New York: Malaysian Born, Harvard-Educated Cardiologist Charged in Horrific Torture Case

This story about an immigrant doctor, Vignendra Ariyarajah, is going to make you sick.
I don’t know why it isn’t all over cable news this morning! (Is it reluctance to show another ‘new American’ in a bad light?)

Dr. Vignendra Ariyarajah

Indeed, there is very little coverage of the case of the doctor now wearing an ankle monitor in the media generally.
It seems that the New York Post got the scoop and in its usual swift and sensational fashion, the UK Daily Mail published the story yesterday replete with many photos of the alleged mastermind of a gruesome kidnapping case that resulted in the death of a new born baby.
And, with a photo of the good doctor with then Veep Joe Biden!
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Tina Tchen Takes Center Stage again, this Time in the Jussie Smollet Hoax on America Case

I have to admit I had never heard of Tina Tchen until this past week when we learned she had been brought in to try to clean up (cover up?) the misdeeds at the largest hate group in the country—the Southern Poverty Law Center.  (See my story here)

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“Fixer” Tina Tchen, a member in good standing of the Obamas’ Chicago inner circle!

So my ears perked up when I heard her name again, this time because of her involvement in helping to get charges dropped against the very privileged Jussie Smollett.
Frankly, it is special deals for special people that conservative voters won’t forget in 2020.
First thing this morning I hit the computer to see if anyone was pointing out Tina Tchen’s rising star among the Democrat elite and sure enough the intrepid Michelle Malkin posted a great piece overnight!
Continue reading “Tina Tchen Takes Center Stage again, this Time in the Jussie Smollet Hoax on America Case”