I do it and some of you do it—-dance around the real roots of the danger America faces. Syrian ‘refugees’ arrive in Kentucky
I write about this crime here and that crook over there and illegal activities often perpetrated by the ‘new Americans’ our government, presumably driven by humanitarian zeal (and crass economic desires), has welcomed to America.
But this writer, Linda Goudsmit at Israpundit,goes to the heart of the matter—-we have invited for settlement those who seek to one day overturn our Constitutional form of government.
The Humanitarian Hoax of Five-Times-a-Day Islam: Killing America With Kindness – hoax 31
The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Author Goudsmit
Islam is a comprehensive socio-political movement with a religious wing whose objective is to establish a worldwide caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law. The stated and unapologetic strategy is settlement. What does that mean? Settlement means war against America.
Settlement is the opposite of assimilation. For centuries, the United States has welcomed immigrants from every continent to legally enter America and become Americans through assimilation. [By the way, watch how Progressives, friends to the Islamists, control the language. They no longer even use the word “assimilation.” They promote “integration” which they say means living side by side (accommodation!)—-not embracing American culture.—ed] Becoming an American is more than a document – it is a commitment to an open and free society where citizens have the unalienable right to free speech without fear of reprisal.It is a commitment to diverse opinions and the freedom to express them. The Constitution guarantees our rights and defines American culture by stipulating what is and what is not legal in America. The Constitution articulates our fundamental principles and is the governing supreme law of the land. Our Founding Fathers embraced the Judeo-Christian principles embodied in the 10 Commandments which provided the ethical foundation for the Constitution and outlined moral standards for life in America.
All Americans are expected to live by the laws of the Constitution regardless of race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation. The United States Constitution is the common denominator that makes all Americans part of one American family. This means that all Americans are required to observe the separation of church and state including Muslims.
The conflict for Muslims in America is threefold:
– In Islam there is no separation of church and state.
– Islamic sharia law governs Muslims and is incompatible with western norms and our secular laws.
– Islam recognizes the authority of Islamic supremacist sharia law exclusively, and does not recognize the authority of the United States Constitution.
So, Muslims in America are confronted with two choices. Either embrace the Constitution and assimilate to become Americans. Or embrace Sharia law and try to settle America and make America Muslim.
Continue reading here. Then this: It is all about the numbers! Minneapolis Somalis gather for political rally. Somalis are in Minnesota in large numbers thanks to the US State Department and ‘religious’ resettlement contractors.
Multicultural accommodations are not how Muslims assimilate – they are how Islam settles America and makes America Muslim. It’s all in the numbers.
Dr. Peter Hammond’s book Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat explains the process in detail. According to Hammond:
“Islam is not a religion or a cult. It is a complete, total, 100% system of life. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components. Islamization (settlement) begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.”
In Minneapolis and Dearborn the numbers are already there says Goudsmit.
Read it allhere.
When you feel you are being drawn to the latest shiny object the mainstream media puts out on a daily basis, come back to this post and Goudsmit’s piece to reorient your thinking and remind yourself what is the real threat to America and to our future generations.
12 thoughts on “The Humanitarian Hoax: Getting to the Core of the Fraud Against Us”
Many thanks for posting my article. I became a political analyst in my retirement because I could no longer remain a silent witness to the deliberate war on America lead by the regressive leftist Democrats, Islamists, and globalists in cooperation with the mainstream media. I have written a series of Humanitarian Hoax articles to raise consciousness and help Americans become familiar with the sinister attempt to shatter America from within. The players in the leftist/Islamist/globalist axis have common cause to collapse America even though they have very different visions for the final outcome. War makes strange bedfellows, and the Culture War on America is no different. Please make time to read the Humanitarian Hoax series if you believe in America and the freedoms our extraordinary Constitution provides. God Bless America!
Linda Goudsmit
Thanks so much for taking time to write and I will read other articles in your series!
To Ann Corcoran,
I read Frauds, Crooks, and Criminals daily and before that I read Refugee Resettlement daily. I am a big fan of yours and your resolute commitment to keeping America safe.
Imagine my surprise when I saw my own article on your blog!! I am thrilled and flattered. Thank you Ann.
My goal is consciousness raising – most Americans have no idea that sinister forces are working together to bring down America in an effort to restructure the world order. I am amazed at the lack of information, disinformation, and misinformation that informs their opinions.
I believe in consciousness raising and informed opinions. I do not write for publishers who insist upon exclusivity – my goal is the widest distribution possible. I only ask that my name be listed as author.
