Drive the Democrats crazy, use the word “replacement” every time you mention the invasion at our southern border!
We know that the word, used in conjunction with the word “great,” is strictly verboten by the Leftwing gatekeepers of the language and not just in America but in Europe as well wheremigrants are “swarming” the continent.
Tucker Carlson opened his show last night with a 20- minute monologue you must not miss explaining how mass migration is changing America by changing he people which happens to be on my logo at RRW.
But, you dare not say what Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democrat Party’s political ambitions.”
His show last night follows days of criticism for what he says are his “unauthorized conversations” about the driving force behind Biden/Harris immigration policies.
Unauthorized by the Anti-Defamation League and others.
Fox stands behind Tucker Carlson after ADL urges his firing
Here is the kind of speech that the ADL and other extremists on the Left find intolerable, saying it is white supremacy straight up. And, it is what Carlson says is the “central idea of the modern Democrat Party.”
During a guest appearance Thursday on “Fox News Primetime,” Carlson “embraced a foundational theory of white supremacy,” the ADL said.
During the show, Carlson said “the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate of voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.” He added that he had “less political power because they are importing a brand new electorate.”
Rather than me writing more about what Carlson said, watch for yourself (hat tip: Cathy).
Did you know that California now has the highest poverty rate in America as an example of where the great replacement is well-advanced?
If you have been scratching your head and wondering how could Biden and Harris be so stupid to open our borders so completely.
New American voters and consumers!
Scratch no more! They aren’t stupid! That is the plan!
Chamber of Commerce types will see them as a never-ending source of cheap labor and as consumers who will need to purchase stuff—homes, cars, and Chinese made everything!
Now repeat after me, and say it often (for fun, and to drive the Socialists nuts):
It is the great replacement! R-E-P-L-A-C-E-M-E-N-T!
At the time, I could not find a photo of the alleged rapist, but thanks to the woman’s brother who set up a hidden camera in her room we now have this photo:
You will see (hear from their accent) that the white victim and her brother are immigrants themselves perhaps from Eastern Europe.
‘They must change’: Seattle woman, brother speak after hidden camera nursing home rape arrest
SEATTLE — KIRO 7 first told you earlier this month that prosecutors had charged 29-year-old nursing assistant, Nshimiyiana Hamzat, with second-degree rape after they said he was captured on hidden camera repeatedly raping a disabled patient in his care at Foss Home and Village in North Seattle.
Hamzat is currently booked in the King County Jail.
Charging papers say the hidden camera was disguised as a phone charger and placed in the room at Foss Home and Village nursing home, unbeknownst to the victim by her brother, who she had told about the alleged sexual abuse after initially suffering in silence.
That woman and her brother, whose identities we’re concealing given the allegations, are now sharing their stories for the first time with KIRO 7 in hopes of creating change at the nursing home that KIRO 7 recently learned is tied to another Seattle police investigation involving the reported sexual assault of a 93-year-old woman.
They also shared screenshots of the video they said was turned over to Seattle police that led to the rape charges.
“I asked him, what are you doing to me? He said back to me, ‘I’m trying to help you, I’m trying to clean you’,” said the victim in an interview with KIRO 7. “It was really terrible.”
Watch the news clip to see the camera (you might need one someday!) used by the victim’s brother who said it made him sick to see what it recorded.
The video shows she was raped twice a day on two different days.
Here is the latest news from last week. It is an Associated Press story they condensed from the Seattle Times. The AP story might actually be distributed widely throughout the country.
Seattle Nursing Home to Pay $8M in Sexual Assault Lawsuit
SEATTLE (AP) — A Seattle nursing home’s insurer has agreed to pay $8 million to settle a lawsuit brought on behalf of a disabled woman who was sexually assaulted while in the facility’s care.
Foss Home and Village agreed to settle the 2019 lawsuit claiming the facility was negligent in its hiring and its failure to have a system in place that ensured the plaintiff’s care was “monitored and properly supervised.”
The lawsuit was filed after the woman, who is in her 50s with multiple sclerosis, told relatives about the abuse. One relative placed a hidden camera in her room, the Seattle Times reported.
The video captured the woman being repeatedly raped by a male employee, according to King County prosecutors who charged Nshimiyiana Hamzat with rape and indecent liberties two years ago.
See also the Seattle Times story where the victim’s attorney is quoted:
Seattle nursing home settles lawsuit for $8 million after worker allegedly raped woman repeatedly
“They had one male staffer cleaning the genitalia of disabled females,” said plaintiff’s attorney Darrell L. Cochran who worked on the case with attorney Kevin Hastings. “That’s a terribly dangerous practice.” [There should be a law in fact, that vulnerable women are only cared for by other women!-ed]
And, a warning to all:
Cochran said that while the $8 million settlement got Foss’ attention, “everyone should be on the alert for their elderly family and friends because sometimes assistant living homes have good policies but really bad practices.”
This is not the only case of rape allegations in care facilities we have reported.
See a similar case in Minnesota just last month where a son set up a surveillance camera because he feared Mom was being abused.
One of the supposed benefits of mass migration that the Left is pushing is their bright idea that they will train more immigrants to care for America’s elderly. I shudder at the thought.
Editor’s note: Please consider reading my posts at‘Frauds and Crooks’ on a computer screen once in awhile instead of on your phone, or simply in an e-mail!
Why? Because I spend a lot of time laying out posts with photos etc. and they look so jumbled, with photo captions separated, when condensed in an e-mail or on a phone.
