The ‘new American’ from Ghana, a technology assistant professor, was moonlighting as an Uber driver in the Pittsburgh area where he is accused of attempting to kidnap women in two separate instances on the same day.
Of course the NBCstory on the case, thanks to reader ‘ManxCatRules’ for sending it, doesn’t mention Ghana.
However, once again local news in his home country isn’t so shy about telling us where he is from. Of course, why he is here and how he came to be living among us is not mentioned. What! Is ‘professor’ a job Americans won’t do?
Penn State professor moonlighting as Uber driver charged in second kidnapping case
An assistant professor for Pennsylvania State University’s Beaver campus moonlighting as an Uber driver has been charged in an additional kidnapping case after police already arrested him earlier this month for holding two women against their will.
Richard Lomotey, 36, was charged with kidnapping, unlawful restraint, assault and reckless endangerment after Pittsburgh police connected him to an another case of a woman being held against her will.
The charges stem from an incident that happened the same night Lomotey is accused of kidnapping two women who were using the Uber app for a ride.
That same night, two women say they hailed Lomotey through Uber. He allegedly ignored map directions on his Uber app, said he “wanted to get with them,” pulled the car over and locked the doors.
Those women managed to get away and Lomotey was arrested on kidnapping, false imprisonment and harassment charges.
US-based Ghanaian professor turned Uber driver accused of kidnapping three women
And, here, does mention his roots in Ghana,
Richard Lomotey: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Somali Uber driver attempted kidnapping too!
The Lomotey case reminded me of a story that got little play last November when a Somali Uber driver in Colorado was accused of attempting to kidnap a teen. Here is that story at The Tennessee Star,
Colorado: Uber Driver Arrested for Allegedly Kidnapping and Making Unwanted Advances on Teen Passenger
Ahmed Muse was arrested in Jefferson County last Sunday morning after an incident involving a teenage passenger the night before. Ahmed Muse arrested, but case disappears down a media black hole!
The sheriff’s office moved quickly and as of Monday night the 29-year-old Muse was still behind bars facing charges that included second degree kidnapping, false imprisonment, and harassment.
On Tuesday, he was assigned a public defender and bond was set at $50,000.
According to several news accounts and an interview by Fox affiliate KDVR-TV with the teenager identified as Brianna Allen and her mother Shamara Ludwig, Muse broke Uber’s rules on ride sharing, but that was just the beginning.
As stated in the company’s uberPOOL policy, several riders can share a ride, but no matter in what order the passengers entered the vehicle, the one whose destination is closest must be dropped off first.
Allen lives only 10 miles from the part-time job she was leaving around 10 p.m. Saturday. The ride that should have taken 15 minutes took an hour and a half as she describes how Muse first drove another passenger to their destination before returning to Allen’s neighborhood where the driver allegedly locked the doors and began forceably kissing Allen.
More here.
I just looked for any follow-up news from Colorado on the charges against Muse and see no further news. Let me know if you find anything!
2 thoughts on “Penn State Professor/Uber Driver Charged with Attempted Kidnapping”
Mr. Muse was never apparently convicted, or if he was he was never imprisoned. I checked the corrections website.
They did an African virtue signaling hire here for our local community college nursing program. It was a top notch, highly regraded program built up over many years of expert administration. You can guess what’s happened, after a couple of years ignoring student pleas for his removal and complaints about poor performance and harassment, the entire program was destroyed when accreditation was stripped from it. No public mention of how/why nor judgement of him or those who hired the incompetent who terrorized women for years. This garbage is playing out across our entire country with dire consequences for our future just as China looms as a competitive threat.
Mr. Muse was never apparently convicted, or if he was he was never imprisoned. I checked the corrections website.
They did an African virtue signaling hire here for our local community college nursing program. It was a top notch, highly regraded program built up over many years of expert administration. You can guess what’s happened, after a couple of years ignoring student pleas for his removal and complaints about poor performance and harassment, the entire program was destroyed when accreditation was stripped from it. No public mention of how/why nor judgement of him or those who hired the incompetent who terrorized women for years. This garbage is playing out across our entire country with dire consequences for our future just as China looms as a competitive threat.