But, at least in some states Republican governors are saying NO!
“I do not want our kids harmed as the result of President Biden’s bad policies.”
(Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts)
One Republican Governor who apparently doesn’t mind helping Biden out of the border crisis mess is never-Trumper and Jeb Bush pal Republican Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland.
MD Republican Gov Larry Hogan apparently okay with UACs taking Maryland foster care slots.
Or, does he even know that an organization in our state, which received $55 million in the last 12 months from the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement specifically to care for the UAC kids, is using Maryland’s foster care system to place the mostly teenaged ‘children’ (who have so-far found no relative in America willing to take them) into Maryland homes?
Makes me wonder what Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)is doing with $55 million (75% of their federal boodle) that is for the children if they are simply placing them in other taxpayer-funded foster care as this news at CBS suggests.
For months now, we’ve seen images of federal facilities packed with thousands of unaccompanied minors at a time when there are a record number of children reaching the southern border, most coming from Central America. The sheer volume of children is overwhelming the federal government’s resources with thousands of children packed into facilities never meant to handle this amount.
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, LIRS CEO previously was a candidate for governor of Maryland and before that she worked for Michelle in the White House.
But one Baltimore based organization, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, is working to move kids out of those facilities and into the homes of families eager to help.
“Our focus is getting these children out of Customs and Border Protection facilities,” said Krish O’Mara Vignarajah***, CEO of LIRS.
LIRS pairs kids with foster families across the country, including dozens here in Maryland.
But in the meantime, Vignarajah says the need is still great as the children continue to arrive at the southern border. “We have seen unprecedented numbers of children coming across the border and so we need more parents than ever before and so if anyone out there is willing to open up their home and hearts, these children could use their care,” she said.
(Just so you know, until a few short weeks about the ‘children’ illegally crossing our borders were referred to as Unaccompanied Alien Children, however a Biden administration edict now directs all media to refer to them as Unaccompanied Migrant Children, or simply Unaccompanied Children! Here Pew does what they are told!)
Republican Governors Block Unaccompanied Migrant Children
FORT WORTH, Texas — The federal foster care system was unprepared to house the record nearly 19,000 unaccompanied children who came to the United States in March, so the Biden administration asked some states to temporarily house them.
Republican governors in Iowa, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota and Wyoming said no.
“This is not our problem,” said Iowa Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds. “This is the president’s problem. He’s the one that has opened the border and he needs to be responsible for this and he needs to stop it.”
The governors claim that unaccompanied children would displace those already in state foster care or limit states’ ability to make new placements.
“Nebraska is declining their request because we are reserving our resources for serving our kids,” Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts said in an April 13 news release. “I do not want our kids harmed as the result of President Biden’s bad policies.”
Who is paying?
But federal officials note that care providers for unaccompanied children are paid via federal grants and operate separately from state child welfare systems.
Is LIRS paying the families directly out of their federal payola? If so, they need to explain it! And, explain who is monitoring the care the illegal alien kids are getting once placed in foster care homes.
Of course as Pew admits there are still costs to state taxpayers:
Caring for unaccompanied children does require some limited state resources, because states license and monitor foster care providers contracted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement, the federal agency in charge of housing unaccompanied minors.
However, there currently are no federally funded foster care providers for unaccompanied minors in any of the five states where Republican governors have expressed concerns, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services records analyzed by Stateline show.
Pew goes on and on consuming many column inches on the subject of bed space and how much, or how little, Trump left us with when the Dems stole the 2020 election.
Contractor middlemen….
Pew reports something we already knew (at least for LIRS and the USCCB).
Foster care providers who care for unaccompanied children include the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, BCFS Health and Human Services, Upbring, and Urban Strategies.
But, still unclear is how does this contract system work? And, why are middlemen even necessary? Couldn’t the feds just send money directly to state agencies willing to participate?
I wondered where Endeavorsis in all of this? That is another give-or-take $500 million for housing the ‘children.’
I guess we can conclude that our tax dollars (to care for the illegal alien kids) go through a bunch of contractor middlemen masquerading as non-profits (skimming off generous salaries and office overhead) as they go about looking for states willing to put unaccompanied alien children into their state’s foster care system thereby displacing needy American kids.
