As I have reported innumerable times recently at RRW, thousands of Muslims continue to enter the US from all over the world. There is no Muslim ban.
But, the Democrats are never hindered by the facts as John Binder points out about last nights Democrat infomerical (aka 2020 presidential convention).
By the way, I’m busy these days prepping and generally getting stuff in order (if you know what I mean), and so I only plan to post when I see something that I find interesting. Consider this my August recess.
Fact Check: The Travel Ban Is Neither a ‘Muslim Ban,’ Nor Unconstitutional
CLAIM: President Donald Trump’s travel ban was a “Muslim ban” and was unconstitutional.
VERDICT: False. The travel ban was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Yates with creepy Clapper in 2017.
Actress Tracee Ellis Ross, who moderated the second evening of the Democrat National Convention (DNC), claimed that President Trump’s travel ban was unconstitutional She introduced former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates, whom she said “refused to defend an unconstitutional travel ban and paid for it with her job.”
Yates herself then described it as a “shameful and unlawful Muslim travel ban.”
In reality, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in Trump v. Hawaii that the president has extraordinarily broad discretion under 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) to exclude aliens when he believes doing so is in the nation’s interests.
In Senate testimony in May 2017, Yates admitted that she had been motivated partly by “policy” considerations, which were not hers to make, and that she based her view of the ban not on the executive order but Trump’s previous statements. She even admitted that she had overruled the Office of Legal Counsel, which had confirmed the order’s constitutionality.
Yates was simply wrong about the Constitution and the law. She was a political actor seeking to create controversy; she could have resigned in protest, but instead forced the administration to fire her to create a sense of being victimized.