“We made an assumption that it was safe. These ladies, these widows are the most vulnerable part of society. I feel like they were sitting ducks.”
(Cliff Harris, former Dallas Cowboy and son-in-law of one of the latest victims to be identified)
This is an update of my posts that extend back to May of last year when Kenyan Billy Chemirmir was arrested and charged with the murders of 12 vulnerable senior women mostly living in upscale retirement facilities in and around Dallas.
The number of victims is now at 22, and could still rise higher.
***Update***Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewdoes a deeper look into the fact that Chemirmir should never have been in the country and our sanctuary mentality is responsible for the deaths of these women just as much as Chemirmir is!
Most of the women were allegedly smothered with a pillow apparently for their jewelry and other valuables. The killing spree went on for years before the police unraveled the case and then only because one woman survived and was able to give a description of the African man who tried to kill her.
Charles Scudder, a reporter at the Dallas Morning Newshas been doing work that deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his dogged investigative work on a case that you know the mainstream media is failing to notice.
This story should be on national news! Where is CNN, MSNBC and Fox News?
New suits in Billy Chemirmir case identify two more alleged victims, offer new details
Two days before she died in March 2018, Miriam Nelson told staff at her Plano senior living complex that an intruder had been in her apartment.
Now, after police and prosecutors say she was smothered by serial murder suspect Billy Chemirmir, her family says that the complex where Nelson lived — Preston Place Retirement Community — should have done more to protect her.
Lawsuits filed in the 4th County Court at Law in Dallas on Tuesday by three families, including Nelson’s, detail what one of their attorneys, Trey Crawford, says is a pattern of “woefully deficient security measures” at Preston Place. The suits also provide greater insight into Chemirmir’s alleged actions as he visited North Texas senior living homes.
The suits list two new alleged victims who were not publicly linked to Chemirmir previously. One, who was not named in the suits, died Dec. 10, 2017, the documents state. The other is 93-year-old Mamie Dell Miya, who died Dec. 8, 2017.
Chemirmir has not been indicted in either death, but the suits include Plano police reports that state Miya’s death is a suspected capital murder case.
Miriam Nelson was the mother-in-law of former Dallas Cowboys Hall of Famer Cliff Harris.
Chemirmir is accused of murdering nearly two dozen elderly people, mostly women, throughout North Texas. Seven of the alleged slayings occurred at Preston Place.
In all, that makes 22 deaths that have been publicly linked to Chemirmir. It could make him one of Texas’ most prolific serial killers.
Among the family members wanting improved security at Preston Place and other senior living facilities is former Dallas Cowboys safety and 2020 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductee Cliff Harris, whose mother-in-law was Miriam Nelson.
According to the suits filed Tuesday, the daughter of another resident posted fliers warning residents about the intruder a few days after Nelson’s body was found. The flier noted that Preston Place had no black male maintenance employees and said that residents should call police if such a stranger came to their doors.
The suit claims that Preston Place management removed the fliers the next day.
“We made an assumption that it was safe,” Harris told The Dallas Morning News on Tuesday. “These ladies, these widows are the most vulnerable part of society. I feel like they were sitting ducks.
There is much more, read it alland forward to your social media lists.
I repeat! This story should be on national news! Where is CNN, MSNBC and Fox News?
Please visit my December post where I told you about how some of the daughters of the Kenyan Killer’s victims have joined together to take action in hopes of avoiding the same dreadful fate that befell their mothers.
3 thoughts on “Number of Victims of Texas Kenyan Killer Reaches 22, Additional Lawsuits Filed”
We’re living in the It won’t happen to me generation. It’s manifest with the Stock Market vs Coronavirus
The US needs to get a handle on visa overstays. I am sending this to POTUS. At least he did mention the family that lost a loved one to an illegal in his state of the union message.
The ugly reality of leftist agenda of open borders for the USA. Death and more death, never mind the rape and assault and heavy drain on social welfare system by parasites and SSN disability payments given to those who have never been “able” in the USA in the first place Damnocracy from the DemonicRats!!
We’re living in the It won’t happen to me generation. It’s manifest with the Stock Market vs Coronavirus
The US needs to get a handle on visa overstays. I am sending this to POTUS. At least he did mention the family that lost a loved one to an illegal in his state of the union message.
The ugly reality of leftist agenda of open borders for the USA. Death and more death, never mind the rape and assault and heavy drain on social welfare system by parasites and SSN disability payments given to those who have never been “able” in the USA in the first place Damnocracy from the DemonicRats!!