Diversity is beautiful alert!
One dead and two injured in Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district in what is believed to be a gang-related shoot out.
After I tell you a bit about the news, I’ll come back to that reference to summer vs. winter shootings in the heart of Little Mogadishu, Minnesota.
Just for the record, Ilhan Omar won the seat vacated by Keith Ellison and it wasn’t just Somalis who elected her to office! Omar with supporters on election night 2018. https://www.mndaily.com/article/2018/11/edistrict5
Reader Janet sent me a linkto the Minneapolis Star Tribune story entitled, ‘East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions’, which neither she nor I can read because it is behind a pay wall. [Side note: I don’t think these papers will survive once they require subscriptions, there are just too many other places to get the news!]
But, I can read a portion of ithere,
After the latest spasm of gang violence, Minneapolis’ Somali residents and business owners on Monday stepped up their calls for help from City Hall and police headquarters to help curb the senseless shootings that they say too often go overlooked.
On Friday alone, five men of Somali descent were shot in separate attacks, one fatally. Police and community members pinned the blame for the bloodshed on an ongoing feud between Cedar-Riverside neighborhood gangs like 1627 and Madhiban With Attitude (MWA) and their rivals, the Somali Outlaws, whose territory includes the area around Karmel Mall. Friday’s shootings were a repeat of a familiar pattern: a shooting on one gang’s turf is usually followed hours, if not minutes later by an “eye-for-an-eye” response so as not to appear weak, community members say. Two shootings last month are also blamed on the conflict.
As with other recent shootings, police immediately stepped up patrols in both neighborhoods to prevent further retaliation. But some in the community wondered whether they could be doing more.
One commenter at Free Republicchirped,
It’s those ruffians from The Sons of Norway gang again!
More comments at Free Republic.
Now, here comes the ‘Somali Jesse Jackson’ (Omar Jamal) with his two-cents worth of wisdom at CBS Minnesota, demanding that someone (the police? elected officials?) get this under control.
1 Dead, 2 Injured In Cedar-Riverside Shooting
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – Somali activist Omar Jamal says his community is deeply concerned after a shooting left one person dead and two others injured.
What the heck does Jamal’s next comment have to do with anything? Does he mean a new phase in Somali gang wars has begun—killing in the winter (an activity heretofore reserved for summertime?)!
“Such shootings usually happen in the summertime, not in the winter,” Jamal said.
He believes the victim is a teenager. Don’t miss my previous post featuring Jamal! https://fraudscrookscriminals.com/2019/02/23/minnesota-somali-new-american-arrested-in-kidnapping-of-journalist/
“This was an ongoing revenge retaliation shootings between two groups,” Jamal said. “It’s not the old ones that used to kill each other, this is a completely new wave of young guys who start killing each other.”
[….] Jamal says he is afraid this deadly conflict may spark more violence in the future and believes law enforcement and city leaders need to do more to prevent it.
“Do they go to school? Are they school dropouts? Are they employed? Are some of them mentally sick or ill? All those have to be addressed,” Jamal said.
I thought Jamal was a “community leader,” he should know the answers to his questions! Moreat CBSMinnesota.
Just so you know, most Somalis in Minnesota are refugees who were placed there by the US State Department over the last thirty years with the help of the religious LEFT—mostly Catholic and Lutheran refugee contractors.
How about doing this? Make a concerted effort to educate your friends and family members about what is happening in Minnesota! I know Rep. Omar is doing a good job of showing what happens when refugee numbers build to a high enough level to get them elected to higher office, but you need to do more! Honestly red/rural America does not have a full understanding of what is happening there.
…Yea Right! “”Community Grifter” Omar Jamal demands that others solve his “community” created problems..
Too many Omars involved in the imported Minnesota mess..who take ZERO responsibility for it, while the Minnesota lutefisk crowd stands by completely bewildered by it all..
MANY years ago, then, Hennepin County Sheriff, Rich Stanek testified in front of OUR US Congress on July 25th, 2012 about the Somali GANG PROBLEM.. Then what? Nothing, except excuse making, and paying the “community” millions of Minnesota taxpayer dollars, TO NOT BE VIOLENT? Really?
Solution? Since 2012, tens of thousand more Somali’s have been imported, under the false flag of them being “refugees” seeking asylum.. Outside of Somalia, Minnesota houses and SUPPORTS financially, more Somalis than anywhere in the world, and we are paying the price for that stupidity.
Final note? Omar Jamal is a smoooottthhhhh operator, always looking for an angle, and a taxpayer funded paycheck..
Jamal is the very same character who made nothing by excuses for the Hundreds of Millions of STOLEN Minnesota taxpayer Dollars, through the various MN DHS social services programs SCAMMED, revealed this past May 2018.. ..and the very same character who came to the immediate defense of the KILLER MPD COP, Mohamed Noor, who gunned down Justine Damond on July 15, 2017 in Minneapolis.. And, there is more..
Welcome to OUR Minnesota Nightmare..
Sadly I have a lot of experience in gangs due to a close family member killed by gangs through no fault of their own.
