Drive the Democrats crazy, use the word “replacement” every time you mention the invasion at our southern border!
We know that the word, used in conjunction with the word “great,” is strictly verboten by the Leftwing gatekeepers of the language and not just in America but in Europe as well where migrants are “swarming” the continent.
Tucker Carlson opened his show last night with a 20- minute monologue you must not miss explaining how mass migration is changing America by changing he people which happens to be on my logo at RRW.
But, you dare not say what Carlson said, “Demographic change is the key to the Democrat Party’s political ambitions.”
His show last night follows days of criticism for what he says are his “unauthorized conversations” about the driving force behind Biden/Harris immigration policies.
Unauthorized by the Anti-Defamation League and others.
See that Fox is (so far?) standing behind Carlson as the ADL demands his firing.
Fox stands behind Tucker Carlson after ADL urges his firing
Here is the kind of speech that the ADL and other extremists on the Left find intolerable, saying it is white supremacy straight up. And, it is what Carlson says is the “central idea of the modern Democrat Party.”
During a guest appearance Thursday on “Fox News Primetime,” Carlson “embraced a foundational theory of white supremacy,” the ADL said.
During the show, Carlson said “the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate of voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.” He added that he had “less political power because they are importing a brand new electorate.”
Rather than me writing more about what Carlson said, watch for yourself (hat tip: Cathy).
Did you know that California now has the highest poverty rate in America as an example of where the great replacement is well-advanced?
If you have been scratching your head and wondering how could Biden and Harris be so stupid to open our borders so completely.

Scratch no more! They aren’t stupid! That is the plan!
All of those thousands of children entering the US on a daily basis will never leave and will in a few short years overwhelm formerly Republican states as new American voters.
Chamber of Commerce types will see them as a never-ending source of cheap labor and as consumers who will need to purchase stuff—homes, cars, and Chinese made everything!
Now repeat after me, and say it often (for fun, and to drive the Socialists nuts):
It is the great replacement! R-E-P-L-A-C-E-M-E-N-T!