After following the activities of the US Refugee Resettlement Agencies—the nine federal contractors largely funded by you and me (the taxpayers)—I can say with absolute certainty that this is a foolish idea. Treat all the border jumpers as refugees and turn them over to the care of Leftwing federal refugee resettlement contractors!
However, I am surprised this is the first time I’m seeing anyone suggest this (publicly) because you know that the nine (six are supposedly ‘religious’ charities) would love nothing better than to be paid for taking care of hundreds of thousands of additional migrants on a per head basis!
If you are new to Frauds and Crooks and had never seen Refugee Resettlement Watch, here (below) are the nine federally-funded resettlement agencies. We had for some time heard that the Trump Administration was going to dump a couple of the CONTRACTORS, but they never did. Several of these fake non-profits are as much as 90+ per cent federally-funded.
Before I get to the news about this horrible idea, remember that refugees have supposedly made the case that they would be persecuted if returned to their home country. Asylum seekers on the other hand, may or may not be able to prove their case, yet this proposal pushes us one step closer to the Open Borders agitators’ primary objective to convince the naive public that anyone on the move anywhere in the world is a legitimate refugee.
By the way, the Senate’s Gang of Eight bill from several years ago, that would have given amnesty to illegal aliens, would also have given these nine contractors an expanded role (and more money!) to help the newly amnestied get signed up for their ‘services’ (aka welfare).
Solution: Treat migrants as refugees
Razavi [Layla Razavi, policy director for the California Immigrant Policy Center ] says a solution to this problem would be to expand the U.S. Refugee Resettlement program to provide services to asylum-seekers as well as refugees. [‘Services’ of course is taxpayer-funded support! At present asylum seekers are not eligible for welfare goodies, not until they are determined to be legitimate refugees!] Writer Gillian Friedman graduated from Whitman College in 2016 with a B.A. in Race and Ethnic Studies.
A similar idea was put forth by Jodi Ziesemer, supervising attorney for the Unaccompanied Minors Program at Catholic CharitiesCommunity Services, in The Guardian in August 2018.
“Refugee resettlement agencies are well-equipped to provide support to traumatized families,” wrote Ziesemer. “Studies have shown that within a short period of time, refugees are not only able to support themselves but also more than reimburse the money they receive in support during their first few years in the U.S. through taxes and generation of income and jobs.” [Their studies are bogus!—-ed]
Razavi says in the current political climate, such a policy shift would be a challenging endeavour, as the Trump administration’s decision to reduce the number of refugees admitted to the United States has created serious funding cuts to agencies across the country. The expert! Razavi’s bio is here:
Razavi says even so, states could play a powerful role in supporting local resettlement agencies to give them the capacity to offer such services to refugees and asylum-seekers alike. [LOL! “capacity” means money, more taxpayer money!—ed]
“This is both from a humanitarian perspective and for the benefit of American taxpayers,” said Razavi. “We’re pouring a lot of money into locking up migrants when we could actually be spending a lot less to make sure they’re getting off on the right foot to be successful here.”
You see the assumption in that last line—that they are here permanently! Read it all here.
Keep an eye on all this talk about a bipartisan effort in Congress to come up with a solution to the migration crisis at our borders.
Those nine contractors have lobbyists in Washington who are surely there already pushing this as one ‘solution’ to the crisis—bring ’em all in and let us take care of them while you the US taxpayer funds us to do our charitable (ha! ha!) good works.
18 thoughts on “Writer: Solve Border Crisis by Turning Asylum Seekers Over to Refugee Resettlement Agencies for Care (ahhhhh!)”
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Let’s not forget they started this whole asylum crap in the 1st place, so they could replace their lost refugee business. They are HEADHUNTERS, and they all went south of the border training people what to say so they could force new business on us. They are also quite proud of starting the “children in cages”. “children ripped from their parents” b.s in the 1st place.
This….I can handle…we just need to make sure we have plenty of troops surrounding these sanctuary areas to keep illegals IN!!!!
Frankly all this leftwing crap makes me sick to my stomach and makes a regular patriot want to give up. I know we can’t but they are relentless in finding ways to bring down america and make money in the meantime. That is their intent to wear us down.!
We are always on the defense for their offense and it does wear us down! They live and breath to change us and America!
I hope you report on the Somali attack at Mall of America.
Was he a Somali?
They’re making him out to be rejected by women so it no longer matters if he’s muslim.
