In my ongoing quest (here too!) to help us all figure out ways to fight back against the Marxist Left’s attacks on our culture and institutions, here comes another opportunity (in this case for Mainers) to push back now (not waiting for the ballot box in November!).
And, let me say, there might be some silver lining to the COVID panic.
Maybe, just maybe, families will realize they can educate their kids at home and keep them out of the clutches of the likes of Shenna Bellows and the Southern Poverty Law Center, and while they are at it encourage them to find a useful trade or career path that does not involve the Left’s indoctrination centers—colleges.
Social justice groups offer online sessions dealing with racism in schools
PORTLAND (WGME) – The Black Lives Matter protests that swept across the country last month led to many conversations about race in America, many of them between students and teachers.
Leaders at the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine say not every student has the same experience in school.
No surprise that Maine progressive activist Shenna Bellows is behind the joint effort with the Southern Poverty Law Center. Here in 2017 is Bellows speaking at the pussy-hat confab in Augusta, Maine.
“Children of color and other marginalized groups are disproportionately impacted by bias and discrimination at school,” Shenna Bellows of the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine said.
This is why the center partnered with the Southern Poverty Law Center to put on eight online sessions dealing with racism in school.
“These are very important topics to be having, especially in these times, as we are so mindful of racial inequity,” Bellows said.
These classes are a direct response to social justice movements across the country such as Black Lives Matter, and organizers say they’re focusing on teachers in grades K-12 so students can grow up knowing how to address racism.
For others of you: Propaganda projects like this are very likely being organized in your state, so look for it and speak up!
Remember what Mark Steyn said:
So wanker*** Right’s theory that all we gotta do is sit back and let these clowns run amok and their defects will be so obvious, people will come running to us and November will be a landslide. They’ve assured us of that bollocks for decades as they lost the schools and they lost the pop culture, and they lost everything else even now, unto the statue on the village green. Speak up, speak out, to the school board, to your coworkers, to your neighbors, because you can’t have a culture war if one side doesn’t even show up.
***Wanker: Someone excessively and annoyingly pretentious and/or false.
To learn more about the Southern Poverty Law Center, see my tag.