Every day I check to see if anyone has written anything new about the horrific serial murder case in Texas involving an illegal alien from Kenya who is charged with smothering twelve (maybe more as the investigation continues) vulnerable older women in order to steal from them. Is Chemirmir’s the last face twelve women saw before they were brutally murdered?
The only bit of new news since the story broke two weeks ago came from John Binder at Breitbarthere.
If you are new to ‘Frauds and Crooks‘ all of my posts on this case (that I plan to follow until the women get justice) aretagged here at ‘Billy Chemirmir.’
So this is an older story I hadn’t mentioned in any detail from the Dallas Morning News (they have done a good job reporting the story) about how hard it is to determine if an older deceased person died of natural causes and frankly rarely does anyone bother to check if they might have been killed with a pillow that leaved no easy-to-see marks.
How a Dallas serial killer suspect ‘got away with it for so long,’ and why that complicates 12 murder cases
Local police continue to dig through records on recent deaths in search of more potential victims, but police and prosecutors in Dallas and Collin counties declined to talk about the cases. It’s unclear whether prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty and which cases they might pursue in court.
It’s also unclear whether medical examiners conducted autopsies right after the women were killed or if their individual doctors determined the cause of death. Police, prosecutors and medical examiners in Collin and Dallas are releasing little information about the cases.
But attorneys not involved with the case say the long delay between the death of the victims and the discovery of foul play could present hurdles for prosecutors.
“These are certainly suspicious” circumstances, said defense attorney Juan Sanchez, a former prosecutor. “But taking them all before a jury might be difficult.”
Switching the cause of death from natural to homicide, Sanchez said, gives Chemimir’s attorney “a lot to work with.” Clever killer’s weapon of choice!
“That brings a little doubt” to a jury said Sanchez, referring to the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt” in criminal proceedings. Sanchez said he would be interested to know if the autopsies showed any fibers from pillows in the women’s noses, mouths or throats.
A medical examiner, he said, can take findings from outside the lab into account when determining a cause of death. Police findings factor in, he said.
According to Dallas County medical examiner records, Payne did not have an autopsy right after she died. After Chemirmir became suspected in her death, Adair said, her body was exhumed for further investigation at the request of Dallas police. The ME’s office then determined her death was a homicide.
Adair said that although she had no say in the exhumation, she was glad it provided more evidence.
“We were of course willing because we wanted to prove that she had not died of natural causes,” Adair said. “We want justice and we want peace for all the families.”
Ed “Bubba” King, a defense attorney and former judge, said prosecutors will have a much easier time making their case if it turns out no autopsies were performed initially and the women’s physicians listed the cause of death as natural.
“That’s not going to be a big hurdle to jump,” he said. If a medical examiner did perform autopsies and didn’t declare the deaths homicides the first time around, that will make the prosecution more difficult, he said.
Dee Wadsworth is a retired gerontologist — someone who studies aging — who works with the Gerontological Society of America.
How many elderly Americans are being murdered every year?
Wadsworth also said the case raises concerns about how deaths of older people are investigated. Wadsworth says this case raises concerns about how deaths of older people are investigated! “It tells me we don’t have accurate information on death certificates,” she said. For example, she said, if a child or teenager is found dead in bed without signs of trauma, further investigation would be warranted to find the cause of death. In the case of many of the alleged victims in the Chemirmir case, she said, it appears someone jumped to conclusions.
“Maybe it’s easier to say, ‘this person is over 70 so they had a heart attack,’ but we don’t know that,” she said. “If that person has no history of a heart condition, then further investigation is warranted by the medical examiner.”
I suspect the alleged killer had done his homework and knew how to kill a vulnerable senior citizen with a pillow.
However, smothering by pillow leaves few signs that are red flags for investigators, said Bob Wall, a criminal justice lecturer at the University of North Texas. “They are tough to detect, and they are actually tough to do,” he said. “It takes a lot of force to do this and he’d have to stay in place for a long time.”
Wall said smothering might cause some “petechiae” — broken blood vessels in the eye — but not always. And petechiae is not an automatic sign of foul play, he said. Wall said that if an investigator suspects someone might have been smothered with a pillow, they might look for fibers on the body or other signs of a struggle. But it’s not common that someone would normally check for those signs — especially if the person was weak or sick to begin with.
More here.
By the way, I wondered if any of the women had security cameras in, or around, their apartments and homes?
If you have a senior family member living alone, you should invest in one for them—heck we monitor small children and their caregivers, why not seniors?
As I said, I plan to follow this case to its conclusion because I think it raises so many questions about our flawed immigration system; how senior citizen women are targets of evil creeps; about our media’s lack of interest in deaths of old white women; and I suspect there were major flaws in how the case was investigated and earlier how Chemirmir (who had run-ins with the law previously) was never targeted for deportation.
Justice for the Texas Twelve!
5 thoughts on “Kenyan Killer Update: So Many Questions and Few are Even Asking Them”
Ann! I can’t stand seeing this man’s ugly face any more! Ugh he’s so hateful looking. I literally wince when I see that mean, icky face with his pig nose.
I know, and that is a good reason to keep posting it! (Not that I want to make you sick or distressed, but I want this case to be known widely.) Where is Trump on it, it has everything that infuriates thinking/caring/sensible Americans! You know the left loves to tell their “stories,” so why in hell aren’t we doing a better job of telling ours!
How did the agencies get away with hiring him? When I worked in Payroll, ADP did a processing check on all new hires. If they’re social securities numbers weren’t a match, we were told to tell the employee that. 100% of the time they resigned. We still had to pay them a final paycheck, but we never saw them again.
Let’s say he did get through the first paycheck sweep. When the agency saw that he had an expired Visa why was he hired to begin with?
He was not an employee of the assisted living facilities when he did his killing. He was just free to walk around the facilities.
Ann! I can’t stand seeing this man’s ugly face any more! Ugh he’s so hateful looking. I literally wince when I see that mean, icky face with his pig nose.
I know, and that is a good reason to keep posting it! (Not that I want to make you sick or distressed, but I want this case to be known widely.) Where is Trump on it, it has everything that infuriates thinking/caring/sensible Americans! You know the left loves to tell their “stories,” so why in hell aren’t we doing a better job of telling ours!
How did the agencies get away with hiring him? When I worked in Payroll, ADP did a processing check on all new hires. If they’re social securities numbers weren’t a match, we were told to tell the employee that. 100% of the time they resigned. We still had to pay them a final paycheck, but we never saw them again.
Let’s say he did get through the first paycheck sweep. When the agency saw that he had an expired Visa why was he hired to begin with?
He was not an employee of the assisted living facilities when he did his killing. He was just free to walk around the facilities.