Muhammad Shahbaz, 50, is described as a New Jersey man, but the fraud involved a store in Waterbury, CT and I am guessing Shahbaz is Pakistani. (Of course, we are rarely given any information about immigration status or nationality!)
Shahbaz is one of several workers busted for ripping off US taxpayers after their scam was discovered in 2016.
And, because there is no photo of the perp (or perps) that I can find, a photo of the store is all I’ve got.
By the way, I am delighted to tell you about this fraud case because frankly this is what I wanted to write about when I launched this blog, but have had to put these stories aside due to the large number of violent crime cases (with immigrants involved) coming my way.
Bongs and hookahs were bought on your dime!
Besides the usual trafficking in food stamps, this store “allowed customers to redeem their food stamp benefits for cash and other ineligible items, including cigarettes, glass pipes, bongs and hookahs,” according to the US Justice Department.
Continue reading “'New American' Pleads Guilty in Multi-million Dollar Food Stamp Fraud”