Things seem to be moving now in the case of Billy Chemirmir alleged to have murdered 24 vulnerable seniors in a killing spree that could have been halted early on if investigators hadn’t been so quick to dismiss family members concerns about missing valuables.
Chemirmir, an immigrant from Kenya with questionable legal status, is alleged to have smothered his victims with pillows before stealing their jewelry.
A few days ago we reported that People Magazine became the first major news outlet outside of the Dallas Morning News to give this horrific story the attention it deserves.
Hereis Charles Scudder, the intrepid reporter at the Dallas Morning Newswith the latest.
I sure hope Mr. Scudder is working on a book!
Three more capital murder charges filed against Billy Chemirmir, bringing total indictments to 17
Medical examiner records indicate that investigators think the serial murder suspect in April 2016 also killed Catherine Probst Sinclair, bringing the suspect’s list of potential victims to 24.
A Dallas County grand jury on Tuesday handed down three new capital murder indictments against Billy Chemirmir, the man accused of smothering elderly residents of North Texas senior living facilities and stealing their jewelry, cash and other precious items to sell at Dallas-area pawn shops.
There is no evidence so far (that I know of) about where all the jewelry was pawned. A knowledgeable reader told me that he would have had difficulty moving that much jewelry in the Dallas area and would likely have needed an accomplice or accomplices in other locations.
Chemirmir has now been charged with 17 counts of capital murder and two counts of attempted capital murder in Dallas and Collin counties. He has also been linked through medical examiner reports and civil case filings in seven other deaths, bringing the total to 24 deaths in North Texas.
If convicted, Chemirmir could face the death penalty. He has said he is innocent and is in jail in lieu of an $11.6 million bail.
The new charges against Chemirmir, who turned 48 on Tuesday, are in the deaths of Joyce Abramowitz, Doris Wasserman and Margaret White. All three were killed at The Tradition-Prestonwood, a luxury senior living complex in Dallas, and all had been previously identified as possible victims through civil lawsuits against the complex.
Joyce Abramowitz
Abramowitz died in July 2016. In April, she reported to police that several pieces of jewelry had been stolen from her jewelry box while she was on vacation. After she died, her son reported that a safe was missing.
White died in August 2016. The executor of her estate, Paul Wright, noticed her apartment was missing her fine jewelry — including a wedding ring.”
Another potential victim
“Medical examiner records shared with The Dallas Morning News show that investigators think Chemirmir also killed Catherine Probst Sinclair, a potential victim who hadn’t previously been named by The News. Her death was in April 2016, meaning that officials suspect that the killing spree began at least a month earlier than previously reported.”
Catherine Probst Sinclair
When you look at the timeline created by the Morning Newsit makes this sickening case even more disgusting.
Sinclair is now believed to be the first victim (that we know of) smothered by Chemrmir on April 8, 2016 at the Edgemere.
Phyllis Payne was murdered there on May 14th and Phoebe Perry on June 5th.
On June 28th, 2016 Chemirmir was arrested at Edgemere on suspicion of criminal trespass and sentenced for some other outstanding crimes to 70 days but was released in 12 days.
Upon release, he picked another senior living facility to continue his killing spree.
On July 18th he murdered Joyce Abramowitz at the Tradition-Prestonwood, followed by another seven victims in a row at that location.
His spree continued until his last victim’s body was found and he was arrested on murder charges in March of 2018.
The Dallas Morning Newseditorializedabout the case yesterday as Texas lawmakers start to make noises about changing laws in the state to make it safer for residents of senior living facilities.
The title of the editorial refers to the fact that one family was not notified that their dear mother might actually have been murdered long after the medical examiner had determined she died of natural causes. The family learned from a friend who saw her mother’s name on Facebook as a possible victim of a serial killer.
Facebook is not the place to learn your mother was murdered
Credit the determined daughters of Chemirmir’s victims for keeping a fire lit under this investigation.
And, if you have a beloved relative in any kind of senior living facility or nursing home, this case should be a wake-up call for you to keep a very watchful eye on your loved ones no matter what state you live in!
Read about the daughters who created a website to get their message out that changes in the law must be made so that this could never happen again to anyone’s beloved senior.
And, finally it is shameful that the mainstream media is not reporting this story. I believe that is because it involves white women murdered by a black man who should not have been living among us in the first place. Flip the script and this story would be in your faces every day!
If you know people in the media especially at Newsmax or OAN, please let them know that news is breaking on this horrific case.
2 thoughts on “Texas: Three New Murder Charges in Kenyan Killer Case”
Ms Corcoran, thank you for all the investigative journalism you perform on behalf of the American public. It’s unfortunate more citizens are not as engaged as you. Keep up the fantastic work!
God bless you, Connie
Ms Corcoran, thank you for all the investigative journalism you perform on behalf of the American public. It’s unfortunate more citizens are not as engaged as you. Keep up the fantastic work!
God bless you, Connie
Thank you! I wish I could do more….