Virginia: FBI Arrests One of their Translators for Lying about his Relationship with Target of Investigation

FBI logoI’m laughing as I write this because what ever made the FBI think they could trust a translator who is Somali to help surveil a fellow Somali.
But, then again, this is an Obama-era FBI pick. Let’s hope the Trump FBI is wiser and smarter.
The bare bones news about the “Virginia man” is here at the US Justice Department website (hat tip: Cathy), but believe it or not, I see that CNN has excellent coverage in my quick look around at which media outlets were onto the story.
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Your Tax Dollars Flowing to Islamist Groups Like the Muslim American Society

If you missed the news about the Philadelphia controversy over the Muslim American Society program that featured young children reading aloud about killing Jews and Christians, here is one recent report about the on-going investigation.

Children in Philly MAS
Some branches of the MAS received funding from the US government! These are Philadelphia children at a MAS sponsored event.

In the wake of that shocking performance we learn, thanks to the Middle East Forum (via Creeping Sharia) hat tip: Michael, that the Muslim American Society is one of many Islamist-influenced organizations receiving government grants.
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