But, their hysterical, vitriolic piece is a treasure trove of information that many of you will find useful.

Perhaps the most valuable reason for you to read their screed against the remarkable Lauren Witzke is so you know where you might find information on who the Hard Left/Marxists hate the most.
It looks like the news site VDARE is at the top of their list.
Someone asked me yesterday about why anyone would sign up for news alerts from the likes of CAIR (for example) or Media Matters, and of course it is because you must know about the enemy and what they are doing and saying.
So here is Media Matters going after a long-shot Senate candidate in Joe Biden’s Delaware linking her to their most feared boogeymen—white nationalists.
Since calling someone a “racist” is losing its power, the Left has settled on “white nationalist” as the next best epithet that could cause good/weak people (they hope) to run in horror.
GOP-backed Senate candidate Lauren Witzke frequently shares content from white nationalist site VDare
U.S. Senate candidate Lauren Witzke has frequently shared content from VDare, a leading white nationalist site that also pushes anti-Semitism. Witzke, a QAnon supporter who also has the backing of the Delaware Republican Party, has additionally twice thanked anti-Semitic commentator Faith Goldy for supporting her campaign.
Witzke is a Republican who is running a longshot campaign against Democratic incumbent Sen. Chris Coons. She has expressed support for QAnon and recently defended the conspiracy theory as “just a bunch of people who want pedophiles held accountable and from what I understand it’s absolutely harmless.” In reality, the conspiracy theory has been repeatedly linked to acts of violence and the FBI has labeled it a potential domestic terror threat.
This is what the Soros-backed Media Matters is most afraid of!
One of Witzke’s main policy plans is “a full 10-year moratorium on all immigration,” a proposal that VDaresupports.
VDare is a white nationalist site that heavily attacks immigrants. The Southern Poverty Law Center states that it “regularly publishes articles by prominent white nationalists, race scientists and anti-Semites.”
VDare publishes posts that carry such headlines as: “One Problem With These Hispanic Immigrants Is Their Disgusting Behavior,” “Indians Aren’t That Intelligent (On Average),” “Diversity Is Strength! It’s Also…Hispanic Immigrants Taking Over FBI’s Ten Most Wanted,” “America Does Not Need ANY Immigrants From Africa,” and “Roll Over, JIHAD—There’s Also HIJRA, Muslim Conquest By Immigration.”
Continue reading here and add VDARE to your regular reading list! Big tech has been going nuts to block VDARE from your view.