No, he doesn’t call himself a RINO (Republican in name only), I call him and the creeps at places like the Lincoln Project that, but that is who he is talking about.
Surely you remember Anthony Scaramucci, a supposed Trump loyalist, who lasted only a few days, a week, or whatever it was as a Trump White House Communications Director.

(By the way, it is my view that President Trump’s greatest shortcoming was that somehow he, or those hiring the people, seemed only able to find people who did not have Trump’s, or our America First’s interests at heart.)
He was on Anderson Cooper last night saying that the never-Trumpers might have a convention in the fall to see if they will break away from the Republican Party.
Not a bad idea, leave the Republican Party to the America Firsters!
At Yahoo News:
Anthony Scaramucci claims new faction of Republican Party could have a convention this fall
President Trump’s former Director of Communications, Anthony Scaramucci, appeared on Anderson Cooper 360, Monday, to discuss the state of the Republican Party. Scaramucci, a lifelong Republican, claims there is a sizable faction of members of the GOP who are looking to create a new party.
This next line is amusing. Does he really think that the 63% of surveyed Republicans want a new party that would follow Scaramucci and his ilk.
The 63% are Trumpers who want a new party!
“Listen, 63% of the surveyed Republicans say that they want a new party,” said Scarmucci. “I think there’s a large group of people in the party that are organizing now and are debating whether or not to have a faction inside the party or to literally spin out and have a fall convention for a new party as a precursor to the congressional midterms and then start slating candidates.”
Scaramucci believes that 10-15% of current GOP members would be willing to leave in disagreement with what the party has become under the previous administration.
He says that the majority of Republicans who love Trump “want to destroy democracy.”
“You can go with radical fringe Trumpism, where these people literally are signaling to you that they want to destroy your democracy,” said Scarmucci. “Or you can try to set up, people that really love the country, that have center-right values can try to set up something new.”
Hey, Scaramucci, if you start a new party will you promise to take Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney with you!
It was for stories like this one that I created a special category here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ entitled Political rats.
Editor’s note!
Please see that in response to questions from readers I’ve begun what is going to be a weekly tutorial of sorts on Community Organizing. This post will be updated regularly and you can find it in my sidebar under the photo of yes, Barack Hussein Obama, community organizer extraordinaire!
Patriot Party has already left them
I totally agree with you, Ann. I too have noted that Trump seemed colossally unable to make sure that those around him were at least not against him. Over and over and over, he did not seem to have the gift of sensing who was for him and who was fundamentally against him, and having those around him be supporters. Think of Pence!! Trump is always ready to speak positively of people. Maybe that’s part of the problem – that he actually thinks positively of many people who are anything but supportive.
This guy is a pimple on the rear of America. He is a jealous little weasel.
As for RINOS breaking away from the party….they have never been with the party…they have always been the party of SELF….
MOOCH (never a more apt nickname has been created!), Cheney, McConnell and all the rest of the RINOs shouldn’t let the door hit them in their asses on the way OUT!!!!