Well they didn’t specifically stand up to Facebook in defense of VDARE, but VDARE is presumably an early causality of Facebook’s speech “Oversight Board” or perhaps is a test run to see how upcoming purges will be received.
If you hadn’t heard about the silencing of VDARE, learn about it here at VDARE itself and make VDARE a regular stop on your daily reading list. I just now googled VDARE and the first item that came up was not its website, but this headline (VDARE | Southern Poverty Law Center) and that is because Google is also (as you are surely well aware) in the silencing business too.
Here is a VDARE story from yesterday you should see about a black sniper killing an 80-year-old couple visiting their son’s grave in a Delaware veterans’ cemetery. Have some fun and see if you can post it at facebook!
Report: Black Male Murders White Couple In Their 80s With Sniper Rifle—Revenge For Ahmaud Arbery?
Now here is what 60 conservative leaders sent to Facebook last Friday:
Conservative Leaders: Get Rid Of Facebook Censorship Committee

The conservative Free Speech Alliance, led by Media Research Center founder and President L. Brent Bozell, III, and including more than 60 conservative leaders, among whom are CHQ Managing Editor George Rasley and American Target Advertising President of Corporate Affairs attorney Mark J. Fitzgibbons, yesterday released the following statement about Facebook’s new Oversight Board and efforts to decide what content should be taken down from the site:
While leftist organizations savaged him, we supported CEO Mark Zuckerberg when he talked about making Facebook a marketplace of ideas and spoke forcefully saying the company “must continue to stand for free expression.”
Yet leftist forces within and outside of Facebook have condemned him for this, agitating for the company to become an arbiter of what is, and isn’t truth; and therefore what should and should not be presented on Facebook. Facebook wants the public to believe that its new Oversight Board will help solve the problems “about what content to take down or leave up.”
Conservatives warned from the start that any new oversight mechanism was fraught with danger. Our fears were well founded. This new board will damage Facebook more than it can imagine.
It is too early to tell how such this board would rule. [Not really, it looks like VDARE was a test run.–ed] But it is terrifying to imagine how a powerful, leftist group like this might view control conservative speech — speech that defends free enterprise, traditional marriage, religious freedom, the lives of the unborn, free speech and gun rights, to name but a few.
The answer in social media has often been to call such beliefs “hate speech,” the club the left has used to beat their opponents into submission on college campuses and online. And it has been a code word for anti-conservative censors like the Southern Poverty Law Center to shut down speech it doesn’t like.
Go here for more of the letter and to see who signed it.
Now head on over to VDARE (vdare.com) and see what Facebook and the Southern Poverty Law Center do not want you to see!
Southern Poverty Law is a Soros organization. So, now I’m confused.
Sorry I might not have been clear in my writing.
FACEBOOK will not post this article – OR – allow the question..
This is accurate..
So, where is CAIR all up in arms (I receive their email notices) about this horror story? Can you (WE) hear the crickets?
Conclusion? It’s perfectly OK if an elderly couple gets gunned down, IF THEY ARE WHITE? ..In a cemetery no less.. visiting a deceased loved one..
I blame all those in the Black Community, who have fomented this blind hatred, and justify all this carnage, as long as the victims are not Black, Somali, Brown, or whatever, besides White..
We have ALLOWED ourselves to become a very sick society.. And, I blame Obama, Holder, Lynch, Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton, and far too many on that side of the ‘color divide’ they have spent decades crafting, feeding, exploiting, and nurturing.. ..and embracing to a purpose..
Pathetic, and poor excuses for human beings, ALL. They also dishonor the work, and the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King in the process..
These people have no honor!