As I have been saying all along, federal refugee contractors put Americans Last!
Is that what your governor is doing as well?
*** I just had a look at a recent IRS Form 990 for LIRS, and Vignarajah is pulling down an annual salary and benefits package of a quarter of a million (apparently a pay cut from the previous CEO who left under a cloud).
Since LIRS is about 87% federally funded, they are a fake non-profit. LOL! You can be assured that this ‘religious’ federal contractor is not passing the plate on Sundays to pay for their ‘charitable’ work.
See this post I wrote a year ago at RRW about Krish and her hubby, the Washington DC Leftie power couple, working another angle—we must welcome more migrants of all stripes due to global warming!
And, somehow that is going to help America’s wildlife and our great outdoor spaces—say what?
Apparently the fascists running Joe Biden’s government these days don’t like what Nick Fuentes says since he has not committed any crimes. Scary stuff!
The story is at VDARE, a website the Left abhors and so therefore you should visit it often even if you don’t agree with every word they publish.
Fuentes is apparently being harassed because of his political activities in support of America First and Donald Trump and because his speech is uncomfortable for some tender ears.
Remember the old adage….First they came for Nick!
America First Patriot Nick Fuentes Put On No-Fly List
America First host Nick Fuentes can no longer fly on an airplane. He announced Tuesday that he couldn’t check into his flight because the authorities didn’t clear him to fly.
Fuentes believes he was put on the no-fly list due to hysteria over the Capitol protests. He has suffered numerous bans since January 6.
Fuentes was on his way to Florida for a press conference and rally against Big Tech and for Governor DeSantis push to rein-in the power of the tech giants in his state.
Here Fuentes posted news on the gathering of free speech advocates on Twitter last Friday.
You probably noticed that Fuentes is at least still on Twitter when yours truly was suspended back in January.
VDARE notes that Glenn Greenwald, a staunch defender of American civil liberties no matter which side of the political divide one resides on, came to Fuentes’ defense.
This could be you someday, but that is no reason to pull any political punches in these difficult times.
And if this is the first time you have heard of Nick Fuentes, he is the host of a podcast America First Live.
Check it out!
LOL! By singling Fuentes out like this, those seeking to silence him may just have broadened his audience.
See the history of Endeavors, formerly Family Endeavors and before that San Antonio Family Endeavors which was focused on taking care of veterans. That is, until the paying migrants came along! https://endeavors.org/history/
Earlier this month news broke that a little-known nonprofit, Endeavers, was awarded one for the largest contracts ever to help house and manage the Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC)flooding the US border.
By the way, the Biden feds have dropped the word ‘Alien.’
The story interests me since I have spent a lot of time over the years pointing out the millions of taxpayer dollars flowing to nonprofit refugee resettlement contractors (with inside tracks into government pots of money) for the initial care of the new Americans the Democrats are moving to Anytown, USA.
And, of further interest to me is the fact that the main player in this story touts on his resume his time with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service(LIRS) (one of nine federal refugee contractors I have been writing about for nearly 14 years).
Exclusive: Texas nonprofit got massive border contract after hiring Biden official
A Texas nonprofit that recently hired a Biden transition official got a contract worth as much as $530 million to help manage the influx of migrant children at the southern border, Axios has learned.
Why it matters: The contract is by far the largest ever awarded to Family Endeavors. It’s potentially worth more than 12 times the group’s most recently reported annual budget — a sign of the demand the new work will place on its operations.
~The no-bid contract also is the second largest ever awarded by the agency overseeing the migrant child program.
~The award comes as the Biden administration rushes to deal with an influx of migrants at the border, including more than 21,000 unaccompanied minors currently in government custody, according to the latest data.
Between the lines: Family Endeavors won the contract just months after it hired Andrew Lorenzen-Strait as its senior director for migrant services and federal affairs.
Therein lies the rub.
Andrew Lorenzen-Strait landed his job at Endeavors (formerly Family Endeavors) in January straight off the Biden transition team following a stint with one regional Lutheran refugee contractor, and a little over six months at LIRS, the national organization.
He had spent years in the federal government, at ICE in fact, before hitting on this likely lucrative gig.
