I guess you can say I am now completely done with Fox News after Tucker Carlsonwent after Sidney Powell last night. He was the last of their performances on the screen in my house.
Remember the rumors awhile back about Tucker in 2024—what a joke that is!
The lying anti-Trump ‘give me the evidence’ media mob is overjoyed to be reporting this news which is universally headlined: Tucker SLAMS Sidney Powell.
Newsweek is not the worst of them, but here is what they say:
Trump Lawyer Sidney Powell Hits Back After Tucker Carlson Criticizes Lack of Evidence
Sidney Powell, a lawyer for President Donald Trump‘s campaign, has responded to Fox News host Tucker Carlsonafter he said she had provided no evidence to support her claims of voter fraud.
The former prosecutor alleged at a press conference on Thursday that electronic voting machines had changed votes from the president to former Vice President Joe Biden but offered no proof.
In his monologue, which was also published as an op-ed on the Fox News website, Carlson told his prime time audience that he had asked Powell politely for evidence and would have had her on the show but she wasn’t willing to co-operate.
There were many ways Carlson could have said this without the snarky aggressive tone. In most cases like this the host would simply say, we reached out to Powell but did not get a response to our request. It was almost like he was saying: I am a big media star and you dared to turn ME down!
“Apparently Mr. Carlson missed the news conference today,” Powell said in a statement late on Thursday, according to Washington Examiner breaking news reporter Anthony Leonardi.
“I would continue to encourage him and all journalists to review all the materials we have provided so far and conduct their own investigations.
“Evidence continues to pour in, but a 5 minute television hit is not my focus now. Collecting evidence and preparing the case are my top priorities,” Powell said.
If you missed the Trump legal team press conference it is here. It was over an hour and a half long. I was glued to it!
Thanks to reader Cathy for sending the following.
If you were in Washington, DC last Saturday you felt it! It is not an overstatement when I say, you knew you were part of history in the making.
If this massive fraud on 73 Million LEGAL American voters is now swept under the rug, we are finished and our once great nation will be on the same level as Cuba and Venezuela, and that is what the commie Left wants!
If you are still holding onto your Fox News security blanket, let it go!
Right now Newsmax and One America Newsare where you should be. Watch for other media outlets that could show up as the RESISTANCE grows.
LOL! If I were Donald Trump right now I would be directing one of my children to begin setting up Trump TV to crush the fake news media and break its hold on the country.
One more thing! See my post yesterday at RRW about how Somalis are claiming they are responsible for keeping Minnesota out of Trump’s win column.
9 thoughts on “Tucker Carlson Curries Favor with the Leftwing Media Mob”
I have heard that it should be called MAGA TV.
Praying because JFK Jr started a news magazine and is rumoured to be ready to expose “George” for his involcement in assassination of papa. More rumors that it was a SAM that brought his plane down. His uncle was silent so maybe not. All of the Trump’s live boldly so…
Debs in #EverettWA
I’m gonna have to give Tucker the benefit of the doubt on this one. Yeah, it was obvious he felt snubbed by the refusal of her appearing on the show. But she could have appeared on the show, explained what she could and couldn’t divulge, and move on. Sounds mostly like dueling egos to me. It’s fair game to ask her to back up her claims, and it’s fair game for Tucker to remind everyone that there are no sacred cows here. Let’s get to the truth and let the chips fall where they may – hopefully in Trump’s favor, of course.
Tucker wants to stay on Fox so he has no choice but to subvert. Take a stand Tucker, tell ’em to shove the 10 million dollar salary, you have enough cash, join OAN or Newsmax and Parler at the same time.etc.
Tucker didn’t contact Powell once, he contacted her repeatedly. She finally had
to tell Tucker to quit contacting her; in other words, quit harassing her.
Like some little kid who can’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
Tucker has changed a lot and I can stand that “snarky” tone either.
I did update this post last night when I saw the report at Gateway Pundit that he harassed her. We should keep showing our America First power by changing that dial!
Is there a reason to think that Tucker’s objective is different than ours, which is to have the truth known about the election ? In order to do that what is his main job ? It is the same as yours and mine, to see the big picture. What is the big picture ? To have credibility. It is the beginning and the end of all that we seek. Until I see reason to doubt it I will continue to believe that Carlson’s objective is the same as ours.
I tried to warn people long ago that Tucker was a wolf in cheap sheeps clothing. He cannot hide his deep disdain for President TRUMP, and made it known quite often. That’s a tell that everyone should have recognized LONG AGO.
I have heard that it should be called MAGA TV.
Praying because JFK Jr started a news magazine and is rumoured to be ready to expose “George” for his involcement in assassination of papa. More rumors that it was a SAM that brought his plane down. His uncle was silent so maybe not. All of the Trump’s live boldly so…
Debs in #EverettWA
I’m gonna have to give Tucker the benefit of the doubt on this one. Yeah, it was obvious he felt snubbed by the refusal of her appearing on the show. But she could have appeared on the show, explained what she could and couldn’t divulge, and move on. Sounds mostly like dueling egos to me. It’s fair game to ask her to back up her claims, and it’s fair game for Tucker to remind everyone that there are no sacred cows here. Let’s get to the truth and let the chips fall where they may – hopefully in Trump’s favor, of course.
Tucker wants to stay on Fox so he has no choice but to subvert. Take a stand Tucker, tell ’em to shove the 10 million dollar salary, you have enough cash, join OAN or Newsmax and Parler at the same time.etc.
Tucker didn’t contact Powell once, he contacted her repeatedly. She finally had
to tell Tucker to quit contacting her; in other words, quit harassing her.
Like some little kid who can’t take ‘no’ for an answer.
Tucker has changed a lot and I can stand that “snarky” tone either.
I did update this post last night when I saw the report at Gateway Pundit that he harassed her. We should keep showing our America First power by changing that dial!
Is there a reason to think that Tucker’s objective is different than ours, which is to have the truth known about the election ? In order to do that what is his main job ? It is the same as yours and mine, to see the big picture. What is the big picture ? To have credibility. It is the beginning and the end of all that we seek. Until I see reason to doubt it I will continue to believe that Carlson’s objective is the same as ours.
I tried to warn people long ago that Tucker was a wolf in cheap sheeps clothing. He cannot hide his deep disdain for President TRUMP, and made it known quite often. That’s a tell that everyone should have recognized LONG AGO.
Maryland Fraud Alert:
Every right wing pundit is just one disagreement from going under the bus.