“What’s real is right-wing populism is growing, and we need to be growing a left populism even faster, on a greater scale, to turn the ship around.”
“[I]f we win here (the South), we can win anywhere.”
(Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson co-director of the Highlander Research & Education Center)
This is the first in a series of posts published at Tennessee’s Dailyrollcall.comthat will dig deep into the movement seeking to transform all of America into a Marxist dreamland rooted in the heart of the Bible Belt.
Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson co-directs the Highlander Research & Education Center located about 25 miles outside of Knoxville in New Market, Tennessee. She is a nationally-connected Marxist, a member of the M4BL policy table leadership team, and works with a myriad of other socialist/Marxist/communist oriented organizations across the country among her other affiliations.
M4BL is the Movement 4 Black Lives, a revolutionary umbrella group established in 2014; it is fiscally sponsored project of the Alliance for Global Justice.
M4BL policy platforms demand “end the war on black people, payment of reparations, invest (in communities)-divest (from police), economic justice, community control, and of course, political power.
M4BL will hold a Black National Conventionat the end of August focused on harnessing the “black vote” to oust Trump and show Biden and the Democrat party the make-or-break heft of their voting power. These radical electoral organizers call their strategy the “Left Inside/Outside Project“.
Ash-Leetells her comrades (her term of endearment), “organize the South to save the country.”
By organize, she means using umbrella organizations like her M4BL (Movement 4 Black Lives) to raise funds and train groups like Black Lives Matter, aka, “burners, looters & Marxists.”
Training and convening happens at the Highland Center.
It’s critical for all Tennesseans who oppose the evils of socialism, communism and Marxism (whose ends are the same in the U.S.), to know about the Highlander Center, it’s leaders, spin-off groups, the affiliates, the funders, and of course, their agenda to take down what they call the “New Confederacy.”
You can’t oppose something you don’t know about.
You can’t understand the planned destruction to civilized society if you don’t learn about it.
You can’t understand the planned destruction for our constitutional republic if you don’t learn about it.
You can’t publicly condemn and push-back against something you don’t know about.
You can’t educate anyone else about something you don’t know about.
You can’t demand push-back from your community and elected leaders if you can’t explain it to them.
It’s a mistake to cavalierly dismiss these passionate, destructive groups. They are well-funded and have been able to make the industry of organizing and destroying, a full-time paid job.
Highlander Center is a convening Marxist destination in Tennessee where plans are hatched, developed and organized to first defeat President Trump’s re-election and then, continue to empower radical progressives who ascribe to socialist/communist/Marxist doctrines the likes of Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayana Presley to be the main drivers of the Democrat party.
Remember Alinsky’s Rule 13. Make the name Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson a household name!
This is the sort of investigative and reporting work you should be doing where you live! Come on people! If you don’t have a state or local website, get one!
Just likethe McCloskey’s, the white couple in St. Louis, it seems that black people want to protect their homes and lives too from aggressive and frightening anarchists.
You’ve probably seen the news, but just in case. Hat tip: Cristina
Husband of L.A. County DA Jackie Lacey charged with assault after waving gun at protesters
The husband of Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey has been charged with pointing a gun at Black Lives Matter members who demonstrated outside the couple’s home the day before she faced a primary election in March.
The ballot box is not enough for the anarchists. Imagine this going on outside your home day or night.
The state attorney general filed three misdemeanor charges Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court against David Lacey for assault with a firearm for the March 2 incident.
Lacey, 66, pointed a gun at demonstrators who protested outside the couple’s home before dawn on March 2 and said “I will shoot you,” according to video of the incident.
Dishonest media doesn’t mention until later that he was shouting “Get off my porch!” They were on his porch!
Jackie Lacey offered an emotional apology at the time, saying her husband told her he pulled the gun and told protesters to leave.
Lacey’s campaign issued a statement Tuesday saying her husband thought they were in danger and was trying to protect them.
