Until this morning, I had never heard of The Red Elephants, but here they are reporting on a Washington Post story from late January.
A gang database that has been used for ten years to help law enforcement keep track of gang members in Maryland and Virginia is being attacked by Leftwingers as racist.
New Americans! Maryland/Virginia MS-13 arrested in 2019 for gang murder claimed to be refugees.

By the way, one of its uses by law enforcement was to be sure that when they jailed a gang member they didn’t put him in with an opposing gang member.
Seems like one good reason for the Democrat Socialists to like the data base. Nah, race baiting is so much more fun and profitable for them.
Here is The Red Elephant, not pulling punches as the WaPo does in its story:
Northern Virginia Task Force Gets Rid of Gang Database Due to Gangbangers Being Mainly Non-White
If you spot patterns, you might just be a racist.
Heck, any public body that notices not-so comfortable patterns about criminal behavior could be in a lot of trouble. Hence, the decision by the North Virginia Regional Gang Task Force to discontinue using GangNet, a database that compiles a list of alleged gang members in the D.C. area.
Anti-white activists claimed that this database intentionally over-represents the instances that non-whites are involved in crimes. Previously, when people’s brains weren’t infected by the woke virus, these databases were reliable tools law enforcement officials used to track gang activities. Now, ethnic panderers believe that statistics that show non-white criminality are suddenly racist.
More than 120 law enforcement agencies in Maryland, Virginia and Washington D.C. use GangNet. The Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Washington/Baltimore High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) runs this database and claims that the files of 7,800 alleged gang members are stored in its database. The database has been used for around a decade.
The Red Elephant shows some truths….from the FBI!
Next up: Biden/Harris are coming for your guns. It is racist of you if you want to protect yourself from roving gang members.
Editor’s note!
Please see that in response to questions from readers I’ve begun what is going to be a weekly tutorial of sorts on Community Organizing. This post will be updated regularly and you can find it in my sidebar under the photo of yes, Barack Hussein Obama, community organizer extraordinaire!
Amazing how the white people are going to the bottom of the pile for all as we count for nothing, being done by old white men and woman who are going to cancel all white culture.
Congressmen/woman and Senators are bound and determined to represent all illegals, criminals and foreigners instead of hard working U S Citizens. Their only gains are to keep taxing the working middle class to pay for all their programs and allow gangs whether illegal law breaking people to continue to wreck havoc and ruin this country.
Sure…get rid of the calling a duck a duck….that will fix it. Sarc/ This further makes officers sitting ducks for criminals….’
Obama/biden/China administration are planning on to destroy America….then China comes in and takes us over.
Under this administration …..our Children and Grandchildren now have no future….or maybe even life…