Because the cases are instructive and because, yes, I do write from time to time about American frauds and crooks not just the ‘New American’ variety, here is an extensive piece at the LA Times about how perhaps the largest Medicare fraud case in US history intersected with the College Admissions scam involving the rich and well-connected. Philip Esformes before the fall. As a flight risk he has been behind bars since July 2016 awaiting sentencing in September.
Now if only a paper with the stature of the LA Times would put an investigative journalist to work on the Kenyan Killer case where as one reader pointed out it would be difficult for the alleged prolific killer Billy Chemirmir to pawn that much jewelry without help, a network of criminals (dependent on old ladies being murdered) might be exposed.
I’ve reported previouslyon the case of Philip Esformes who ran a nursing home empire built on defrauding you and me, American taxpayers, but haven’t written about the Singer scam designed for elites to get their little darlings into top tier colleges.
FBI found clues to college admissions scandal years earlier in massive Medicare fraud case
Federal authorities were combing through the finances and phone records of a Miami businessman suspected of Medicare fraud when they came across a curious name: Rick Singer. Rick Singer
Philip Esformes, who was accused of farming out patients from his nursing homes to steal millions in bogus insurance claims, had sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to a foundation Singer controlled. And in text messages discovered on Esformes’ phone, the men discussed how one of Esformes’ sons had performed on his college entrance exams. Only years later would authorities learn what Esformes had paid Singer to do: Slip his daughter into USC as a fake soccer player and fix his youngest son’s college entrance exam, according to statements a prosecutor made in court and sources familiar with the case.
Singer has said he struck similar deals with dozens more parents, an admission that has roiled higher education and implicated elites from Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the Newport coast. But in 2016, when agents seized the iPhone Esformes used to text Singer and obtained their messages, Singer was a peripheral, if curious, player in an enormous healthcare fraud investigation. The Esformes case marks the first time Singer is known to have crossed the radar of law enforcement.
It is unclear how much federal authorities uncovered of Esformes’ dealings with Singer while investigating his case. But at his trial in March, a fraud expert used by the government to make sense of his finances testified that Esformes had made $400,000 in payments over several years to Singer’s foundation. At least some of the money was traced to Medicaid and Medicare funds, the expert testified.
Too funny! Esformes paid Singer $400,000 and his daughter did get into USC as a fake soccer player, but get this…
The daughter, who could not be reached for comment, was enrolled at USC for a year before transferring to a fashion school in New York City, according to a source with knowledge of the case and her LinkedIn profile.
Oh joy! more Russians*** and more Egyptians to help speed up the goal of changing America by changing the people! Trump called the Diversity Visa Lottery “the worst of the worst!”
I guess most of you know by now that we have a legal immigration program called the Diversity Visa Lottery (aka Green Card Lottery)because America isn’t sufficiently diversified and each year 50,000 US citizen wannabes from around the world (except from countries that have sent 50,000 of their people recently) get a ticket to Anytown, USA. The President has voiced his opposition to the giveaway, but so far Congress continues to support the program. Herethe Miami Herald tells us who the lucky winners are this year:
Egyptian and Russian citizens won the most U.S. green cards in this year’s random visa lottery
More than 23 million people from around the world — the applicants and their family members or “derivatives” — tried this year to legally immigrate to the United States and achieve the American Dream through the visa lottery program, the U.S. State Department statistics show. See what Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review said about the lottery in 2017.
Winners were selected through a randomized computer drawing from over 14 million qualified entries received during the 34-day application period last year.
According to the department, the visas were distributed among six geographic regions “with a maximum of seven percent available to persons born in any single country.” The two countries that won most immigrant visas were Egypt and Russia, with 5,568 and 5,118 winners, respectively, of this year’s DV-2020 diversity lottery, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo (4,743 applicants selected), Iran (4,101), Nepal (3,696) and Sudan (3,691).
What the hell! Are we moving the whole of the DR Congo to America?
We’ve ‘welcomed’ 50,000 from the DR Congo already as refugees, see here, and they are streaming across the US border illegally and ending up in Maine, here, and we still take thousands from that African hot mess of a country through the lottery!
The Miami Heraldcontinues….
Last year, Iran received the highest number of visas — 4,199 — followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo (4,186), Egypt, Ukraine (4,025) and Ethiopia (3,856).