Additionally it helps my numbers (hits!) look better!
Please check out my post at Refugee Resettlement Watch today.
If you are not a regular reader of RRW you might not know that you are paying millions to two supposed ‘religious’ charities which are helping spread illegal migrants from the southern border throughout America.
If you watched Absolute Proofback in February, you will be blown away with Lindell’s latest.
Mike Lindell
He is truly an amazing man because he continues to fight to prove that the 2020 Election Steal is the biggest cyber crime in world history, and in the face of lawsuits and efforts to kill his business, he fights on.
Everyone must take an hour today to watch his latest and spread it far and wide.
And, then your job is to be as brave as he is and figure out what you can do where you live to expose election fraud.
On election night President Trump was winning by a larger margin than the enemy had predicted. So they went to work changing computer algorithms that had been originally set to steal the election at a different number of ballots, thus the strange anomalies that we saw in key swing states.
But, it is important to note that Lindell and his guest believe the fraud was more widespread than in just the swing states.
What is most interesting to me about this lengthy report entitled ‘The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up,’ is that it was written by reporters at CNNand you will not be surprised to see some of the reasons why murders, rapes, assaults and robberies are on the rise.
Of course, claims are made that the Chinese virus played a role for various reasons, but so did those riots we witnessed throughout the summer of 2020.
And, of great concern both from the riots and from the failure of the legal system to mete out sufficient punishment is the fact that police officers are feeling demeaned by the defund the police movement.
Yes! CNN is saying this, something you surely wouldn’t have seen in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election because those are the things Donald Trump was saying.
But, before I get to the analysis of a study released by the Major Cities Chiefs Association that documents the alarming rise in crime, please see this dreadful story from South Carolina.
A Christian doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, along with an air conditioner repairman who happened to be working at the house were gunned down by a black, former football player, apparently angry because his drugs had been cut off.
Adams killed himself after killing the doctor, his wife and two grandchildren, so this will be the end of this sad story except for those in the shattered Lesslie family.
And, for the family of a repairman who surely now has a grieving family too.
Although no one was killed this time, see a disgusting violent display posted at Gateway Punditwhere some black women assaulted a hapless white US postal service worker because she didn’t have their stimulus checks.
Before I get to the CNNreport and the crime study, in 2020 numbers skyrocketed as first time gun buyers hit an all time high. Women especially didn’t have to see a study to know that they need to protect themselves now more than ever.
I wondered if the Lesslie family had a gun, but even if they did I’m guessing they had no time to get it.
The US saw significant crime rise across major cities in 2020. And it’s not letting up
It’s nearly impossible to attribute any year-to-year change in violent crime statistics to any single factor, and homicides and shootings are an intensely local phenomenon that can spike for dozens of reasons.
But the increase in homicide rates across the country is both historic and far-reaching, as were the pandemic and social movements that touched every part of society last year.
Experts point to a “perfect storm” of factors — economic collapse, social anxiety because of a pandemic, de-policing in major cities after protests that called for abolition of police departments, shifts in police resources from neighborhoods to downtown areas because of those protests, and the release of criminal defendants pretrial or before sentences were completed to reduce risk of Covid-19 spread in jails — all may have contributed to the spike in homicides.
Some cities will “outpace last year’s numbers” in Joe Biden’s America!
Through the first three months of 2021, a number of major cities have indicated they are still experiencing high rates of violent crime, according to Laura Cooper, executive director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association. “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers,” she said.
Protests were violent! No kidding CNN!
St. Louis riots. Completely missing from CNN’s report are the words Black Lives Matter. I believe those three words have become a license to kill.
Protest messages varied from defunding departments to outright abolition of police forces and were sometimes violent and occasionally led to looting and other property destruction. Many protesters largely dismissed the legitimacy of American police.
Police departments were often forced to shift officers from neighborhoods where violent crime occurs to downtown areas to staff protests. Police in St. Louis staffed 160 protests downtown last summer, according to that city’s police commissioner, Col. John Hayden Jr.
Who would have guessed: “If you stop policing, violence goes up.”
CNN continued….
Another aspect of de-policing relates to low morale among officers as a result of the Defund the Police movement. Police Commissioner Harrison noted that diminished performance by officers leads to increases in violent crime as a result of officers feeling “under attack.”
“Whenever you have an anti-police sentiment,” says Harrison, “you can very well have police officers who are not as motivated to go out and really be proactive because it’s perceived that people don’t value police.”
The heightened scrutiny of police departments has created an environment where officers are less likely to stop people out of fear of getting in trouble and being videotaped while making an arrest, said Moskos.
“It’s not that they’ve stopped working, but if they see someone suspicious in an alley, they just ignore it when a year ago they might have stopped him and figured it out,” he said. “Because what happens if he resists arrest?”
Free to kill because there will be no consequences!
The factors that determine whether an individual decides to commit a crime have everything to do with the likelihood of getting caught, and if they are caught, whether there will be consequences, said Baltimore’s Commissioner Harrison.
Harrison says the sweeping shut down of the criminal justice system for almost a year sent the message that people won’t be held accountable for their crimes.
See the Major Cities Chiefs Association Crime Report by clicking here.
And, it isn’t getting better: “Some cities are set to outpace last year’s numbers!”
If your city is one of those experiencing a spike in crime in Joe Biden’s America, why not write a letter to the editor of your local paper. I doubt very much this is data that your likely liberal local media will want to report.