There is only one way it will get resolved and that is a community wide effort. This applies to ANY & ALL crime. The community has to take back their own streets.
The community needs to call their own community wide emergency meeting, and invite the Gang Interdiction Team (GIT) to come in and speak to them about how they can work together to rid their neighborhoods of these gangs. http://www.minneapolismn.gov/police/WCMSP-211690
Sitting behind closed doors waiting for the law enforcement to fix it, as usual, isn’t going to work. You need citizen patrols, you need people calling to report crimes, you need business owners involved and cooperating, you need neighborhood watch groups and signage, etc…
They also need media, including national media attention on this problem. Local media can be a real help in getting the word out about community meetings and any other progress. Usually they want to be able to roam the city freely too. It’s a little hard when you are afraid of being shot in a turf war.
Someone needs to get on FNC (Fox) and start talking up this issue. If Minneapolis won’t/can’t fix it, then President TRUMP can send in the feds for assistance.
Under The Kenyan’s rule a lot of these Gang Task Force units were disbanded, as allegedly discriminatory (that disparate bullcrap), and then they flooded us with gangs coming across our borders east, west, north, and south. A BIG shame because we were starting to see huge results in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
And, as always, parents especially need to be educated on what to look for. They always want to believe their kid would never do this. Everyone else needs to be educated on it too.
The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) needs to be nipped in the bud now and people need t get real serious about taking back their streets before they become Chicago, if they haven’t already.
“behind a pay wall”
If you have any readers in Minnesota, they can most likely use their online library services to get to Minneapolis newspapers for free.
I have a lot of access to newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc., national, worldwide, and local through mine,
I knew that Dearborn, MI was a very bad place for regular Americans, I didn’t know about MN. My heart goes out to those affected by the muslim invasion. From a friend in FL.
Just bringing a little bit of their culture to Minnesota.
…Yea Right! “”Community Grifter” Omar Jamal demands that others solve his “community” created problems..
Too many Omars involved in the imported Minnesota mess..who take ZERO responsibility for it, while the Minnesota lutefisk crowd stands by completely bewildered by it all..
MANY years ago, then, Hennepin County Sheriff, Rich Stanek testified in front of OUR US Congress on July 25th, 2012 about the Somali GANG PROBLEM.. Then what? Nothing, except excuse making, and paying the “community” millions of Minnesota taxpayer dollars, TO NOT BE VIOLENT? Really?
Solution? Since 2012, tens of thousand more Somali’s have been imported, under the false flag of them being “refugees” seeking asylum.. Outside of Somalia, Minnesota houses and SUPPORTS financially, more Somalis than anywhere in the world, and we are paying the price for that stupidity.
Final note? Omar Jamal is a smoooottthhhhh operator, always looking for an angle, and a taxpayer funded paycheck..
Jamal is the very same character who made nothing by excuses for the Hundreds of Millions of STOLEN Minnesota taxpayer Dollars, through the various MN DHS social services programs SCAMMED, revealed this past May 2018.. ..and the very same character who came to the immediate defense of the KILLER MPD COP, Mohamed Noor, who gunned down Justine Damond on July 15, 2017 in Minneapolis.. And, there is more..
Welcome to OUR Minnesota Nightmare..
Sadly I have a lot of experience in gangs due to a close family member killed by gangs through no fault of their own.
There is only one way it will get resolved and that is a community wide effort. This applies to ANY & ALL crime. The community has to take back their own streets.
The community needs to call their own community wide emergency meeting, and invite the Gang Interdiction Team (GIT) to come in and speak to them about how they can work together to rid their neighborhoods of these gangs.
Sitting behind closed doors waiting for the law enforcement to fix it, as usual, isn’t going to work. You need citizen patrols, you need people calling to report crimes, you need business owners involved and cooperating, you need neighborhood watch groups and signage, etc…
They also need media, including national media attention on this problem. Local media can be a real help in getting the word out about community meetings and any other progress. Usually they want to be able to roam the city freely too. It’s a little hard when you are afraid of being shot in a turf war.
Someone needs to get on FNC (Fox) and start talking up this issue. If Minneapolis won’t/can’t fix it, then President TRUMP can send in the feds for assistance.
Under The Kenyan’s rule a lot of these Gang Task Force units were disbanded, as allegedly discriminatory (that disparate bullcrap), and then they flooded us with gangs coming across our borders east, west, north, and south. A BIG shame because we were starting to see huge results in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
And, as always, parents especially need to be educated on what to look for. They always want to believe their kid would never do this. Everyone else needs to be educated on it too.
The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) needs to be nipped in the bud now and people need t get real serious about taking back their streets before they become Chicago, if they haven’t already.
“behind a pay wall”
If you have any readers in Minnesota, they can most likely use their online library services to get to Minneapolis newspapers for free.
I have a lot of access to newspapers, magazines, periodicals, etc., national, worldwide, and local through mine,
I knew that Dearborn, MI was a very bad place for regular Americans, I didn’t know about MN. My heart goes out to those affected by the muslim invasion. From a friend in FL.