'New American' Pleads Guilty in Multi-million Dollar Food Stamp Fraud

Muhammad Shahbaz, 50, is described as a New Jersey man, but the fraud involved a store in Waterbury, CT and I am guessing Shahbaz is Pakistani. (Of course, we are rarely given any information about immigration status or nationality!)
Shahbaz is one of several workers busted for ripping off US taxpayers after their scam was discovered in 2016.
And, because there is no photo of the perp (or perps) that I can find, a photo of the store is all I’ve got.

WB fair trade
WB Fair Trade Grocery  https://www.ctpost.com/policereports/article/Grocer-pleads-guilty-to-food-stamp-fraud-10641602.php

By the way, I am delighted to tell you about this fraud case because frankly this is what I wanted to write about when I launched this blog, but have had to put these stories aside due to the large number of violent crime cases (with immigrants involved) coming my way.
Bongs and hookahs were bought on your dime!
Besides the usual trafficking in food stamps, this store “allowed customers to redeem their food stamp benefits for cash and other ineligible items, including cigarettes, glass pipes, bongs and hookahs,” according to the US Justice Department.
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After Terror Bust, Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Says he is Keeping the Welcome Mat Out for Syrian Refugees

All refugees actually.
But, of course, they are not resettled in the better (wealthier) neighborhoods!

Mayor peduto with beard
The ‘woke’ Mayor Peduto

Thanks to a reader for sending the mayor’s declaration reported here at Frontpage magazine, but there is more as the mayor who in 2015 asked then President Obama for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US.
Legacy church
The alleged target was not rich white Americans!

See my post yesterday on the terror bust.
A Syrian refugee resettled in 2016 was arrested for plotting to bomb a poor “multicultural” church that was the church home for African migrants from Nigeria according to several news accounts.  
I wouldn’t even be bothered telling you about Mayor Peduto’s defense of refugees that have swamped ‘welcoming’ Pittsburgh in recent years if it weren’t for the fact that Peduto was one of 18 mayors who penned a letter to President Obama in 2015 insisting that the US must take in 100,000 Syrians in 2016.  Obama was proposing 10,000. Text of the letter is here.
Continue reading “After Terror Bust, Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Says he is Keeping the Welcome Mat Out for Syrian Refugees”

Syrian Refugee Arrested Yesterday in Plot to Bomb Pittsburgh Church

ISIS has not gone away as this story confirms and ISIS is an inspiration for refugees like this young man who was ‘welcomed’ to Obama’s America and then returned that welcome with plans to kill us.

Screenshot (1017)
Looking for a photo that most of the US media is not showing? Go to the UK Daily Mail!

Of course the story will likely be a flash in the pan for the media and then disappear completely unnoticed unless people like you, my dear readers, make sure it doesn’t!
Denying the power of the Islamic imperative, the refugee industry media machine will likely simply say the poor naive ‘youth’ was set-up by the FBI.
Below is one of many news accounts this morning.
One important takeaway is that he allegedly wanted to bomb what he described as a “Nigerian church” in order to help his “ISIS brothers” in West Africa.

Are we bringing Islamic third world battles to American neighborhoods? You betcha!

Continue reading “Syrian Refugee Arrested Yesterday in Plot to Bomb Pittsburgh Church”

One Hundred Congolese Illegal Aliens End Up in Buffalo, NY

“These are not people who are wasting time with the system….”

(Anna Mongo, Jericho Road Community Health Center)

So, what does Ms. Mongo mean by that?
She means, although she dare not say it, that there is a LEGAL process by which legitimate refugees from the DR Congo are getting into the US right now (by the thousands), yet this bunch was financed by someone to rush our southern border.


Why is no investigative reporter finding out who is paying for the invasion?
Tell me that these poor migrants from Central Africa flew to Brazil and walked up from there through many countries, did not ask for asylum in any of them, and then stormed across our border.

Congolese to Buffalo
I call bullshit on this!  It is nearly 5,000 miles between Brazil and the Texas border. These people did not walk from Brazil carrying babies!  https://buffalonews.com/2019/06/18/sudden-influx-of-congolese-arrive-at-buffalo-shelter-for-asylum-seekers/

“It is beyond maddening!”
Continue reading “One Hundred Congolese Illegal Aliens End Up in Buffalo, NY”

California: Known Gang Member Javier Olivarez Faces Nine Felony Charges in Crash that Killed Single Mom

This is a story from last month that I missed.  Thanks to a reader for sending it.
It is an incredibly sad story about a popular suburban dog walker who was just returning from a local park with her clients, six dogs, when a police chase ensued.

Jessica with dogs
Jessica Bingamen (41) died in the sanctuary state of California last month. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-california-woman-five-dogs-killed-multi-vehicle-crash-20190509-rtgdowmvnvcyrpwqnb4jdqpy5q-story.html

Her killer, Javier Olivarez, widely described as a “career criminal and gang member,” was attempting to elude police and smashed into a car stopped at an intersection killing Jessica Bingamen (41) and instantly killing four of the six dogs she had with her.
One report says it took 20 minutes to remove her body.
She leaves behind a ten-year-old daughter.
I just read through at least six reports and not one mentions Olivarez’s immigration status!
However…. Continue reading “California: Known Gang Member Javier Olivarez Faces Nine Felony Charges in Crash that Killed Single Mom”