I guess Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York was too busy cozying up to Governor Andrew Cuomo for money for itsPro Bono legal services in defense of illegal aliens to bother pushing too hard to save late term aborted babies! Website to “protect the vulnerable immigrant.” https://www.catholiccharitiesnyprobono.org/
From the AlbanyTimes-Union,
New website connects pro-bono lawyers with immigrants in need of help
After relating stories about several illegal aliens (oops! “undocumented”)….
New York’s “vulnerables!”
These undocumented immigrants are all in need of pro-bono legal help and their cases are being advertised on a new web portal run by the state’s Liberty Defense Project and Catholic Charities to connect them with volunteer immigration attorneys.
The new websitefunded by the state brings attention to Catholic Charities, which has placed 105 pro bono cases with more than 230 volunteer attorneys throughout New York. Every volunteer receives expert legal training to file applications for asylum-seekers, crime victims, juveniles or individuals trying to reunite with family members.
[….] In New York, no “liberty defense” for this new American! The new website is funded by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Liberty Defense Project, launched in 2017, which provides free legal help to immigrants across the state through Office for New Americans locations.
The program has provided more than 25,000 services to immigrants, according to a press release. A quarter of the immigrants in detention who received representation under the program have been released and reunited with their families.
More here.
Again, thatnew website that seeks to link free lawyers to illegal aliens (aka New Americans) in need of help to stay in the country is being funded by New York state taxpayers! See Liberty Defense Project!
What can you do? If you live in New York and especially if you are Catholic, you must letCatholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York know what you think!
This is a diversity is beautiful alert thanks to reader Bob! KIMT3 News:
ROCHESTER, Minn. – An apparent robbery attempt left a female bleeding from the face and three people behind bars on burglary and assault charges.
Ngor Mabor (left), Nelson Soro (middle) and Mohamed Mohamed
Rochester Police said at 9:53 p.m. Thursday, police responded to a home invasion report at 3031 Towne Club Pkwy.
Police say a 19-year-old resident set up a marijuana buy with 18-year-old Nelson Soro. When Soro showed up, 5-6 people, including two with guns, allegedly rushed into the apartment. Police aren’t sure what was taken from the residence.
Police say the female was hit over the head with a hard object and was taken to St. Mary’s.
At least one of those arrested is a new American, a likely Somali refugee or an offspring of a refugee. On a personal note:When I traveled throughout the US in 2016, I was in the vicinity of Rochester on the way to Owatonna (both refugee resettlement locations) and I pulled into a highway rest area and much to my surprise Somali Muslim women were lined up ostentatiously praying on the lawn at the rest area. Needless-to-say, for an easterner, it was a shocking site.
What can you do? Make sure that news like this from Minnesota gets around to your communities especially in the eastern US because most people have no idea about how far gone Minnesota is already!