I have been very remiss in not thanking those of you who have sent messages and expressions of gratitude to both my e-mail accounts and at my snail mail box over the holiday season.
Although I should have been more careful about checking my post office box when I traveled to town, I do have somewhat of an excuse as the mail service in Maryland has been abysmal for months because our rural mail travels through an apparently incompetent Baltimore hub (I’m sure ol’ Joe will get that fixed!).
I am still receiving Christmas cards posted in early to mid-December!
So thank you to all who have sent Christmas greetings and thanks.
Yesterday, I began the process of re-thinking how I will handle e-mails as my accounts are constantly full and I often miss important messages from you buried among e-mails where I am apparently on someone’s e-mail list as they willy-nilly just blast out e-mails all day on myriad subjects.
Apologies to all of you who must think that I am ignoring your important questions and information. So, stay tuned for changes in how you reach me.
As I said previously, you can respond with a comment to any recent post and mark your comment “not for publication” and I will see that.