Kenyan Billy Chemirmir was indicted in yet another murder of a vulnerable senior woman the day before last week’s March on the Capitol. Other than the Dallas Morning News, crickets from the rest of the media.
And, you know why that is! Chemirmir represents the exact opposite profile of what the media wants us to believe about the good immigrants coming here from African villages for a better life in America.
In my opinion, besides the fact that Chemirmir should not even have been in the country, the case represents a colossal failure on the part of the senior living facilities to keep their residents safe, and an even more frightening and extremely sad failure on the part of authorities who didn’t put the pieces together sooner.
Families had expressed concerns about missing jewelry and the conditions in their loved ones homes that should have been red flags to investigators.
Chemirmir indicted with 18th capital murder charge
A Dallas County grand jury has added an 18th count of capital murder against Billy Chemirmir, who is accused of smothering and robbing elderly people for years in Dallas and Collin counties.
The latest charge is in the death of Glenna Day, who was killed Oct. 15, 2016, at The Tradition-Prestonwood, a luxury senior living community in Far North Dallas.
Day, an artist, had worried about unexplained deaths on her hall.
Billy Chemirmir is accused in indictments and lawsuits with the deaths of 24 elderly people in North Texas.
Billy Chemirmir is accused in indictments and lawsuits with the deaths of 24 elderly people in North Texas. (Dallas County Jail / Dallas County Jail)
Chemirmir has been indicted in connection with eight other deaths at that complex, and he has been linked in lawsuits to one other. Including several other deaths that have not been included in his 18 indictments, he has been accused of killing 24 people from April 2016 through March 2018.
If convicted, Chemirmir could face the death penalty. He has said he is innocent and is in jail, with bail set at $17.6 million.
Before she died, a string of strange deaths down the hall had worried Day, her family says.
She told her daughter over and over in late 2016 about a number of her neighbors on the fourth floor who had died unexpectedly, but she didn’t have any more details about the strange deaths.
“Maybe I should move,” her mother told a friend.
Just a few weeks later, Day was found dead.
Unfortunately, the Dallas Morning News story is behind a paywall (or at least I think it is, I am a subscriber). Reporter Charles Scudder deserves a Pulitzer when this is all done and I sure hope he is writing a book!
Chemirmir’s trial is scheduled for April, but could be delayed.
In what is surely a rare thing to see, the victims’ daughters have joined forces to attempt to strengthen Texas laws to make it more difficult for a monster like Chemirmir to have such easy access to anyone’s beloved mother in the future.
See my tag (Billy Chemirmir) for all of my posts on this nightmare story going back to March of 2018 when he was arrested at the end of a two year killing spree.
I am hearing stories from friends who tell me in recent days that they know people being fired from their jobs for having attended the Trump rally on Wednesday, or their businesses have been attacked in some way. And last night among other insults, Big Tech has conspired to take down Parler, an alternative to Twitter that just banned Trump forever.
Another friend said, “it is all happening much faster than we expected.” “It” being the totalitarian impulse to silence all opposing voices.
So Dennis Prager’s commentary at Townhall comes as America’s crisis ramps up (hat tip: Cathy):
I Now Better Understand the ‘Good German’
As my listeners and readers can hopefully attest, I have been on a lifelong quest to understand human nature and human behavior. I am sad to report that I have learned more in the last few years, particularly in 2020, than in any equivalent period of time.
One of the biggest revelations concerns a question that has always plagued me: How does one explain the “good German,” the term used to describe the average, presumably decent German, who did nothing to hurt Jews but also did nothing to help them and did nothing to undermine the Nazi regime?The same question could be asked about the average Frenchman during the Vichy era, the average Russian under Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leonid Brezhnev and their successors, and the millions of others who did nothing to help their fellow citizens under oppressive dictatorships.
These past few years have taught me not to so quickly judge the quiet German, Russian, etc. Of course, I still judge Germans who helped the Nazis and Germans who in any way hurt Jews. But the Germans who did nothing? Not so fast.
What has changed my thinking has been watching what is happening in America (and Canada and Australia and elsewhere, for that matter).
The ease with which tens of millions of Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented police state-type restrictions on their freedoms, including even the freedom to make a living, has been, to understate the case, sobering.
The same holds true for the acceptance by most Americans of the rampant censorship on Twitter and all other major social media platforms. Even physicians and other scientists are deprived of freedom of speech if, for example, they offer scientific support for hydroxychloroquine along with zinc to treat COVID-19 in the early stages. Board-certified physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who has saved hundreds of COVID-19 patients from suffering and/or death, has been banned from Twitter for publicizing his lifesaving hydroxychloroquine and zinc protocol.
Half of America, the non-left half, is afraid to speak their minds at virtually every university, movie studio and large corporation — indeed, at virtually every place of work. Professors who say anything that offends the left fear being ostracized if they have tenure and being fired if they do not. People are socially ostracized, publicly shamed and/or fired for differing with Black Lives Matter, as America-hating and white-hating a group as has ever existed. And few Americans speak up. On the contrary, when BLM protestors demand that diners outside of restaurants raise their fists to show their support of BLM, nearly every diner does.
