They are working to “collapse America from within.” It is a “political warfare document.” “Know your enemy.” “Globalists letting Marxists and Islamists off the leash.” “Prepare!”
Those are the words of Brannon Howse who takes apart for us the document published in August by the Transition Integrity Project which includes a group of players working to surround this year’s presidential election in chaos and crisis.

And, if you are looking forward to a return to normalcy beginning on November 4th, forget it.
Howse believes that the globalists, Marxists and Islamists actually want a Trump victory (why else pick such a weak candidate as the senile Biden) surrounded by confusion, violence and chaos so over the next 4 years they can change America forever as part of the great global “reset.”
He posits that through this “color revolution” our lives will be so turned upside down within those 4 years that we will beg for normalcy (ha! the new normalcy, that is) while blaming Trump for our unhappy state.
It is way too much for me to summarize so please take one hour to watch Brannon Howse explain the game plan he believes is the globalist plan for the destruction of America. Hat tip: Leo
Before you watch, and you MUST, see who the wargame players are according to wikipedia:
The Transition Integrity Project was initially convened by Rosa Brooks, a law professor at Georgetown and former Pentagon senior official, and Nils Gilman, a former vice chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley and historian at the Berggruen Institute. Other members of the Transition Integrity Project include: Michael Steele, a former chair of the Republican National Committee; John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff to former President of the United States Bill Clinton; former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson, former Democratic National Committee Acting Chair Donna Brazile, and journalists William Kristol, Edward Luce, Max Boot and David Frum[
Here are just a few screenshots of portions of the plan that Howse takes apart for us. I thought you should see some of the points that interested me most.
All of the Leftwing talking heads have their marching orders!
You already see the media carrying these themes to American voters!
This first one is amusing since we do know, thanks to Project Veritas just yesterday that Trump is right, ballot harvesting is happening with non-citizens. All of those Somali senior citizens turning their unmarked ballots over to criminals are not US citizens.
Biden the peacemaker while Trump is stoking violence.
They are, throughout the plan, signalling that Trump is to be called an authoritarian promoting “unbridled nativism.”
And, this! Trump supports the Second Amendment, but he is not telling people to take up arms! We take them up only in defense to protect ourselves and our families.
Watch it all here.
If any story needs to be posted in my ‘political rats’ category it is this one!
TIP America over into chaos and civil war, how very bolshevik of them.
BIG LIE: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to raise taxes by $4 trillion, hitting all income groups and affecting nearly every taxpayer in America. This would happen as the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the coronavirus.
“Guess what? If you elect me…your taxes are going to be raised, not cut” – Joe Biden