Mall of America Suspect Was Allegedly ‘Looking to Kill’ Because Women Rejected Him
Jeff Truesdell
PeopleApril 15, 2019
International Rescue Committee (IRC) is under the IRC in UK. The most recent Form 990 on the IRC US webpage is from 2016. ( ) Go to the Supplemental page, which is after Page 12 of the form. There is a list of employees and their compensation. David Milibrand (salary $838,903) is from UK. He was a British Labour Party Politician, before he took the position as CEO of IRC US. His Foreign Adsivor while in the Labour Party is Madlin Sadler, also from UK.(salary $334,629). She is the daughter of Labour MP Barry Sheerman. Ciaran Donnelly (salary $277,813) from Ireland.Others that I thought had interesting prior employers: Amanda Seller (salary $394,788) was Head of Private Fundraising for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Ricardo Castro came to the IRC from the Clinton Foundation. Here is an article on David Milibrand and Madlin Sadler.( ) Should our taxpayer dollars go to US charities that then employ people from other countries?
Thanks, I do have an extensive archive on Miliband at RRW. And, I was actually planning to write about him one day soon. Much of the IRC funding is from the US Treasury.
At least we know what someone with a BA in Race and Ethnic Studies does with such a degree. I guess Starbucks must not be hiring as many this time of year.
I guess we’ll need to learn Arabic?
How can we fight this overwhelming truth that, by virtue of their birthrate alone, Muslims will take over the world’s population; and this cannot be reversed. How sad, Americans. Get off your butts and take charge of our Country. If that means reversing the concept of political and religious correctness, so be it. Oh wait. Does that mean dumping our leaders and electing new ones that “see the light?” Yep! But we won’t because we’re too chicken-shit.
It is an overwhelming truth that I try not to think about because you and I are powerless. There aren’t enough of us. If 911 didn’t wake up people what will?
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Let’s not forget they started this whole asylum crap in the 1st place, so they could replace their lost refugee business. They are HEADHUNTERS, and they all went south of the border training people what to say so they could force new business on us. They are also quite proud of starting the “children in cages”. “children ripped from their parents” b.s in the 1st place.
This….I can handle…we just need to make sure we have plenty of troops surrounding these sanctuary areas to keep illegals IN!!!!
Frankly all this leftwing crap makes me sick to my stomach and makes a regular patriot want to give up. I know we can’t but they are relentless in finding ways to bring down america and make money in the meantime. That is their intent to wear us down.!
We are always on the defense for their offense and it does wear us down! They live and breath to change us and America!
I hope you report on the Somali attack at Mall of America.
Was he a Somali?
They’re making him out to be rejected by women so it no longer matters if he’s muslim.
Mall of America Suspect Was Allegedly ‘Looking to Kill’ Because Women Rejected Him
Jeff Truesdell
PeopleApril 15, 2019
International Rescue Committee (IRC) is under the IRC in UK. The most recent Form 990 on the IRC US webpage is from 2016. ( ) Go to the Supplemental page, which is after Page 12 of the form. There is a list of employees and their compensation. David Milibrand (salary $838,903) is from UK. He was a British Labour Party Politician, before he took the position as CEO of IRC US. His Foreign Adsivor while in the Labour Party is Madlin Sadler, also from UK.(salary $334,629). She is the daughter of Labour MP Barry Sheerman. Ciaran Donnelly (salary $277,813) from Ireland.Others that I thought had interesting prior employers: Amanda Seller (salary $394,788) was Head of Private Fundraising for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Ricardo Castro came to the IRC from the Clinton Foundation. Here is an article on David Milibrand and Madlin Sadler.( ) Should our taxpayer dollars go to US charities that then employ people from other countries?
Thanks, I do have an extensive archive on Miliband at RRW. And, I was actually planning to write about him one day soon. Much of the IRC funding is from the US Treasury.
At least we know what someone with a BA in Race and Ethnic Studies does with such a degree. I guess Starbucks must not be hiring as many this time of year.
I guess we’ll need to learn Arabic?
How can we fight this overwhelming truth that, by virtue of their birthrate alone, Muslims will take over the world’s population; and this cannot be reversed. How sad, Americans. Get off your butts and take charge of our Country. If that means reversing the concept of political and religious correctness, so be it. Oh wait. Does that mean dumping our leaders and electing new ones that “see the light?” Yep! But we won’t because we’re too chicken-shit.
It is an overwhelming truth that I try not to think about because you and I are powerless. There aren’t enough of us. If 911 didn’t wake up people what will?