From reports earlier in the week it looks like the 30-something Miles Taylor is the leader of the breakaway group that includes many of the Never-Trumpers involved in the disgraced Lincoln Project.
Here is their press release from yesterday. Seems they have backed off from earlier declarations that they were going to announce the formation of their own party—darn!
Instead they plan to bully the GOP for awhile and if that doesn’t work, then they will think about a new party.
Looks like the plan is a redux of pot shots from the wings using the Lincoln Project model.
Keep in mind that likely most of these “prominent Republicans” voted for Joe Biden (many have admitted doing so).
150 Prominent Republicans and Independents Release ‘A Call for American Renewal’ Charting New Path
WASHINGTON, May 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A coalition of 150 prominent Republican and independent leaders have released ACall for American Renewal, a principles-based vision for American leadership, as an alternative to the current direction of the Republican Party and growing extremism in the nation. Their call for a return to principles (available at: follows a February summit and subsequent organizing.
Miffed over the mistreatment of Cheney!
As GOP leadership marginalizes Representative Liz Cheney and other honorable members and citizens for simple acts of truth-telling and conscience, founding signatories to this statement are mobilizing disaffected voters to impact competitive elections around the country and shape the future of the nation. This “common-sense coalition” seeks to catalyze the reform of the Republican Party and its recommitment to truth, founding ideals, and decency or, if unsuccessful, lay the foundation for an alternative.
Calling for a return to decency and integrity is none other than Miles Taylor who while working at the Dept. of Homeland Security undermined the sitting President by penning a NYT op-ed anonymously claiming he was part of the “resistance” working to yes, undermine President Trump.
“These principles are vital to our individual and collective flourishing, overcoming modern challenges, and preserving our way of life. They’re a foundation to unite Americans from diverse backgrounds in common cause. Our nation is calling out for a new coalition of principled, pragmatic citizens to renew America and counter the partisanship and extremism infecting the country,” said Evan McMullin, Executive Director of Stand Up Republic, former House Republican Conference policy director and 2016 independent presidential candidate.
Trustworthy fellow?
“There’s only one thing that can beat back the tides of extremism, fear, and conspiracy, and that is a people, unified behind common principles, joining their voices to demand better. That’s what we’re doing with A Call for American Renewal. Together, we can — and will — return our politics to the principles which should define us, and lead the way to a better, brighter future for all Americans,” said Miles Taylor, former Homeland Security official and co-founder of Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform.
One thing they have done is create a handy list of Never-Trumpers you can reference when and if you hear from them locally.
Key signers of A Call for American Renewal include Michael Steele, Barbara Comstock, Christine Todd Whitman, Denver Riggleman, Michael Chertoff, Charles Djou, George Conway, Charlie Dent, Reid Ribble, Evan McMullin, Charlie Sykes, Anthony Scaramucci, Mona Charen, Miles Taylor, Tom Ridge, Michael Hayden,Paul Mitchell, Bill Weld, Mike Madrid, Claudine Schneider, Jim Kolbe, Mary Peters, John Negroponte, and many others. For a full text of A Call for American Renewal and list of signatories, visit To speak to one of the signatories or for assistance, please reach out to the point of contact below.
Go here to read their high-minded sounding, but lacking in policy detail, statement of who they are and what they want for our “diverse” nation.
See who signed.
Other than the few I highlighted above, I don’t know who the heck most of these “prominent leaders” are, do you?
However, one of my ‘special’ favorites—Not!—is former Pennsylvania Governor Ridge(also a former Sec. of Homeland Security).
Take a trip down memory lane to 2014 when he and other Republicans including Grover Norquist and Jeb Bush went public with their demand that MORE refugees be admitted to the US.
4 thoughts on “150 Nobodies Want a New Path for the Republican Party: Want Trump Gone!”
Wasn’t Trump in favor of all their statements? Trump certainly wasn’t an extremist. The only extremism I see is from the left.
I find it VERY INTERESTING that they did not list the names in alpha order. Was that above their ability level?? OR did they not want to make it easy to FIND what lowlifes signed onto this?? For example I totally missed (even though I fully expected to see) Michael Steele’s name, until I saw it when I carefully read your email.
And I wonder where ol’ Larry’s name is????? He still playing both sides against the middle?? And what about James COMEY? Isn’t he supposedly a lifelong “Republican” ?????
Same for Clapper, Brenner and the rest? sheesh
These are a bunch of cry babies. They could not defeat Trump in 2016 so they continue to cry evermore. They are losers all. No one that cares about America the way Trump voters do, pay any attention to this bunch and that makes them cry even more.
All one world government people and they can not stand the fact that no wants what they are pedaling.
Wasn’t Trump in favor of all their statements? Trump certainly wasn’t an extremist. The only extremism I see is from the left.
I find it VERY INTERESTING that they did not list the names in alpha order. Was that above their ability level?? OR did they not want to make it easy to FIND what lowlifes signed onto this?? For example I totally missed (even though I fully expected to see) Michael Steele’s name, until I saw it when I carefully read your email.
And I wonder where ol’ Larry’s name is????? He still playing both sides against the middle?? And what about James COMEY? Isn’t he supposedly a lifelong “Republican” ?????
Same for Clapper, Brenner and the rest? sheesh
These are a bunch of cry babies. They could not defeat Trump in 2016 so they continue to cry evermore. They are losers all. No one that cares about America the way Trump voters do, pay any attention to this bunch and that makes them cry even more.
All one world government people and they can not stand the fact that no wants what they are pedaling.
Exactly right!