In the Americas region, natives from Cuba benefited the most from this year’s DV-2020 drawing, and 2,703 Cuban nationals were selected at random for a green card. It is a substantial increase compared to last year, when only 326 citizens of Cuba won. [Really, Cuba! we don’t have enough migrants from Cuba?—-ed]
[….] The visa lottery is one of the immigration programs that President Donald Trump has openly criticized. He has said that the “worst of the worst” are selected in the cost-free process.
“About 70 percent of immigrants who come to the United States today are admitted based on family relationships or through a random visa lottery —a system that favors random chance over the skills our economy needs,” President Trump’s Immigration Plan for the 21st Century says.
There is much more and a lot of links to follow in the story, go herefor more.
My earlier posts on this outrageous legal immigration program signed into law by George HW Bush in 1990 are here.
***Coincidentally my friend Richard just yesterday sent me a 2018 story from VDARE (Mainstream media won’t name Medicare Fraudsters) which educates us to the fact that a very large amount of Medicare fraud is linked to immigrant fraudsters with Russians topping the list. Ah, the joys of diversity!
For new readers that 95,000 number is for refugees chosen abroad and flown here on your dime and then resettled by the State Department’s nine paid resettlement contractors. (The Trump team never got rid of any of the nine as they once promised to do!)
Of course that 95,000 number is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who illegally entered the US and asked to be declared refugees. Refugees are eligible for most forms of welfare once designated.
The lobbying arm of the refugee industry, the Refugee Council USA, confirms that 95,000 is their target number for FY2020which begins October 1, 2019.
They announce their pie-in-the-sky number early and often so then when Trump suggests something less than that they can scream bloody murder.
BTW, as of June 30th of FY19, the Trump Administration had admitted just over 21,000, thus the State Department will have to speed things up to even make the 30,000 ceiling for this year.
The lobbying group Refugee Council USA wants its followers to….
Hold the administration accountable to meeting this year’s 30,000 refugee admissions goal and urge them to commit to resettling at least 95,000 refugees in Fiscal Year 2020, rebuilding the program and returning it to historic norms.
That made me laugh because not even Barack Obama came near their “historic norms.” “Rebuilding the program” means pouring more taxpayer dollars into the “religious” groups’ coffers.
The story that caught my eye today is this one from Deseret News.
There is no mention made that some of those signing a letter to the Secretary of State have a vested financial interest in increasing the number of refugees being admitted.
Religious groups react to rumors the U.S. will stop admitting refugees. What would it mean for U.S. values?
Who dat? They’ve trotted out 90-year-old Walter Mondale to tell Trump we need more refugees!
You can read it yourself.
In addition to Walter Mondale, Deseret News wants you to know that Islamic Relief USA is also pounding Pompeo with a lecture about our “foundational values.”
Mentioned in the story is a letter sent by what the Deseret News calls 40 “faith groups” to Secretary of State Pompeo in June demanding a “robust” program for the coming fiscal year.
You can read the letter here.
Here is a screenshot of the last paragraph:
And now here (below) are the forty plus “faith” groups which signed the letter.
If you are a supporter of any of the hodge podge of groups below and disapprove of their support for this effort, be sure to let them know!
Of the nine paid resettlement contractors, five groups whose budgets depend on your tax dollars for refugee clients signed the letter: Church World Service, HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, the Episcopal Church and World Relief.
Although several Catholic-affiliated groups are mentioned neither of the giants resettling the largest number of refugees in the US—Catholic Charities or the US Conference of Catholic Bishops—are mentioned.
This is the time to let the President know what your number is for FY2020! He needs a robust response from you!
This post is filed in my ‘Charity fraud’category. Endnote:You might have noticed I’m back to putting the whole post up without using the “continue reading” break because at least this way I know you are getting my full post in your phones etc. as I continue the process of moving away from WordPress.
This is rich!
I’ve been reporting hereand at Refugee Resettlement Watch ( for years before WordPress took it down) that a major lobbying group for more immigration to America—theNew American Economy—is telling you to “welcome” the stranger.
But, darn don’t put them in our hotels!
Here, before you read the latest from the do-as-I-say crowd, are the original leaders of the New American Economy.