So, then, who are we to condemn the average German who faced the Gestapo if he didn’t salute Hitler or the average Russian who faced the NKVD (the secret police and intelligence agency that preceded the KGB) if he didn’t demonstrate sufficient enthusiasm for Stalin? Americans face the left’s cancel culture, but not left-wing secret police or reeducation camps. (At least not yet — I have little doubt the left would send outspoken conservatives to reeducation camps if they could.)
I have come to understand the average German living under Nazism and the average Russian living under communism for another reason: the power of the media to brainwash.
On a personal note, my grandfather died in a Hitler re-education camp in 1938 on my mother’s 13th birthday. He was a Catholic (Polish by birth), a small city bureaucrat, who had opposed the Nazi regime as it rose to power. My mother told stories of her sister (who died a few years after her father) of listening to the BBC from an attic room to get the news from the outside, fearful of course that her neighbors living in the adjoining apartments could hear her radio and turn her in.
Prager’s piece made me cry, not so much for my family then, the “good Germans,” but for all of us now, for a once glorious and free America.
I know, I know, there is so much that needs to be said about Washington, DC on January 6th, 2021, that I don’t know where to begin. Like you, I have been reading as much as I can.
On a serious note, I recommend my friend Leo Hohmann’s piece yesterday, as I am seeing everywhere, January 6th may indeed be the day the Republican Party died:
January 6, 2021: The day our faith [in Republicanism] was breached
And, James O’Keefe had some words of wisdomthat hopefully address the deep sadness many of us feel:
So what do we do now? By James O’Keefe
I know this tweet (below) isn’t funny, but it made me laugh out loud and speaks volumes about the failure of our stuffed-shirt so-called leaders’ failure to secure the Capitol.
Heads are already rollingas we learned late yesterday that the chiefs of security and police at the Capitol are resigning or being fired.
As they all (Nancy, Mitch and our brave leaders) scurried into hiding….
Update! In another move to censor, it appears that Twitter isn’t letting the photo appear now. So here it is again:
We spend $750 billion annually on "defense" and the center of American government fell in two hours to the duck dynasty and the guy in the chewbacca bikini
We will be eagerly looking for the thorough investigation into who was responsible for this catastrophic security failure, but I suspect the media will spend most of its time trying to identify the Trump supporters who took the Capitol building.
I am guessing there were some Leftist agitators among them, but we also have to anticipate that many of those who swarmed through the building are in fact Trump loyalists. The Left has an extreme fringe, but frankly so does the Right.
As I mentioned briefly yesterday, there were hundreds of thousands of decent peaceful patriotic Americans stretched the full length of Washington—from the White House to the Capitol building—but these few will be the face of the MAGA movement in the mainstream media likely forever. So get used to it and don’t give up on America First!
I’m trying to look at this from the standpoint of the law breakers. These people have had it with the media and mealy-mouthed politicians especially those supposedly on their side in the Republican Party. They have been demeaned for years, cooped up by COVID and knew that a bunch of politicians spouting hot air on the House and Senate floors was going to go nowhere to show the world the dreadful unfairness of the 2020 Election Steal.
Those breaking the law to storm the Capitol included Ashli Babbitt who lost her life that day.
Was it all planned in advance by dark forces on one side or the other, hopefully we will find out someday.
In the meantime, it appears that the Horned man in a photo which will be seen in history books for generations is being widely identified as Jake Angeli, a Trump supporter and QAnon promoter.
Search his name and you will find dozens of stories about him. Here is just one. I have to admit that I never really understood what QAnon is….
Jake Angeli, the ‘Q Shaman:’ 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Jake Angeli, a well-known QAnon influencer known as the “Q Shaman,” was a central figure in the siege on the Capitol yesterday, making his way into memes and photos with his conspicuous horned helmet.
Angeli took photos behind the Senate dais and was seen walking around the Capitol building with a bullhorn, wearing his signature hat and red, white and blue face paint.
He has also held a leading role at far-right rallies in Phoenix, Arizona, according to The Arizona Republic. He told the newspaper that QAnon validated beliefs he has held since about 2016.
There is much more, keep reading. As for his ‘acting’ career, that is discussed here as well.
I know, this could all be b.s. too, but many news outlets are reporting that he was at pro-Trump events in the past.
The shot heard around the world…
I should be condemning all of what happened at the siege of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, but somehow I can’t and I keep thinking of Lexington and Concordand whether those, now celebrated patriots who were looked upon as a bunch of ragtag misfit militiamen at the time, are not so different from the country class members of MAGA we saw running through the marbled halls where only important ruling class people are ever permitted to be.
People can only take so much and they clearly see that even their right to a fair election has been taken from them.
Tell me what you think! Send me stories that support what you think happened, or is happening.
This is what the goons on the Left are so good at—terrorizing—and I expect this is why there are so many weak Republicans, and for that matter weak Judges and Justices (e.g. John Roberts).
The story is at Gateway Pundit, a website you should follow as the Hoft brothers are on top of all of the latest news involving the Great Election Steal of 2020.
VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby
The Senator was back in Missouri at the time.
These are the goons working for Biden and Harris!
But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time!
This is the modern-day Democrat Party. Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest attack on a mother and her baby!
The Senator, who was in Missouri when the attack occurred, tweeted this:
Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t travel. They screamed threats, vandalized, and tried to pound open our door. Let me be clear: My family & I will not be intimidated by leftwing violence
Meanwhile a different sort of thug—Fox News anchors—bully Senator Hawley who stands up to Bret Baier’s snark.
I hope all of you have now dumped Fox News!
Look around and see that Leftwing media sites are thrilled with not only Baier, but are overjoyed to see Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade say Trump has no proof of election fraud. At Mediaite.
This Cuck Brett Baer tries to get smart with @HawleyMO. So Josh breaks it down so Brett should be able to understand it.
Hawley is the first of twelveUS Senators to question the 2020 presidential election results. Georgia’s Kelly Loefflersays she will join the twelve, but I don’t know how that works since today’s Georgia special election results will surely not be available by tomorrow.
“[I]t’s just not going anywhere. It’s going down like a shot dog.”
(Low class comment by Senator John Thune (R-SD) about any election challenge that might occur on January 6th.)
If there is any bright side to the train wreck, the Election Steal of 2020, it is very clear that most Republicans are timid and vile creatures as Trump pointed out in a series of recent tweets.
Weasel #1 China Mitch McConnell (right) and his deputy weasel John Thune.
On January 6th, a MAGA movement is going to have a very clear list of those who are friends and those who are foes as the socialists/communists make their big move to take over the country.
And, MAGA must root-out those doing China’s bidding!
After that weasel and friend of China, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, is his sidekick Senator John Thune of South Dakota, both are good bets for history books to label traitors of the century.
By the way, McConnell has been given brownie points for his push to get supposedly conservative judges appointed, but now some are questioning what sort of judges he did promote. See Federalist Society judgesunder the microscope!
Here is the Epoch Timeson Trump’s latest blast at the Republican cowards:
Trump Urges GOP Senators to ‘Step Up and Fight for the Presidency’
President Donald Trump on Saturday called on Republican senators to “step up and fight for the presidency” as they continue to distance themselves from efforts to challenge electoral college votes on Jan. 6.
“Time for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency, like the Democrats would do if they had actually won,” Trump wrote in a series of Twitter posts.
“The proof is irrefutable! Massive late night mail-in ballot drops in swing states, stuffing the ballot boxes (on video), double voters, dead voters, fake signatures, illegal immigrant voters, banned Republican vote watchers, MORE VOTES THAN ACTUAL VOTERS (check out Detroit & Philadelphia), and much more. The numbers are far greater than what is necessary to win the individual swing states, and cannot even be contested.
If a Democrat Presidential Candidate had an Election Rigged & Stolen, with proof of such acts at a level never seen before, the Democrat Senators would consider it an act of war, and fight to the death. Mitch & the Republicans do NOTHING, just want to let it pass. NO FIGHT!
“But when it is all over, and this period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our Country’s history, WE WILL WIN,” he added.
The president has ramped up his criticism of Republican senators in recent days for their reluctance to support efforts to challenge votes cast by presidential electors in contested states during a joint congressional session on Jan. 6, where Vice President Mike Pence will be counting the votes.
Then seeNPR’s rundown of what will happen on January 6th and a mention of the President’s anger at Deputy Weasel John Thune.
Congress’ Role In Election Results: Here’s What Happens Jan. 6
Referring to Thune’s comment about shot dogs, Trump responded:
Thune’s remarks appear to have caught Trump’s attention. On Tuesday evening the president blasted the senator on Twitter, writing: “South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!”
Your mind likely immediately went to the the latest GOP darling, SD governor Kristi Noem who promptly said she wouldn’t primary her good friend John Thune.
Typical Republican politicians sucking up to the President when he arrived to do his now famous Mt Rushmore speech in South Dakota last July.
Senator Thune is on the left sucking up to the President
For those of you who have latched onto Governor Kristi Noem as a possible national office holder (Prez or Veep), get rid of that idea. She is basically a RINO with a pretty face.
I know I shouldn’t judge pols on one issue, but I do.
A few years ago, she abandoned the President when he attempted to give some local control (some say-so) to communities that could be chosen as new refugee resettlement sites.
Is this why?
China owns Smithfield Foods located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota!
Does China own Thune and Noem?
China needs their pork!
South Dakota has been swamped for many years now with impoverished refugees, low skilled workers for their globalist meatpacking plants, and Noem dares not cross them.
China gets its pork and rural America is changed forever as it must deal with the needs of tens of thousands of low-skilled, low wage third world workers many of whom were very sick from the Chinese virus earlier this year.
(China almost got its hooks into Montana, see here.)
A few years ago, I traveled the state, saw what was happening with the meat plants changing South Dakota, and I heard from our people there that Noem was nothing special (she was a Congresswoman at that time), just a typical pol.
P.S. If you are wondering what the schedule might be on January 6th, the NPR article tells us Congress goes intojoint session at 1 p.m. that day.