GOP lawmaker wants answers on massive border contract that went to nonprofit with ties to ex-Biden adviser
Republican Rep. Jim Banks is demanding answers from the head of the Administration for Children and Families after revelations that a nearly $530 million contract was awarded to a Texas nonprofit to help manage the influx of migrant children at the U.S. southern border — after the organization hired a former Biden transition official.
Andrew Lorenzen-Strait Senior Director for Migrant Services & Federal Affairs at Endeavors.
Axios first reported the contract, which is the largest ever awarded to the nonprofit, Family Endeavors, from the Department of Health and Human Services. The nonprofit also received a grant from the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement worth $87 million.
Family Endeavors, according to the report, recently hired former Biden transition official Andrew Lorenzen-Strait to serve as senior director for Migrant Services and Federal Affairs. While working on the Biden transition team, Lorenzen-Strait reportedly vetted political appointees for HHS and worked on the DHS policy team.
Banks, R-Ind., in a letter obtained by Fox News directed to the acting assistant secretary of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within HHS, JooYuen Chang, questioned the timing of the grants and whether they were related to Lorenzen-Strait’s work.
“The two unprecedented and massive grants Family Endeavors received were approved by HHS and DHS—the two agencies Lorenzen-Strait oversaw while a member of the Biden transition team,” Banks wrote. “And both grants were no-bid contracts, meaning they were awarded directly to Family Endeavors bypassing the normal competitive process.”
Banks went on to call the grant “especially concerning” due to Lorenzen-Strait’s responsibilities on the transition team, and said it was “probable” that he “played some role” in Chang’s appointment.
Banks went on to accuse Chang of having “played some role in awarding Lorenzen-Strait’s firm about a half a billion dollars.”
“Some may view this as a conflict of interest,” Banks wrote.
Visit USA Spendingfor the skinny on grants and contracts….
Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of this windfall for Endeavors, here is a screenshot from USA Spending of Endeavorsprevious federal funding and its huge payout (so far!) this year in the wake of Lorenzen-Straits arrival.
It almost makes you wonder if when Lorenzen-Strait came on board at Endeavors on January 25th, only a few days after the inauguration, that someone knew then that the rush on the border was about to be unleashed.
When I saw these mind-blowing numbers I had a good chuckle wondering why Lorenzen-Strait didn’t bring some of this payola to his pals at LIRS because LIRS is in the same business—getting the Unaccompanied Alien Children (aka New Americans) set up in America.
In 2018,Endeavors paid a top salary of around $300,000 in a year they raked in just over $40 million from American taxpayers. So, I can’t wait to see the salaries for this year with an anticipated half a billion coming in! Just saying!
Sure beats working for the likes of ICE. As I have said on many previous occasions: tell your kids to grow up to be execs at nonprofits funded by us—the taxpayers.
They only got on the federal gravy train four years ago with their little nearly $11 million dollar award. They surely haven’t had time to demonstrate any great track record of managing the mostly teenaged border invading ‘children.’
…. Holy See is “making itself the servant of the New World Order.”
(Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò)
Featured photo for the Vatican event to take place May 6-8. Look who is lurking over Chairman Joe’s shoulder. https://vaticanconference2021.org/
***Update***Readers are asking me what happened as they began watching the online conference when their programming went down. One friend indicates that she heard they were deplatformed and will be attempting to get back on live with another host. When I learn something I will let you know.
Entitled Covid-19 and the Great Reset, the online conference to counter the Pope’s event begins Friday in advance of the Vatican’s “health” conference that features the likes of Chelsea Clinton and Dr. Fauci along with a whole host of globalist movers and shakers.
The purpose of the Truth Over Fear Summitis to alert Americans to the use of the Chinese virus ‘crisis’ to bring about the globalists’ dream of the international so-called Great Reset now aided and abetted by the Pope himself.
Here is what the organizers of Truth Over Fear are saying about their event which begins this Friday, April 30th:
Truth Over Fear summit is a three-day online gathering of 40+ frontline doctors, scientists, attorneys, researchers, and journalists, who will share invaluable and eye-opening insights into the truth behind the headlines, Covid-19, the rushed vaccine, and the Great Reset.
Big Tech does not want you to hear this information and is working hard to censor us. Most of our presenters have been silenced. In fact, the same day we published this summit, YouTube terminated our account and we are now shadow banned everywhere.
