Advocates believe the decision is the first by a state’s highest court to hold that transgender people have the right to use public money for transition-related surgeries.
ACLU of Iowa Legal Director Rita Bettis, left, joins Carol Ann Beal, one of two transgender women suing Iowa over its ban on Medicaid coverage for transition-related medical services, during a news conference Thursday, Sept. 21, 2017, in Des Moines when the case was filed. Photo: Des Moines Register
Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements. The program is funded jointly by states and the federal government.
And, according to the feds last analysis 65.9 million (‘poor’) people are covered. That is over 20% of the entire US population! And, if the ‘progressives’ at the ACLU have their way that number will rise.
I’ve been writing about Medicaid (and Medicare) fraud, and this is one more example of the expansion of these fraud-ridden programs as part of the Left’s agenda to move America toward a socialist form of government. (Don’t miss Leo Hohmann’s call to armsin my previous post.)
The Iowa Supreme Court struck down the state’s Medicaid ban on transgender surgeries. Here’s why.
Aiden Vasquez needed more than an hour to collect himself before he could talk about Friday’s Iowa Supreme Court decision ruling that transgender people like himself could use Medicaid funds to pay for transition-related care, including surgeries. Vasquez is overjoyed to learn that the taxpayers of America and Iowa will pay for his sex change surgery!
Tears blurred his vision as he read the verdict over and over. Sobs caught his voice in his throat as the Davenport resident barely squeaked out to his wife what the court decided. As a transgender man, the ruling’s stuffy language was so much more than legalese — these words were his ticket to being able to live fully as the man he knows he is. “They are now finally acknowledging us as human beings,” he said. “They are finally acknowledging that this is not a plastic surgery or about what I look like. This is a matter of life and death.”
The court’s unanimous decision struck down the administrative code governing Medicaid in Iowa that classifies transition-related surgeries as “cosmetic, reconstructive or plastic surgery” and explicitly bans “surgeries for the purpose of sex reassignment.” Transgender surgeries can range from $20,000 to $100,000, putting it out of reach of individuals who qualify for the assistance. [Has anyone ever asked doctors who promote sex change to donate their services?—ed]
[….] Advocates believe the decision is the first by a state’s highest court to hold that transgender people have the right to use public money for transition-related surgeries.
As issues of LGBT rights swirl nationally, the decision could help open the door for challenges to bans in other states, about half of which have language like Iowa’s in their administrative codes.
What are you going to do? Don’t sit there steaming, get involved! I know it all seems pretty overwhelming when you understand that the Left (Progressives/Dems) have been working toward ‘change’ every day for decades. They live to change you!
While you were busy working and taking care of your children and thought that was what you were supposed to be doing, they were incrementally changing America.
It isn’t too late, find something you can do every day to push back, even if it seems to be a little thing and work at it, day after day (after day!)!
5 thoughts on “ACLU Jumping for Joy as Iowa Supreme Court says Medicaid Dollars can go to Transgender Surgery/Care”
And will they also use Medicaid to buy a reversal or intervention from all that hormonal interference while developing ?
If taxpayers must pay for ‘humanized mice’ using aborted baby parts….how far removed is this?
So, everybody is mighty trans-happy: ACLU keeps happily jumping with trans-joy, Iowa judiciary keeps happily trans-spending taxpayers’ dollars, Vasquez keeps shedding happy trans-tears, – wonderful! Nevertheless, the picture seems to me a bit unfair toward GOP: just where are their happy jumps? Didn’t they finally become a happy trans-party too?
Thanks for the laugh!
What would be the fallout if the parties in these gender dysphoria cases were referred to as X’s or Y’s? It could be noted after their gender du jour designation, such as transgender woman (Y) or transgender man (X). I can’t keep track of this lunatic fringe as the number of “genders” keeps multiplying. Don’t they have anything else to do?
Shame on the Iowa Supreme Court for forcing taxpayers to fund something the majority finds repugnant. Lawfare gets the evil ones what they want because they sure wouldn’t get it at the ballot box.
And will they also use Medicaid to buy a reversal or intervention from all that hormonal interference while developing ?
If taxpayers must pay for ‘humanized mice’ using aborted baby parts….how far removed is this?
So, everybody is mighty trans-happy: ACLU keeps happily jumping with trans-joy, Iowa judiciary keeps happily trans-spending taxpayers’ dollars, Vasquez keeps shedding happy trans-tears, – wonderful! Nevertheless, the picture seems to me a bit unfair toward GOP: just where are their happy jumps? Didn’t they finally become a happy trans-party too?
Thanks for the laugh!
What would be the fallout if the parties in these gender dysphoria cases were referred to as X’s or Y’s? It could be noted after their gender du jour designation, such as transgender woman (Y) or transgender man (X). I can’t keep track of this lunatic fringe as the number of “genders” keeps multiplying. Don’t they have anything else to do?
Shame on the Iowa Supreme Court for forcing taxpayers to fund something the majority finds repugnant. Lawfare gets the evil ones what they want because they sure wouldn’t get it at the ballot box.