With the Democrats in complete control of Washington, DC, your work must now center on local organizing against policies coming down from on high, and honestly your energy should have been focused there for the last couple of decades as you know the hard core Leftists long ago set their sights on winning mayoral races and county government contests.

Because my request from readers came in response to a post about what one could do now that Biden/Harris are opening our borders and planning to admit 62,500 third world refugees, many from countries that hate us, by September 30th, I focused my first in the series post on the Refugee Admissions Program.
All of the information I am giving you is commonsense. I just hope by saying it it will inspire you to do it!
That first commonsense lesson instructed those of you who want to fight back to get your facts first. That applies to whatever issue you want to pursue locally.
By the way, one really appealing issue is to get involved in ensuring election integrity at your local election board. Or, maybe it is fighting for the Second Amendment like these folks did!
OUTSTANDING: West Virginia County Becomes Second Amendment Sanctuary
Here is my first post on Community Organizing 101 which you can find in the right hand side bar of both RRW and ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
Getting ready for Chairman Joe’s refugees in Montana (your state too!)
Here is news from Missoula, Montana I will use as a case study where the refugee industry, that only got a foothold in the state a few years ago (see my extensive Montana archive at RRW), is gearing up for new arrivals.
From Montana Public Radio:
Missoula Resettlement Group Prepping For Nation’s Refugee Increase

An international group [IRC works around the world and works closely with the UN that picks the refugees–ed] helping refugees resettle in Missoula plans to expand its operations. The announcement came after news that President Joe Biden is significantly increasing the number of refugees that the U.S. allows into the country.
She [IRC staffer in Missoula] said Missoula’s IRC office currently has four full-time staff members, plus some part-time help and a few workers from programs like AmeriCorps. It is also looking to add five new full-time staff members to start. The group has resettled more than 370 people in Montana since 2016.
This could be happening where you live! Have you checked the maps I provided?
I assume you have done some homework since last week and figured out if your community/city/county is a resettlement site and who is responsible for their placement in your area.
The next step is to find kindred spirits, fellow patriots, at both the grassroots level and among local elected officials.
If possible, you need to have a friend or two on whatever your elected governing body is.
And, as for like-minded fellow citizens, find a few, both to help do the work and to give you a boost in spirits, as things are going to get rough. Do not throw up your hands if you can’t find more than a couple of people who are as concerned as you and willing to fight.
It doesn’t take dozens, it only takes a few who don’t care about the abuse you will likely receive.
I’ll use Missoula as an example. That story above aired this past week. Folks there are already doing this I hope, but what must happen is that there must be a media explosion against the idea of expanding the IRC’s office (by the way, the IRC is headquartered in New York City).
Hey, and this doesn’t just apply to Missoula, all across the state there should be attention brought to the Missoula resettlement because once they get established they will be targeting other locations in Montana especially if the idea of a Chinese meatpacking plant sees the light of day again.
Letters to the editor, and especially social media outrage should first focus on a message that some rich people from NYC want to change Montana while Montana has many Americans out of work and struggling to survive the pandemic.
Montana surely has not run out of poor people!
Blast local elected officials who will promptly tell you they can’t stop the federal government, so what, make them uncomfortable.
Also, the Biden Administration is getting rid of extreme vetting of refugees and has opened up resettlement from all Muslim majority countries, so there remains a potential for terrorists and criminals of all stripes to get in through the program.
And, don’t forget the health issues posed by refugees. They will tell you that refugees are screened for all sorts of health problems but I assure you they are getting in with latent TB and HIV and who knows what else. The cost of their medical care falls on you.
So, this week, for whatever issue around which you plan to organize locally, find like-minded citizens and elected officials to network with, to share information and to provide support.
And, if you see some news item, like the one in Missoula, be ready to speak up boldly and fearlessly. They will call you names and try to intimidate you, but do not fear their hateful words.
Ask yourself every day: What work have I done today to save us all from the Socialists’ war on my community and to help Make America Great Again?
Addendum: You might have noticed that I have a new contact form in the right hand sidebar. Yesterday someone sent me a note but gave me an incorrect e-mail address. If it was you, resubmit your correct e-mail address so I can answer your question.