I said I would write about American criminals from time to time, and I’ve told you that I watch CNN the first thing every morning as a way of seeing where the Leftwingers/Progressives are going on any given day.
Today, at CNN, the morning anchors were talking their viewers into thinking a Trump-induced recession was upon us, but they also reported on the gun violence in the Democrat-run city of Philadelphia.
They did report that the shooter, who wounded six police officers when officers came to serve a warrant on the man who ultimately opened fire, and said the shooter had a veritable arsenal of weapons and ammunition. But, I didn’t hear them mention his name, only that he was taken into custody.
Maurice Hill, we learn here at the Philadelphia Inquirer had a long criminal history.
(See that Townhall was on it overnight with a report about Hill’s criminal history.)
So, how did Hill get his guns including assault weapons? Are we going to hear anything about whether he had a background check? Are we going to hear anything about mental illness? Are we going to hear anything about who he hated (police?)? Are we going to be told that a background check would have kept him from owning guns? Did his family, friends and neighbors ever try to report him to the local police?
Are we going to hear anything about who his political heroes are?
I’ll bet that starting tomorrow, you won’t hear another peep about how the city of brotherly love harbors violent criminals with arsenals in their closets. Why? Because it runs against the PC narrative our mainstream media is peddling.
All the gun laws in the world are not going to keep the Maurice Hills from acquiring “weapons of war.”
And, you know where that leaves you—the law abiding American!
If you go to Shareblue.com, you can get all the dem talking points distributed by David Brock daily to media and dem pols sent to your mailbox. No need to watch cnn, that is where they get their info!
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 6:53 AM Frauds, Crooks and Criminals wrote:
> Ann Corcoran posted: ” I said I would write about American criminals > from time to time, and I’ve told you that I watch CNN the first thing every > morning as a way of seeing where the Leftwingers/Progressives are going on > any given day. Today, at CNN, the morning ancho” >
Thanks for the info!
In its battle to deny Donald Trump a reelection win, the Left knows that it MUST convince the public that the economy is headed for the toilet. Historically, no president loses a reelection bid when the economy is doing well. So watch for a tsunami of reporting, telling America that The Recession is looming!
Their DA is a guy pal of our DA here in Pittsfield. She is constantly trying to release violent offenders via reduced chicken scratch bail as her virtue signaling form of reparations. She’s a hateful leftist who will be picked up by Soros for higher office no doubt after she finishes destroying Berkshire county.
This link went nowhere. I couldn’t share it and ur search box didn’t find it. Something’s up.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Thank you, I keep hearing this same information. Which browser do you use?
Great post, Ann. I shared it on my timeline.
Reblogged this on The Tactical Hermit and commented:
Answer: When something doesn’t fit the MSM agenda, like the shooter being as BLACK as the Ace of Spades, they ignore it, hoping you will. Wake Up.
He is also a Muslim.
Do you have a link for that information.
He mostly likely got his gun(s) from his mosque. Remember what Erdogan said:
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the faithful our soldiers” — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, quoting a famous Islamic poem.
I do remember it very well!