far lower rate than it was for much of the 1990s and before).
Nearly two-thirds of Americans (65 percent) now believe violent crime is increasing, including 76 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov poll. It’s the rare issue that elicits bipartisan agreement.
What is striking, however, is that while anxiety about violent crime has held steady across the political spectrum since last summer, concerns about race relations and sympathy with racial justice reformers have fallen sharply in the wake of the protests that followed the murder of George Floyd one year ago.
Overall, the share of Americans who see race as a “very big problem” in the U.S. is now 13 percentage points lower than it was last July.
As a result, the political scales seem to be tilting away from racial justice reform…
Last June, for instance, 60 percent of Americans told Yahoo News and YouGov that there was a problem with systemic racism in policing; 63 percent said there was a problem with systemic racism in America. Today, both numbers are significantly lower: 51 percent and 55 percent, respectively. And while 57 percent of Americans had a favorable view of Black Lives Matter last June (compared with 33 percent unfavorable), today more Americans view BLM unfavorably (45 percent) than favorably (43 percent) — a net shift of 26 points against the movement.
In fact, when Americans who believe violent crime is increasing are asked why, far more now blame “the racial justice movement” itself (57 percent) than blame joblessness (44 percent), systemic racism (40 percent) or the pandemic (35 percent).
Then this made me laugh….”Experts debate…” There is no debate. Anyone with half a brain could see that the Progressives’ rhetoric was encouraging violence.
Yahoo Newscontinues:
Experts debate whether progressive reforms and critical rhetoric have played any role in encouraging violence; they tend to cite the pandemic and record gun sales [Duh! up because people are trying to protect themselves—ed] as likelier factors.
Either way, the issue could vex Democrats going forward.
Asked who has done a better job handling crime, more Americans (34 percent vs. 32 percent) and independents (39 percent vs. 23 percent) say Trump than Biden.
Quick! Find every Democrat (or weeny Republican) you can find who snuggled up to BLM (or Antifa) in the last year and capture their laudatory words and images before they are scrubbed.
From reports earlier in the week it looks like the 30-something Miles Taylor is the leader of the breakaway group that includes many of the Never-Trumpers involved in the disgraced Lincoln Project.
Here is their press release from yesterday. Seems they have backed off from earlier declarations that they were going to announce the formation of their own party—darn!
Instead they plan to bully the GOP for awhile and if that doesn’t work, then they will think about a new party.
Looks like the plan is a redux of pot shots from the wings using the Lincoln Project model.
Keep in mind that likely most of these “prominent Republicans” voted for Joe Biden (many have admitted doing so).
150 Prominent Republicans and Independents Release ‘A Call for American Renewal’ Charting New Path
WASHINGTON, May 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A coalition of 150 prominent Republican and independent leaders have released ACall for American Renewal, a principles-based vision for American leadership, as an alternative to the current direction of the Republican Party and growing extremism in the nation. Their call for a return to principles (available at: follows a February summit and subsequent organizing.
Miffed over the mistreatment of Cheney!
As GOP leadership marginalizes Representative Liz Cheney and other honorable members and citizens for simple acts of truth-telling and conscience, founding signatories to this statement are mobilizing disaffected voters to impact competitive elections around the country and shape the future of the nation. This “common-sense coalition” seeks to catalyze the reform of the Republican Party and its recommitment to truth, founding ideals, and decency or, if unsuccessful, lay the foundation for an alternative.
Calling for a return to decency and integrity is none other than Miles Taylor who while working at the Dept. of Homeland Security undermined the sitting President by penning a NYT op-ed anonymously claiming he was part of the “resistance” working to yes, undermine President Trump.
“These principles are vital to our individual and collective flourishing, overcoming modern challenges, and preserving our way of life. They’re a foundation to unite Americans from diverse backgrounds in common cause. Our nation is calling out for a new coalition of principled, pragmatic citizens to renew America and counter the partisanship and extremism infecting the country,” said Evan McMullin, Executive Director of Stand Up Republic, former House Republican Conference policy director and 2016 independent presidential candidate.
Trustworthy fellow?
“There’s only one thing that can beat back the tides of extremism, fear, and conspiracy, and that is a people, unified behind common principles, joining their voices to demand better. That’s what we’re doing with A Call for American Renewal. Together, we can — and will — return our politics to the principles which should define us, and lead the way to a better, brighter future for all Americans,” said Miles Taylor, former Homeland Security official and co-founder of Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform.
One thing they have done is create a handy list of Never-Trumpers you can reference when and if you hear from them locally.
Key signers of A Call for American Renewal include Michael Steele, Barbara Comstock, Christine Todd Whitman, Denver Riggleman, Michael Chertoff, Charles Djou, George Conway, Charlie Dent, Reid Ribble, Evan McMullin, Charlie Sykes, Anthony Scaramucci, Mona Charen, Miles Taylor, Tom Ridge, Michael Hayden,Paul Mitchell, Bill Weld, Mike Madrid, Claudine Schneider, Jim Kolbe, Mary Peters, John Negroponte, and many others. For a full text of A Call for American Renewal and list of signatories, visit To speak to one of the signatories or for assistance, please reach out to the point of contact below.
Go here to read their high-minded sounding, but lacking in policy detail, statement of who they are and what they want for our “diverse” nation.
See who signed.
Other than the few I highlighted above, I don’t know who the heck most of these “prominent leaders” are, do you?
However, one of my ‘special’ favorites—Not!—is former Pennsylvania Governor Ridge(also a former Sec. of Homeland Security).
Take a trip down memory lane to 2014 when he and other Republicans including Grover Norquist and Jeb Bush went public with their demand that MORE refugees be admitted to the US.