That means pushing them hard to get through the naturalization process they say the Trump team is deliberately slowing. CASA de Maryland hosts the kick-off for the Left’s “Naturalize Now” campaign
And, at the same time, the Trump Dept. of Homeland Security announced it has reached a five-year high in citizenship approvals (of course that means higher than the final term of the Obama administration). If true then why is the National Partnership for New Americanssquawking?
Where does the truth lie?
Heck, we don’t know, but the point is that the Leftwingers, the Dems, are working overtime (they know they are in a fight!) to try to get as many immigrants registered to vote in order to defeat the sitting President in 2020 (and to get more of theirpeople in office everywhere). It has never been clear to me why the Open Borders Republicans and Libertarians don’t see that they are politically done once a large enough number of socialism-loving immigrants are voting.
Here is the news from Maryland about the kick-off of the “Naturalize Now”campaign.
From NBC News,
Trump administration’s citizenship backlogs add urgency to naturalization campaign
HYATTSVILLE, Md. — Immigrant rights groups are warning legal residents eligible for citizenship to apply now because Trump administration backlogs and impending policies could delay many naturalizations past the 2020 elections in many parts of the country. I’ve often joked that if new Americans like these said they planned to vote for Republicans how quickly would you see these Progressive activists change their tune about closing the borders? In a nanosecond!
The National Partnership for New Americans, a coalition of 39 immigrant advocacy groups, issued the warning Wednesday as it launched its “Naturalize Now” campaign.
Diego Iñiguez-Lopez, the coalition’s policy and campaigns manager, said that before the 2016 elections, application processing times were about seven months to a year. Now, the process takes 13 to 23 months in some Citizenship and Immigration Services offices, others more than 20 months and some more than 30 months. “Our message to immigrant communities is now is the time to apply for citizenship and, once you get that, to vote,” Iñiguez-Lopez said.
The nonpartisan coalition plans to award $60,000 in grants to help 1 million eligible legal residents apply for citizenship in hopes that they will be able to vote next year.
The coalition also plans to urge naturalizations through Spanish language announcements on radio, information workshops, churches, community groups and other pipelines.
In answer to charges that the Trump administration is dragging its feet….
Jessica Collins, a Citizenship and Immigration Services spokeswoman, defended the agency’s work in an emailed response to NBC News’ questions. She blamed agency backlogs on a doubling of pending cases during the Obama administration, saying their numbers had reached 700,000 at the start of 2017. Waits are more a function of higher application rates than slow processing, she said. The agency has added more staff, put in place process and operational reforms, and added facilities, she said. The agency completed a five-year high in new oaths of citizenship and number of applications processed.
Now, see that DHS has put out their own press announcement and they want you to know that under this President more citizenship applications have been approved than at any time in recent years. Oh joy!
Trump administration oversees five-year high in approved citizenship applications
Homeland Security reached a five-year high in approvals of citizenship applications last year, and swore in more people as naturalized citizens as well, according to the new statistical report released Friday night.
Those numbers contradict the criticisms of congressional Democrats who had complained about backlogs building at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the Homeland Security branch that handles legal immigration. The new report also suggests that far from a crackdown, the government is processing more asylum-seeker petitions than any of the last four years.That included a 61 percent increase from 2017 to 2018 in affirmative asylum applications — though refugee interviews are down from more than 1250,000 in 2016, the last year under President Barack Obama, to just 26,400 in fiscal year 2018 under President Trump. Still, when the whole panoply of humanitarian programs is considered — asylum, refugees, crime victim visas, Temporary Protected Status and screening for credible fear or reasonable fear of persecution — the numbers were 32 percent higher than fiscal year 2017. Credible fear and reasonable fear are first steps on the asylum track.
If now isn’t the time to “… refresh the tree of liberty…” then there is no need to care for your “… life, liberty and pursuit of happiness…”
We NEED a white ethno-state!