My friend Richard from Blue Ridge Forum said this on his facebook page about the novel protest. (BTW, there will be a pro-Trump rally in DC on Saturday!)
“Maryland Patriots Use Overpass Media To Bring Massive Voter Fraud Into Commuters’ Focus”
Yesterday Maryland Overpass-Media veterans Ed Hunter and Lewis Porter displayed their arresting signs on Gorman Road Bridge in Howard County over Northbound I-95 from 2 to 5 pm.
The northbound sign read ‘VOTER FRAUD’ and the southbound sign read ‘STOP THE STEAL’.
Porter (of Maryland 20/20 Watch) declared–
“Great day, lots and lots of positive responses with waves and honks from the highway. Very few negative responses. All in a very beautiful day for an active political protest. One small negative response from a woman who stopped the car on the bridge to yell at us to ‘take our sign down.'”
Editor:You likely know all of this news already. I started this post yesterday, but my internet went down again.
Surely you have heard this news from Monday reported hereat Politico(Leftwingers) who suggest that Barr is not serious, but only making this move to appease the President and us.
By the way, it is often much more useful to read the other side’s media than ours sometimes.
Whatever the motive, his move forced the director of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Election Crimes Branch to resign his post. However, you should read this as good news! I urge you to do a little search on one Richard Pilger who has headed that branch of the DOJ since 2010.
His name will be familiar to anyone who watched the Obama administration’s attack on Tea Party and other Conservative groups attempts to get an IRS determination to be allowed to raise money for their small emerging political action groups.
Barr OK for election-fraud investigations roils Justice Department
Attorney General William Barr appeared Monday to make a bid to reassure backers of President Donald Trump who have complained bitterly in recent days that the Justice Department was not taking action to combat alleged voter fraud and other election irregularities.
Ina memo to U.S. attorneys, Barr authorized them to open election-fraud investigations “if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”
Barr’s memo broadening the authorities of prosecutors in the election season had an abrupt and dramatic impact: prompting the veteran career official running the Justice Department branch that oversees such prosecutions to step down from his post, effective immediately.
Shortly after Barr’s directive was released, Richard Pilger, director of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Election Crimes Branch, sent colleagues an emailsaying he was transferring to another role in the department. The 28-year-veteran federal prosecutor also made unmistakably clear that alarm at Barr’s policy shift prompted his exit from the job he has held since 2010.
Sorry to make you sick this morning but they will all be back if Biden/Harris get away with stealing the election!
Angling for something are we?
It’s a historic day for Black women, South Asian women, women of color, women everywhere, for America.
Vanita Gupta, who served as head of Justice’s Civil Rights Division under President Barack Obama, posted a copy of Pilger’s resignation email online and called it “a testament to how grossly politicized and partisan the Barr DOJ is, in service of Trump.”
Still, the wording of Barr’s memo left unclear whether it was largely a sop to the president’s supporters or whether it portends serious investigations into last week’s election, of which Joe Biden was declared the winner over Trump.
Gupta suggested the memo was little more than posturing intended to satisfy the president and fuel misperceptions that voting fraud on any serious scale affected the 2020 presidential contest.
“Let’s be clear — this is about disruption, disinformation, and sowing chaos,” Gupta, now president of the Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights. “Trump is furious, demanding all ‘his’ lawyers take action. They have no evidence, so they’ll push the PR.”
“Voters decided election & overwhelmingly picked Biden,” added Gupta. “Election was secure & fair. No factual basis for memo. Scaremongering about opening investigations doesn’t change result.”
If I have the energy to continue blogging, it would be fun to feature the Biden/Harris players as they scurry back into government hidey-holes (if they succeed in stealing the election, that is.)
First the bad and ugly. Twitter was alive with this short off-mic moment featuring Sandra Smith making faces at comments by long time conservative super lawyer Cleta Mitchell.
Apparently someone inside Fox leaked it after a Saturday airing of ‘America’s Newsroom’ with Smith and Trace Gallagher. Smith’s off-camera face is revealing.
Over 2,000 comments are a fun read.
One commenter said: “We the 70 + million deplorables built Fox, now we tear it down.”
But, there was good too as Tucker Carlson did not fail us. If you missed his opening monologue last night here it is:
Will be watching to see who goes and who stays at Fox News…..
I am overwhelmed, as I guess you are too! I could turn this whole blog over to posts on election fraud, if I didn’t want to have a life! But thankfully there are some excellent sources of news on the subject after you have turned off Fox News!***
70 Million Americans gagged when they saw this screen. Biden is not the next President until the vote is certified a month from now. The Constitution doesn’t give Fox News or any of the other mainstream media mouthpieces the right to decide the election.
Many America Firstersare calling their cable companies to find out if they can get Newsmaxand One America News.
A reader sent me a link for a news aggregation site geared entirely to the 2020 Election Fraud issue. Update! Looks like this site might not be going anywhere—no new stories posted today.
And Clarice Feldman writing at American Thinker gives readers some important facts about the potential illegal activity happening in key states and what the Constitution prescribes for election certification in a post published yesterday.
Another Cliffhanger
A Little Civics Lesson
On Saturday, when rallies were scheduled to take place in key battleground areas to demand only legal votes were counted, the major networks announced Biden-Harris were the winners. Apparently, they are under the impression that they decide election results. They don’t. On December 14, electors chosen by state legislators cast their votes. No one else but the state legislators have that right.(Article II, Sec. 1,§2 of the Constitution). Certainly not the press, nor state boards of elections, secretaries of state, governors, or courts.
If they have reason to believe the elections in their states were unlawfully conducted and the results fraudulent, they can act to override them. (You can see a detailed history of this section of the Constitution in this fine articleby Daniel Horowitz.) The Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania legislatures are majority Republican. At first glance these states — particularly the precincts in Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia — are the most suspect. [Not Atlanta?—ed]
Is there ample evidence of fraud sufficient to have altered the will of the legal voters in these states? It sure looks that way.
Read onfor a summary of where things stand as of yesterday, and pay attention to her closing line:
Never give up the good fight. Never hamstring your will to fight-on with pessimism.
Did American Patriots get HAMMERED by the globalist deep-staters?
***Endnote: I will turn on Tucker Carlson tonight to see if there is any sign that he has been muzzled. If Fox lost Tucker, Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Judge Jeanine they would be finished.
Send me any links you see to stories about whether they are still on board, or are escaping.
And, one more thing, see RRW today as Muslims demand a seat at the Biden table.
Yesterday, a friend suggested we should all write daily to the White House to express our support for everything Donald Trump has done for America First!
And, urge him to fight for as long as it takes! Of course he likely won’t see your individual comments, but surely there is a daily digest.
By the way, I have resumed posting at Refugee Resettlement Watch because with all the focus understandably on the turmoil in the country, I want to be sure we don’t lose sight of the issue and continue to have a record of what is happening with the refugee industry here and what is happening in Europe and elsewhere as the migrant-spawned Islamic terrorism continues.