Recently I told you that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, a federal refugee contractor, had become the first church group to declare that they are a sanctuary church that seeks to protect the “undocumented.”
We see that another federal contractor, Church World Service, which received $39 million from US taxpayers in 2018, is on the sanctuary bandwagon.
No pictures of crying kids! By the way, these are two Salvadorans charged in the rape of an 11-year-old in Montgomery County, MD a sanctuary county. I didn’t have the photos for my post on Saturday, so thought I would put them here. Why not! This is what you get with sanctuary policies!
Church World Servicewants you to contribute to their sanctuary scheme. (Hat tip: Joanne)
From their website:
With the resurgence of the Sanctuary Movement, hundreds of congregations are standing in solidarity with immigrants and providing spaces of sanctuary for individuals facing deportation or targeted by hate.The Sanctuary Movement has been lifting up stories of immigrant leaders and people of faith working together to stop individual deportations and demonstrate against mass deportations and detention.
Shirt with CWS logo. Did you pay for her T-shirt?
We are living in extraordinary times, which call for more resources and support from as many people as possible to help strengthen our capacity to create sanctuary spaces, outreach to new congregations and build new coalitions.
People of faith from all traditions are called to respond to the current political reality by joining the Sanctuary Movement and working together to lift up the prophetic voice of immigrant leaders.
Please donate to the Sanctuary Movement today.
Just so you know these are theMember congregationsChurch World Service claims as their own. It is over 50 years since Cloward and Piven wrote about the strategy to transform America—to bring on the revolution—a strategy that required getting the churches on the side of the communists, see here.
Checking their latest financials, you can see that CWS received 62 percent ($39 million) of its income from you via your tax dollars in this most recent Charity Navigator report.
Look at the bright side!
I guess they are making a big push for dollars for their sanctuary program because they are way down in government funding. See here in January that in the previous year they got $68 million directly from the US Treasury (from you!).
For new readers, see the list of all nine UN/US State Department refugee resettlement “partners” here.
If you haven’t done it already, you must tell the Prezto cut all federal funding of these fake non-profits sucking off the federal teat while breaking the law and harboring illegal aliens!
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