City of Minneapolis to Pay Family of Australian Woman Killed by Somali Cop $20 Million

Wow!  That sure was a fast settlement!  Why was that?
Well, it seems the family was suing for $50 million and no matter what the mayor says, I think the city saw that it could be a lot worse for them and cut a quick deal.

“Diversity pick” Police Officer Mohamed Noor found guilty in the shooting death of Justine Damond.

There is one strange part of the arrangement that allows anti-gun advocates to reap some of the ‘reward.’
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Iowa: Somali Halal Store Owner Says Allegations of Food Stamp Fraud a "Misunderstanding"

I guess Jama Osman will have to convince a court of that, but it sure looks like the feds have got the goods on him!

Mid city Halal Market
“MidCity did 45,750 WIC redemptions in January 2019, which was the same level of business as big box stores such as Walmart.”

The feds are suing him and want the three homes Osman allegedly purchased with taxpayer dollars stolen from SNAP and WIC programs.
By the way, when you read the story note that he uses a tactic that I haven’t seen before that involves allowing customers to scan bar codes for approved items, but then giving them some cash back (after he took his cut!).
Continue reading “Iowa: Somali Halal Store Owner Says Allegations of Food Stamp Fraud a "Misunderstanding"”