This is one more story that you probably haven’t seen if you live outside of the state where the crime occurred.
Why? It doesn’t fit the national media mob’s view of the world. It is one thing when an illegal alien kills white Americans (ho hum), but heck they sure don’t want to talk about how illegals are killing ‘new American’ people of color.
ICE: Man accused of murdering Seattle father is in US illegally, has long criminal history
Sam Nang Lam, 56, was sleeping on the living room couch when bullets started flying early Nov. 3, killing the father of five.
King County sanctuary policies are directly responsible for the death of Sam Nang Lam
Seattle police said 25-year-old Julio Cruz-Velazquez was arrested in SeaTac on Nov. 7. He was taken into custody after a traffic stop with assistance from Tukwila Police.
Cruz-Velazquez is charged with first-degree murder. Bail was set at $2 million.
According to U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Cruz-Velazquez has a significant criminal history dating back as far as 2000. The charges included rape, domestic violence, burglary, DUI, malicious mischief, failure to comply and assault.
ICE officials say sanctuary policies, like in King County, block the agency’s ability to do its job.
A press release from ICEgives us a shocking list of the crimes committed by Mexican Julio Cesar Cruz-Velazquez. After each one, the Seattle police let him go free.
Julio Cruz-Velazquez has the aforementioned significant criminal history:
On Feb. 3, 2000, Cruz-Velazquez was encountered by Border Patrol and voluntarily returned to Mexico the following day. He reentered the United States illegally at an unknown location on an unknown date, without inspection.
Cruz-Velazquez was arrested three times from 2010-2012 by the Seattle Police Department on local charges including robbery and manufacturing and possessing a controlled substance. On all three occasions he was released prior to ICE having time to lodge a detainer.
On June 7, 2012, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested by the Seattle Police Department and charged with possession of a stolen vehicle. He was subsequently released on an unknown date, prior to ICE having time to lodge a detainer.
On Aug. 10, 2015, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested for failure to comply by the Seattle Police Department. He was released, yet again, without ICE having time to lodge a detainer.
On Nov. 16, 2015, Cruz-Velazquez was convicted of vehicle prowling and sentenced to 364 days in jail and 12 months community service. Cruz-Velazquez was later released on an unknown date.
On July 27, 2016, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested by the Seattle Police Department and charged with burglary and malicious mischief. He was released, yet again, without ICE having time to lodge a detainer.
On July 7, 2018, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested by the Tukwila Police Department and charged with rape and domestic violence.
On July 9, 2018, ICE lodged a detainer with the King County Jail. The detainer was not honored and the King County Jail released him on an unknown date without notifying ICE.
On Jan. 4, 2019, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested by the Tukwila Police Department and charged with failure to comply and driving under the influence.
On Jan. 7, 2019, ICE lodged a detainer with the King County Jail. The detainer was not honored and the King County Jail released him on an unknown date without notifying ICE.
On April 4, 2019, Cruz-Velazquez was convicted of assault II-domestic violence.
On July 10, 2019, Cruz-Velazquez was booked into the Nisqually Jail and charged with a community custody violation. The following day, he was released prior to ICE being able to lodge a detainer.
On Nov. 7, 2019, Cruz-Velazquez was arrested by the Seattle Police Department and charged with homicide. ICE lodged a detainer the same day with King County Jail.
No other way to say it, but King County Sanctuary policies killed Sam Lang Nam.
Un-frigging-believable!! What a sad, sordid roster of crimes, each blatant and unmistakable, each properly noted, and each utterly ignored and unpunished! What do you have to DO to get convicted and jailed in this country?? I count THIRTEEN different offenses (including the homicide), others very serious, followed by no justice whatever, for any of them!!
Why are WE paying incompetent losers in the DOJ? Any first year law student should be able to shut down this GARBAGE . The “DOJ” should have ended the sanctuary crap on day one. File the first criminal AND civil lawsuits, freeze the assets of of the “sanctuarians” and the rest would change their tune. Forfeit ALL of Gov. Newsom’s assets to pay damages to the family of that murdered woman ….and jail him as an ACCESSORY and an ACCOMPLICE. Federal Code 8, section 1324. “It is unlawful to transport, hire or house an illegal alien…under penalty of $2,000 fine for each illegal and/or 5 years in prison.
Yes, “sanctuary implementors” DO OWE DAMAGES for any harm their law breaking leads to. By the way, why is a clerk jailed for refusing to do her duty and register homosexual marriages,but these politicians and police are not jailed for allowing sanctuary cities and refusing to do THEIR duty? TAKE all their possessions.
Under Federal Law called the Harboring statute,those who Harbor and or conceal an illegal alien that murders an American,that person is eligible for the death penalty at Terre Haute!
Cannot say it often enough, these politicians took an oath to uphold the CONSTITUTION of the United States and therefore cannot whine that they do not have to enforce Federal Law. Every judge or politician blocking that wall is providing material aid and support to Narco Terrorists. Anyone who provides “sanctuary” to an illegal is harboring criminals, PERIOD. And if that illegal commits a crime the sanctuary providers is a ACTIVE ACCOMPLICE to the crime and is PERSONALLY Financially Liable for FULL restitution and gets to serve time for the crime…….. Make them pay a price for their evil ……. If the “Appointed Defenders” of Our HOUSE refuse to do their duty, they are accomplices and personally responsible for the results. “Public Officials” That refuse to enforce the immigration laws and provide “sanctuary” to ILLEGALS automatically assume personal financial responsibility for ANY crimes and any damages created by said ILLEGALS. They also are accessories to any crimes committed by their ILLEGALS and should be JAILED as Accomplices. Same applies to any priest/church that provides “sanctuary” Take all their assets for reparations and jail them as accomplices to the crimes .