Thank you again for publishing my article. All of my articles are available for publication on my website and on my Pundicity page. If any interest you please publish them – no permissions necessary.
Most sincerely, Linda Goudsmit lindagoudsmit.com goudsmit.pundicity.com
I hadn’t seen this comment before I posted your other one. Small world! A friend and I were talking on Friday exactly about what you wrote so your article resonated and reminded me of what we are up against. Thank you for writing it!
Reblogged this on The Tactical Hermit and commented:
The author hits the Proverbial Nail on the Head…
Well the more I read the more concerned I am for the United States as we allow more and more or these individuals into this country. We have a bunch of brain dead politicians who really do not care about the United States. They think that they are protected from any of the refugees who will eventually take over this country. We already have a few in the Federal legislature, so it is starting from within already. We need to send them back to their home countries, let them fight the good fight there instead of here. How can we ever get our over paid politicians to listen to any common sense argument about the decline of this country where you have the news media helping. Nothing will be done until it is too late. Sad days coming in this country.
Joan Osborne
Thanks so much for this extremely enlightening essay on the Islamist agenda. I sent it to the Prez with the following note:
Mr. President, you or those who work for you MUST read this fact-based and extremely illuminating revelation of the official, deeply expansionist agenda of the Islamic “religion”. This is an existential issue for our democracy, Christianity and our beloved republic.
Let’s hope the Powers That Be read it, and take it to heart!
Thank you for taking time to do that! You never know who might be reading the comments coming in and move it on to the right person.
Many thanks for posting my article. I became a political analyst in my retirement because I could no longer remain a silent witness to the deliberate war on America lead by the regressive leftist Democrats, Islamists, and globalists in cooperation with the mainstream media. I have written a series of Humanitarian Hoax articles to raise consciousness and help Americans become familiar with the sinister attempt to shatter America from within. The players in the leftist/Islamist/globalist axis have common cause to collapse America even though they have very different visions for the final outcome. War makes strange bedfellows, and the Culture War on America is no different. Please make time to read the Humanitarian Hoax series if you believe in America and the freedoms our extraordinary Constitution provides. God Bless America!
Linda Goudsmit
Thanks so much for taking time to write and I will read other articles in your series!
To Ann Corcoran,
I read Frauds, Crooks, and Criminals daily and before that I read Refugee Resettlement daily. I am a big fan of yours and your resolute commitment to keeping America safe.
Imagine my surprise when I saw my own article on your blog!! I am thrilled and flattered. Thank you Ann.
My goal is consciousness raising – most Americans have no idea that sinister forces are working together to bring down America in an effort to restructure the world order. I am amazed at the lack of information, disinformation, and misinformation that informs their opinions.
I believe in consciousness raising and informed opinions. I do not write for publishers who insist upon exclusivity – my goal is the widest distribution possible. I only ask that my name be listed as author.
Thank you again for publishing my article. All of my articles are available for publication on my website and on my Pundicity page. If any interest you please publish them – no permissions necessary.
Most sincerely, Linda Goudsmit lindagoudsmit.com goudsmit.pundicity.com
I hadn’t seen this comment before I posted your other one. Small world! A friend and I were talking on Friday exactly about what you wrote so your article resonated and reminded me of what we are up against. Thank you for writing it!
Reblogged this on The Tactical Hermit and commented:
The author hits the Proverbial Nail on the Head…
Well the more I read the more concerned I am for the United States as we allow more and more or these individuals into this country. We have a bunch of brain dead politicians who really do not care about the United States. They think that they are protected from any of the refugees who will eventually take over this country. We already have a few in the Federal legislature, so it is starting from within already. We need to send them back to their home countries, let them fight the good fight there instead of here. How can we ever get our over paid politicians to listen to any common sense argument about the decline of this country where you have the news media helping. Nothing will be done until it is too late. Sad days coming in this country.
Joan Osborne
Reblogged this on TORONTO News & Views.
Thanks so much for this extremely enlightening essay on the Islamist agenda. I sent it to the Prez with the following note:
Mr. President, you or those who work for you MUST read this fact-based and extremely illuminating revelation of the official, deeply expansionist agenda of the Islamic “religion”. This is an existential issue for our democracy, Christianity and our beloved republic.
Let’s hope the Powers That Be read it, and take it to heart!
Thank you for taking time to do that! You never know who might be reading the comments coming in and move it on to the right person.