You, and only YOU, have the right to make INFORMED decisions for yourself and your loved ones.
Do not let anyone take those rights away from you.
We the People need to stand up and say ENOUGH.
Wow! Take a look at the speaker line-up!
Both sides of the political great divide are represented and you will recognize some of the doctors speaking as ones who have been openly critical of the mRNA shot.
Meanwhile, LifeSiteNewshas published a petition focused on how the conference is antithetical to the views of most Catholics. The petition urges the Vatican to cancel it.
PETITION: Tell Vatican to CANCEL ‘Health’ conference packed with pro-abort, secularist speakers
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Vatican has announced its fifth International “Health” Conference on “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul,” to take place between May 6-8, and nearly everything about the conference is rotten — morally, scientifically and culturally.
Incredibly, the conference organizers have listed huge numbers of globalist and abortion-promoting speakers such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and pro-abortion American actress Cindy Crawford, among others.
The logo for the conference is a circle of people linking hands, colored in the tones of the LGBT rainbow flag, and positioned next to the crossed keys and Papal tiara of the Pontiff. In the ten goals listed for the conference, the Pontifical Council for Culture makes no reference to God or the Catholic Church.
The organization and promotion of this conference is beyond an outrage, it is a closer to a sacrilege (also outrageous!).
Indeed, of the conference, Archbishop Viganò has said that the Holy See is “making itself the servant of the New World Order.”
If you are not a subscriber of my other blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch, you probably missedmy post yesterday.
It is more on the continuing fascination I have with how the Biden administration managed to cause his NO Borders pals heads to explode whenhe made the unforgiveable errorof saying he would leave Trump’s very low refugee admissions cap in place for the next six months.
Such a rookie political blunder suggests to me that this administration is internally chaotic and weaker than at least I anticipated.
Although, just as I am wrapping up here it occurs to me that maybe Joe himself hasn’t bought into all of the Far Left agenda because it was he personally who didn’t want to raise the cap this year. Watch out Joe! President Kamala is lurking!
Eighteen-year-old Linda Stoltzfoos had not been seen since last June when her family reported her missing. She was walking home from church in the Bird-in-Hand section of Lancaster in the heart of Pennsylvania’s Amish country.
Some early media accounts speculated she had run away from her community. The go-to position for woke types?
Rest in peace
You may have seen this story. I usually prefer to post news you might not see elsewhere, but this one, although widely covered, really got to me.
Perhaps that is because the Amish have chosen to live a quiet God-centered life just so they could be separate from the world’s evil doers.
After reading several accounts of what happened earlier this week when the young woman’s body was found, I’ll go to my usual first choice media outlet for cases like this—the UK Daily Mail.
The man, the alleged killer, was already behind bars and charged with murder. Even without the body, they have the goods on the “career criminal” thanks to extensive police work, DNA evidence, witnesses, cell phone data tracking, and surveillance camera evidence.
None of the reports say how authorities found the body, but I am guessing the evil creep gave them the tip as part of a plea deal to help save his hide.
Body wrapped in tarp and buried in 3ft grave IS missing Amish girl, 18, who vanished on way home from church: Remains were found behind workplace of man charged with murder
Human remains found during a search Wednesday are that of the missing Amish teenager who disappeared in Pennsylvania last summer, officials believe.
Linda Stoltzfoos, 18, was last seen walking home from a church service in the Bird-in-Hand area of Lancaster on on June 21 last year. She never returned home.
In December last year Justo Smoker, 34, was charged with criminal homicide. Officials said then that the suspect’s DNA was discovered on the victim’s stocking, which had been found buried in the woods alongside her bra.
He had moved her body
Lancaster County DA Heather Adams said Thursday they now believe Stoltzfoos was killed within hours of her kidnap and initially buried at that location before her body was moved to where it was found Wednesday.
The remains were found buried more than three feet down and wrapped in a tarp behind Dutchland Incorporated, the former workplace of Smoker in a rural area in the eastern part of Lancaster County, she said.
A a dress, bonnet and shoes matching what Linda was last seen in were also found. Prosecutors noted that Wednesday marked exactly 10 months since Stoltzfoos disappeared.”