The bible established 6 “sanctuary” cities 3 in the North, 3 in the South …… if you fled to them, you could NEVER return.
you want “sanctuary? you have live by the RULES,
but ILLEGALS broke the RULES to get into America so they cannot HAVE sanctuary
because ILLEGALS don’t want to live BY THE RULES of sanctuary
The fugitive had to remain within the walls of the sanctuary, abandon his or her oath to the king,
followed by which they had a short period of time to leave the country.
READ THAT AGAIN — “a short period of time to LEAVE THE COUNTRY.”
They were considered to be “dead”, so much so that their land was forfeited to the King and their wife considered to be a widow. If they refused to renounce their oath, they could be starved out of the sanctuary.
Henry VIII of England even took to branding them with a hot iron before they left the country just in case they tried to return; they could then be quickly spotted and arrested.
ecclesiastical immunity has no legal standing.
This sort of thing is exceedingly common now. The anti-ICE commies are all working to destroy America
I used to teach in the Mexican inner city in Phoenix, AZ. Even the small children were dangerous because they were part of gangs. The Muslim janitors would get the small Mexican kids in kindergarten and first grade to jimmie the teacher’s cars open because they knew how to do this at the time. Then the Muslims would drive the car to Central Avenue in Phoenix and set it on fire. All of this happened because some older student in the sixth grade would be angry about a bad grade that he got and he paid the janitors very well if they would steal the teachers cars. They had the money from the gangs.
Do you have any link for a news account of the car being set on fire with children in it?
Un-frigging-believable!! What a sad, sordid roster of crimes, each blatant and unmistakable, each properly noted, and each utterly ignored and unpunished! What do you have to DO to get convicted and jailed in this country?? I count THIRTEEN different offenses (including the homicide), others very serious, followed by no justice whatever, for any of them!!
Why are WE paying incompetent losers in the DOJ? Any first year law student should be able to shut down this GARBAGE . The “DOJ” should have ended the sanctuary crap on day one. File the first criminal AND civil lawsuits, freeze the assets of of the “sanctuarians” and the rest would change their tune. Forfeit ALL of Gov. Newsom’s assets to pay damages to the family of that murdered woman ….and jail him as an ACCESSORY and an ACCOMPLICE. Federal Code 8, section 1324. “It is unlawful to transport, hire or house an illegal alien…under penalty of $2,000 fine for each illegal and/or 5 years in prison.
Yes, “sanctuary implementors” DO OWE DAMAGES for any harm their law breaking leads to. By the way, why is a clerk jailed for refusing to do her duty and register homosexual marriages,but these politicians and police are not jailed for allowing sanctuary cities and refusing to do THEIR duty? TAKE all their possessions.
Under Federal Law called the Harboring statute,those who Harbor and or conceal an illegal alien that murders an American,that person is eligible for the death penalty at Terre Haute!
Cannot say it often enough, these politicians took an oath to uphold the CONSTITUTION of the United States and therefore cannot whine that they do not have to enforce Federal Law. Every judge or politician blocking that wall is providing material aid and support to Narco Terrorists. Anyone who provides “sanctuary” to an illegal is harboring criminals, PERIOD. And if that illegal commits a crime the sanctuary providers is a ACTIVE ACCOMPLICE to the crime and is PERSONALLY Financially Liable for FULL restitution and gets to serve time for the crime…….. Make them pay a price for their evil ……. If the “Appointed Defenders” of Our HOUSE refuse to do their duty, they are accomplices and personally responsible for the results. “Public Officials” That refuse to enforce the immigration laws and provide “sanctuary” to ILLEGALS automatically assume personal financial responsibility for ANY crimes and any damages created by said ILLEGALS. They also are accessories to any crimes committed by their ILLEGALS and should be JAILED as Accomplices. Same applies to any priest/church that provides “sanctuary” Take all their assets for reparations and jail them as accomplices to the crimes .
The bible established 6 “sanctuary” cities 3 in the North, 3 in the South …… if you fled to them, you could NEVER return.
you want “sanctuary? you have live by the RULES,
but ILLEGALS broke the RULES to get into America so they cannot HAVE sanctuary
because ILLEGALS don’t want to live BY THE RULES of sanctuary
The fugitive had to remain within the walls of the sanctuary, abandon his or her oath to the king,
followed by which they had a short period of time to leave the country.
READ THAT AGAIN — “a short period of time to LEAVE THE COUNTRY.”
They were considered to be “dead”, so much so that their land was forfeited to the King and their wife considered to be a widow. If they refused to renounce their oath, they could be starved out of the sanctuary.
Henry VIII of England even took to branding them with a hot iron before they left the country just in case they tried to return; they could then be quickly spotted and arrested.
ecclesiastical immunity has no legal standing.
This sort of thing is exceedingly common now. The anti-ICE commies are all working to destroy America
I used to teach in the Mexican inner city in Phoenix, AZ. Even the small children were dangerous because they were part of gangs. The Muslim janitors would get the small Mexican kids in kindergarten and first grade to jimmie the teacher’s cars open because they knew how to do this at the time. Then the Muslims would drive the car to Central Avenue in Phoenix and set it on fire. All of this happened because some older student in the sixth grade would be angry about a bad grade that he got and he paid the janitors very well if they would steal the teachers cars. They had the money from the gangs.
Do you have any link for a news account of the car being set on fire with children in it?