Just now when I was tweeting about how everyone should be calling their members of Congress and Senators today (even the Dems!) to demand they fund the President’s wall, I noted that my top tweet of the last month was one about a Chinese sex trafficking ring operating in New Hampshire and Maine.
The poor young girls were brought to the US on tourist visas and literally held prisoner by their Chinese pimps.
From the New Hampshire Union Leader:
MANCHESTER — Two homes in the city — one in a middle-class neighborhood — were used as houses of prostitution in a sex trafficking ring that involved as many as two dozen Chinese women under the control of a Concord couple, federal prosecutors said Friday. Police raid house of prostitution
Neighbors of 87 Harrington Ave. — on a quiet residential street within earshot of Our Lady of the Cedars Church — said they had been complaining for two years about the operation. On Thursday, Manchester police and sheriff deputies used battering rams on the door and took away at least one Asian woman.
“Merry Christmas. For two years we’ve been waiting. Now our kids can come out and play,” said a woman who lived across the street who did not want to be identified.
….federal officials in Maine announced the indictment of a Concord couple and charged them with running the sex ring spanning Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Other sites of prostitution listed included hotels in Dover, Portsmouth and Kittery, where Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is located.
Multiple locations in the Portland, Maine area were also cited.
Sou Chao Li and Derong Maio, both 37, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to engage in interstate transportation and travel for prostitution; two counts of sex trafficking by fraud and coercion; and five counts of interstate transportation for prostitution. Li also is charged with possessing a victim’s passport as part of the sex trafficking scheme.
Neighbors of the Harrington Avenue home, nearly all of whom did not want to be identified, said they have been enduring traffic all hours of the day and night for years. They said middle-aged white men typically, many in SUVs and pickups, drive to the neighborhood, park on the street, enter the house and leave after 10 or 15 minutes. Some would wait in the car while another man was in the house.
“Sometimes they’d show up at my door,” one neighbor said. “I’d say ‘you guys looking for STDs? Go next door.’” [STD=Sexually Transmitted Diseases].
There is much more to the story, click here to read it all.
Here is what I want to know, did no one who reviews tourist visas from China notice any trend? We never hear about the details of that process. Was there fraud going on at the US Embassy in China?
Sometimes our criminals at Fraud, Crooks and Criminals will be Americans like the man who allegedly killed little Jazmine Barnes in a drive-by shooting ten days ago. This is the man the New York Times and CNN were already lynching!
The black child was killed by a black thug, but the New York Times, CNNand all the rest had already lynched a “white man with blue eyes” whose likeness had been sent out around the world after other children in the car where Jazmine died told authorities this is what the shooter looked like.
I’ve told some of you previously that I watch CNNthe first thing in the morning so that I can get a feel for where they are steering the Leftwing segment of America on any given day.
Oh boy, here they go I thought when that drawing went out and the race hucksters headed to Houston. CNN actually led one segment of their morning news with the shooting “hate crime” story, even before they launched in to their daily hate fest against the President. Eric Black Jr arrested in killing of black child
That was until two days ago when, oopsy! turns out the man arrested in the case looks like this.
A second black man has been arrested.
And, guess what! No updates during my early a.m. review of CNN today.
But it wasn’t just CNN, the New York Times had gone on a ‘it has to be a hate crime’ frenzy.
Here is just one segment of a New York Timesstory (before the arrest of the black thug):
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office believes the gunman fired at random into the car in which Jazmine was riding with her mother and three sisters, a 6-year-old and two teenagers. A bullet struck Jazmine in the head, her mother said.
The police said Wednesday that they still had not identified the gunman. But the case has drawn the attention of national civil rights activists and fueled speculation that the shooting was racially motivated. The gunman is white, the police said, and Jazmine was black.[Note how the reporter phrases that, I doubt the police said the gunman is white!—ed]
In another effort to garner the public’s help, Mr. Merritt [family attorney] and Shaun King, a prominent racial justice activist and a columnist at The Intercept, have offered a $100,000 reward for information leading to the gunman’s arrest.
Maybe the New York Timeshas apologized, but I don’t see it.
Even in a story where the NYThas to admit the truth, they keep ginning up the “hate crime” meme by quoting Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, here:
“Do not be afraid to call this what it seems to be — a hate crime,” Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Houston Democrat, told hundreds of people at a rally last week near the site of the killing.
Now, thisis the story they are pushing widely. It is about how the poor family got confused.
Jazmine Barnes Case Shows How Trauma Can Affect Memory
Meanwhile, speaking of poor families, the family of the white man who may have witnessed the shooting is getting bullied and threatened. This is from local ABC news:
Family of man wrongfully accused by activist Shaun King in Jazmine Barnes’ shooting speaks out
Will the NYT and CNNfollow-up and report that news? I’m not holding my breath!
Maybe the “white man with blue eyes” should sue the whole bunch of them!
I haven’t done this story (“Justice for Jazmine”) justice. Some feature writer should go through the media coverage of the case and expose in exquisite detail how the frauds in the Leftwing media spin the news.
You know they couldn’t wait to blame this on Donald Trump’s America!
New category at Frauds and Crooks: Media fraud!
Would someone keep an eye on this case and see if major media outlets ever mention it again after this week?