“The events that took place earlier this year have caused my family immense pain,” Lacey said in the statement. “My husband acted in fear for my safety after we were subjected to months of harassment that included a death threat no less than a week earlier.”
Lacey, the first Black person and first woman to run what is the nation’s largest local prosecutor’s office, has been targeted for nearly three years by Black Lives Matter protesters, who have held weekly demonstrations outside her office calling for her ouster.
This is a Tweet posted at the time of the incident. I wanted to see a youtube clip of the confrontation, but the only ones available today have shortened the exchange. There is a bit more here with drums banging in the background.
#BREAKING This morning Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey’s husband pulled a gun out on Black Lives Matter activists who protested his wife in front of their house. @BLMLApic.twitter.com/wnCFMMvaWV
Runaway Fraud Plagues the Massive Unemployment Program Congress Is About to Extend, Report Finds
The debate over expanded unemployment benefits has proven particularly fractious, given that the $2 trillion CARES Act Congress passed in March set up a broken economic system where nearly 70 percent of the unemployed can get paid more in benefits while staying home than they would make by going back to work. Yet as important as the ramifications of this distorted big government labor policy are, one largely overlooked consequence of the massive expansion of unemployment is skyrocketing fraud and abuse.
A new reportfrom the fiscally conservative Foundation for Government Accountability exposes the stunning extent to which fraud has corrupted the hastily-crafted unemployment expansion.
FGA Senior Research Fellow Josh Waters found that fraud will consume more taxpayer dollars under this expansion than the entire unemployment program paid out in 2019.
Remember that the unemployment system was already very wasteful before COVID-19, with roughly 10 percent of payments being made in error in 2019. Waters explains that even generously assuming this fraud rate remains constant—it will likely be worse this year due to system overload and COVID-19 chaos—his calculations show a whopping $26 billion will be lost to fraud as a result of this expansion.
“As states try to respond to the historic increase in claims due to shutdowns and layoffs, the $600 bonus payments are making it very lucrative for fraudsters who know many states probably lack the staffing and resources to combat fraud while the systems are overloaded with an unprecedented amount of claims,” Waters writes.
The FGA report documents how this fraud is playing out at the state level:
Mississippi is estimated to have paid out at least $76 million in improper payments so far, and the governor warns the state has been “attacked with false claims”
Washington State was hit by Nigerian scammers and is estimated to have paid out at least $650 million improperly
Oklahoma already reports 65,000 fraudulent unemployment claims and has likely paid out tens of millions improperly
Arizona estimates that its fraud rate has doubled since the expansion and that nearly 10 percent of benefits being paid out are fraudulent
Needless to say, the reference to Nigerian scammers snapped me to attention.
The Nigerian Fraudsters Ripping Off the Unemployment System
As millions of people around the United States scrambled in recent weeks to collect unemployment benefits and disbursements through the federal Cares Act, officials warned about the looming threat of Covid-19-related scams online. Now they’re here.
On Thursday, the Secret Service issued an alert about a massive operation to file fraudulent unemployment claims in states around the country, like Washington and Massachusetts. Officials attributed the activity to Nigerian scammers and said millions of dollars had already been stolen. New research is now shedding light on one of the actors tied to the scams—and the other pandemic hustles they have going.
The email security firm Agari today will release findings that an actor within the Nigerian cybercriminal group Scattered Canary is filing fraudulent unemployment claims and receiving benefits from multiple states, while also receiving Cares payouts from the Internal Revenue Service. So far this has netted hundreds of thousands of dollars in scam payments. Regular unemployment, the extra $600 per week that out-of-work Americans can claim during the pandemic, plus the one-time $1,200 payment eligible adults are receiving under the Cares Act are all vulnerable targets for cybercriminals. In the midst of a pandemic and critical economic downturn, though, the theft of those benefits could have particularly dire consequences.
The Secret Service warns that hundreds of millions of dollars could be lost to such scams just as states are running out of money to fund unemployment on their own.
