Why is the Daily Caller Shilling for the Refugee Industry?

To readers at ‘Frauds and Crooks:’  Some days I just run out of time to write at both Refugee Resettlement Watch and at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’  This is one such day.

Tucker Carlson founded the Daily Caller in 2010

I spent several hours this morning writing this post at RRW and hope you will go there to see it because I can reach more potential readers here now than at RRW.

When WordPressdotcom took RRW down I lost my subscribers which numbered around 5,000 and so far have only recovered a few hundred of them (I know it takes time!).

Here is today’s post at RRW, I hope you will go read it.

It is frustrating to see that a conservative publication like the Daily Caller knows so little about the US Refugee Admissions Program.  The reporter is very young, but gee where are the editors?