He doesn’t hate Jews. He is just a nut in need of mental health treatment says his family.
And, that would be mental health treatment paid for by the taxpayers of ‘welcoming’ America? Mohamed Abdi Mohamed in an earlier LA Times photo.
Editor:I’m reporting the news as it was reported by many media outlets yesterday, but I have to say my gut tells me there is something fishy going on here. My earlier posts are hereand here.
While the Egyptian national who was released (and was given his passport back) has an attorney, Santana Renee Adams desperately needs someone courageous to defend her.
Mohamed Fathy Hussein Zayan and attorney Michelle Protzman speak during a news conference Thursday, April 4, 2019, at the Barboursville Police Department in Barboursville, W.Va.
When Adams was arrested and charged yesterday, she had no attorney. Sources who spoke with Adams family report that there is a lot more to the story than the police and the media are saying. Hereis the Associated Press version of what happened,
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A woman who told police that an Egyptian man had tried to kidnap her daughter from a West Virginia shopping mall was jailed Friday after the accusation unraveled, a police detective said. Adams, mother of several small children, under arrest. No attorney present. https://www.wtap.com/content/news/Police-to-charge-woman-who-falsely-accused-Egyptian-man-of-abduction-in-WVa-mall-508166861.html
Barboursville Police Detective Greg Lucas said Santana Renee Adams was charged with falsely reporting an emergency incident, a misdemeanor that carries up to six months in jail and a $500 fine. The 24-year-old Adams turned herself in about 2 p.m. and was jailed after a magistrate judge set bail at $20,000, Lucas said. She was calm and quiet while she was booked and ignored questions from a throng of reporters waiting for her at the courthouse, he said. Lucas said she didn’t have an attorney yet.
The charge capped a sensational tale of a mother using a gun to thwart a brazen abduction attempt that quickly fell apart amid inconsistencies.
More here. For those of you wondering if this is all about the fact that she had a gun, I am told that there is no requirement in West Virginia to have a permit for a concealed weapon. WV is a Constitutional Carry state, see here.
Did she reveal her gun to the Egyptian man during the disputed incident?
The spokesman for the Barbourville Police Department says in this press conference (scroll down in story) that he didn’t know if she did, or did not, because there is no surveillance video of the interaction, he said!
So, if there is no video of the incident, and no witnesses, then this whole case revolves around her story versus his story, and who is more believable, right?
But, making matters more confusing for those of us smelling a rat, the police spokesman says in that same video that “there is still an uninvited touching of a child.” That is considered battery, he goes on to say.
He sounded so sure that the unwanted touching is not in dispute, so was he basing that only on what Adams said, or did Zayan confirm that as well? Zayan says he wants to be cleared so he can come back and forth to America!
I wonder because in another news account Zayan said this when charges were dropped against him,
Zayan, speaking to reporters, said he had never seen Adams and would not be able to point out her or her daughter if they were standing in front of him.
“I haven’t seen her. I don’t know her,” he said.
I assume he said all that in English, so if anyone finds that video of that press conference, let me know because this is what we were told when he was arraigned,
An interpreter was present for Zayan’s arraignment as he spoke Arabic and did not speak English.
Bottomline, with questions swirling in my mind, I’m losing some sleep over this story and I sure hope someone, preferably a good (brave) lawyer! jumps in to help unravel what happened at the mall that night.
But, perhaps even more importantly: Were there political machinations going on behind the scenes after the Egyptian consulate became involved?
Going forward, please don’t hesitate to send me information on this case and those involved. But, remember I can’t post hearsay! Send to: frauds.crooks.criminals@gmail.com