In another in my series of posts I’m calling ‘Down the Memory Hole’—forgotten because the media doesn’t really want to report anything that doesn’t fit their ‘world view,’ I wondered whatever happened to Congressional candidateAmani al-Khatahtbeh.
Back in April she complained that someone called her home with a message:
On the evening of April 21, Al-Khatahtbeh reportedly received a phone call from an unknown number threatening to kill her and her family. She received the threat shortly after a virtual town hall she hosted on Instagram.
The caller said in part: “Your parents live at [address]. I will f**king kill them and. . .I will torture them and feed them bacon and f**king pork…As soon as you get off the phone, I’ll f**king go to his house…“Ni**er, you’re Muslim, you f**king ugly Arab Muslim. You terrorist.”
The candidate’s website appears to be deserted. You can bet if some evil-doer was identified and he was on a certain side of the great American political divide, the website would have trumpeted the arrest. http://amani2020.com/
Not only did CAIR jump on the bandwagon with its Islamophobe dog whistle but she garnered the support of dozens of prominent women who came to her defense.
Yesterday I went to see if I could find out whether the perpetrator of the death threats had been identified and guess what I found—NOTHING!
Not a mention that I could find about whether there was even any investigation of the allegations. But you see it almost doesn’t matter if the call even happened because it was planted in the minds of those following the story that there was such a despicable person (and he surely must be a redneck Trumpster!).
Maybe I didn’t look hard enough, maybe you can find the truth about whether hers is another hate crime hoax, but in the meantime down the memory hole it goes…..
This is some news you surely already know—teenager Nicholas Sandmann awarded big bucks from legacy media outlets who defamed and vilified him without the facts in that incident in Washington, DCfollowing a prolife march in January 2019.
To the media losers, Sandmann, with his pleasant smile and Trump hat, represented the perfect punching bag for the release of their hatred toward America firsters. The last laugh is Sandmann’s (for now)!
(Don’t miss the New York Post op-ed urging more conservatives to follow the young Kentuckians lead.)
I’m posting this story not so much to give you the news of Sandmann’s victory that you likely already knew, but to post the warning writer, John Zmirak, pens at the end of his story on the stunning slapdown of the Washington Post (and others).
Nick Sandmann Wasn’t Supposed to Survive. He Was Meant to End Up Like Mike Adams.
Nick Sandmann just turned 18 years old. And he’s settling a $250 million lawsuit with major media outlets that libeled him. Let’s send him our congratulations and prayers.
I was prepping Robert Oscar Lopez’s powerful piece on Mike Adams for publication when I realized something chilling. Reading how the left hounded that talented writer to suicide (if indeed he wasn’t murdered) I heard in my head the media headline that never ran. Thanks be to God.
“Racist Ringleader, Nicholas Sandmann, Dead at 17.”
That’s what the media mob wanted. They as good as admitted it.
When powerful reporters call a young man’s face “the most punchable in America,” that’s what they mean. When columnists and activists propose “doxing” him, contacting every college he ever applies to, or job he tries to get, that’s what they mean.
When Sandmann’s own Catholic bishop threw him to the wolves, when his school suspended him, when “conservative” columnists at National Review and other venues denounced him as “bigoted,” they were writing him off for life. They were branding him on his face with the most destructive charge available in America. The charge that’s now burning cities and getting Trump supporters murdered.
They’re Coming for Us
That’s where we stand in 2020, as leftists verbally tap dance on Mike Adams’ coffin. I wish Mr. Sandmann well, and advise him to take his money and move somewhere sane, like Poland. Maybe start a Catholic college there. Because the kind of leftists who dug up Adams’ columns from 20 years ago to goad him to his grave aren’t finished with Nick Sandmann. They can’t forgive his innocence, his victory, or his smile.
They’re coming for him. They’re coming for me. And then they’ll come for you and your kids.
Get yourself to the gun range. Make friends there. Organize local militias, to step in when the police (afraid for their pensions) meekly disband. We don’t need two Americans like the McCloskeys in St. Louis, but two million or ten million. That’s the only way this madnessends.