Although they make it sound like they are taking a principled stand on a political issue you can bet the driving force is that they don’t want to lose business from Lefties who want no one detained (even in a fancy hotel!) and they don’t want their high-end patrons to have to mingle with the riffraff. Forbes on Wednesday,
Major Hotel Franchises Decline To House Detained Migrants For ICE
Earlier this month the Trump administration announced that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would carry out actions to detain undocumented immigrant families. The declaration drew protests from around the country, and one cohort that pushed back notably was the hotel industry, including some massive hotel franchises. As long as I’ve been blogging (12 years) Bill Marriott (net worth 2.7 billion) has been pushing for more cheap migrant and refugee laborers to service his hotel empire.
Marriott, Hilton, Choice Hotels, Best Western, Wyndham, Hyatt, IHG and MGM Resorts***all released statements saying they don’t want their hotels used to detain migrants, according to a report from the Associated Press.
So now who is breaking up families?
Hotels are sometimes used to house detained migrants before they are transported to detention centers or deported to their place of origin, ICE Director Matthew Albence told the AP. Not having them as a resource could lead to the further breakup of families, he added. “If hotels or other places do not want to allow us to utilize that, they’re almost forcing us into a situation where we’re going to have to take one of the parents and put them in custody and separate them from the rest of their families.”
Hotel giant Marriot, in a statement released July 11, said: “While we have no particular insights into whether the U.S. government is considering the use of hotels to aid in the situation at the border, Marriott has made the decision to decline any requests to use our hotels as detention facilities.”
More here.
***The next time you make a hotel reservation check that list!
This is an update for a story the national media is avoiding for reasons I explained here yesterday.
Billy Chemirmir, an illegal alien from Kenya, will face the death penalty in the “heinous” murders of over a dozen vulnerable senior citizens whose families thought they were safe and well-cared-for in their assisted living homes. [There are 19 cases believed to be tied to Chemirmir but not all have been charged.—ed] Think about it! If Chemirmir had been deported to his village in Kenya after his first run-ins with the law, these beloved mothers and grandmothers would not have suffered.
The Dallas Morning News is following the case closely as well as a few local news outlets, but major media is shockingly silent considering Billy could end up being the most prolific serial killer in Texas history!
Where are you New York Times? Where are you Washington Post? Where are you CNN? And, where are the defenders of women’s rights (only one of the victims is a man)?
Dallas DA seeks death penalty against serial killer suspect Billy Chemirmir
Dallas County prosecutors will seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, a capital murder suspect accused of smothering more than a dozen elderly women in North Texas senior living complexes.
District Attorney John Creuzot’s office filed paperwork Tuesday seeking capital punishment in the suspected serial killer’s case, according to Dallas County court records.
Capital murder in Texas carries either an automatic sentence of life in prison without parole or the death penalty. Prosecutors reserve the death penalty for crimes deemed especially heinous.
Chemirmir, 46, is accused of posing as a maintenance worker to gain access to the apartments of women in Dallas and Collin counties. Police say he then smothered the women with a pillow before stealing their jewelry to sell online or pawn.
Many of those deaths were initially listed as natural causes. It is difficult to tell if someone was smothered unless there is other suspicion of foul play. After Chemirmir was arrested in March 2018, however, police began looking at older deaths to identify potential victims.
Chemirmir was charged with capital murder in Harris’ death and the attempted murder of the two other women. At that time, police announced they were investigating hundreds of other deaths to see if there were links to Chemirmir.
“We’re going to make every attempt to identify all the victims in the communities across the metroplex and fully investigate this case,” Plano police Chief Gregory Rushin said at a 2018 news conference. “This is terribly disturbing.”
Law enforcement is calling people all over the country to alert them to the possibility that mom didn’t die peacefully!
In the months since, families around the country have gotten calls from law enforcement, saying their loved ones might not have died peacefully in their sleep as they previously believed. Instead, police told them, they may have been victims of a serial killer.
More here.
And, do not miss the time line of the murders that police have investigated so far. In one month—March 2018 (the month of his arrest)—Chemirmir allegedly killed four times (at least!).
He was caught because he got sloppy and failed to finish the job—one tough old lady lived to inform the police.
Justice for Seniors!
Help spread this news since the PC media won’t! Endnote: I have a tag specifically for Billy Chemirmir because someone needs to write a book—the case is a classic one! The African illegal alien should not have been here. Police missed clues in a sanctuary city. Apparently greedy assisted living homes feared they would lose ‘customers.’ The women were all old and white (except for Harris who was Vietnamese).
And, last but not least, because immigration is fast becoming the most critical issue facing America with the 2020 Presidential race around the corner this case represents all that is wrong with our immigration system and with the MEDIA!