Refugee Contractor, Brit David Miliband, Takes our Money and Blasts our President!

If you are new to the refugee industry game, you may not know who David Miliband is, but the mainstream media, most recently the New York Times, sings his praises every chance they get.

Miliband is doing well by doing good in the ultimate con!

Miliband, a socialist, is a former UK foreign secretary who a few years ago (after losing an election to his brother) took a gig running the financially largest of the nine federal US refugee resettlement contractors and uses his perch in Manhattan to bash the Trump Administration and mess around in British politics at the same time.
Most recently the International Rescue Committee published a report, “Disorder by Design: A Manufactured US Crisis,” that says Trump is using a made-up crisis at the border as a way make sure that the US continues to control the world.
Okay, fine you say, they can do that, they have a free speech right. But this non-profit group lives off of nearly a half a BILLION dollars in US taxpayer money and they might legally have the right to bash the duly elected leader of America, but the unfairness of it stinks to the heavens.
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