Orlando Tercero was found guilty in a Nicaraguan court on November first in the strangulation murder of fellow nursing student Haley Anderson.
Haley Anderson is dead.
The case is unusual because after the man with duel citizenship escaped to his home country and was captured, the legal system in Nicaragua went to work, and to the great relief of New York state prosecutors and the woman’s family, justice is being served.
Before I get to the case, let me say that news like this, although very sad and disturbing must be widely distributed to help young women in the age of political correctness to better identify the predatory behavior of romantic interests who may seem more charming than the local American boys they grew up with.
Fear of sounding like racists or xenophobes is silencing a whole lot of us!
I immediately thought of that poor college student murdered in Utah earlier this year by the evil creep from Nigeria, here. And, although Jennifer Schlecht was older than Ms. Anderson when she was beheaded by her Ethiopian husband, I suspect his foreign charm attracted her in the first place.
Here is the story from Binghamton, NY (h/t: Michael):
Haley Anderson’s killer gets 30 years in Nicaraguan prison: ‘Justice has been served’
Haley Anderson voluntarily visited Orlando Tercero’s apartment on Binghamton’s West Side early March 8, 2018 after parting ways with her friends. Fueled by jealousy and a sense of rejection, he strangled her.
Tercero was sentenced to 30 years in a Nicaraguan prison.
Tercero, now 23, and 22-year-old Anderson were both enrolled in Binghamton University’s nursing program. They dated casually for almost a year, but she didn’t share his desire for a more serious relationship, and reconnected with an ex-boyfriend.
On Friday, a Nicaraguan judge sentenced Tercero to 30 years in prison, the maximum penalty under that country’s law for femicide, in Anderson’s death.
The Nicaraguan judge told the courtroom all women have the right to life, and in a stinging speech before delivering the sentence, she said evidence had proven Tercero took it upon himself to “punish” Anderson simply for rejecting him.
America’s legal system doesn’t have a criminal charge quite like Nicaragua’s femicide, Broome County District Attorney Steve Cornwell said Friday, but the protection it afforded Haley Anderson in this case was important.
“Orlando Tercero, in a cold-blooded manner, choked the life out of a young woman who we believe was probably sleeping and had been drinking,” Cornwell said after the sentencing. “It doesn’t get any more sick and depraved than that … preying on somebody who’s helpless, and completely overpowered them, with no chance at all.”
Tercero said nothing during the sentencing, which was wholly spoken in Spanish. An interpreter kept Anderson’s parents and reporters updated through a video linkup at the Broome County District Attorney’s Office.
And, again don’t let our PC culture silence you! Don’t hesitate to speak up when a friend or family member seems to have impaired judgement, or when warning signs are evident (even if you risk losing that person from your life!).
Editor:Sorry I am behind in posting here at ‘Frauds and Crooks,‘ but the Refugee Industry has gone into full mobilizationagainst the President as they prepare for the day they hope is coming soon when they regain the White House and can open the refugee spigot wide, and so I’ve been posting extensively at Refugee Resettlement Watchin recent days.
3 thoughts on “Nicaragua Punishes New York State Murderer in Long Distance Trial”
Ditto. Good rid’ance.
Thirty years of taxpayer funded room and board? Not good enough. Hang ’em!
Bravo Ann! It needs to be said. Unfortunately, too many young women have had the PC BS shoved down their throats – in schools and definitely in the indoctrination centers of “colleges” and “Universities”. They must be warned about the nasty stuff that other people with other “cultures” bring to the U.S. If they’re from the turd world, it generally is nothing good.
Ditto. Good rid’ance.
Thirty years of taxpayer funded room and board? Not good enough. Hang ’em!
Bravo Ann! It needs to be said. Unfortunately, too many young women have had the PC BS shoved down their throats – in schools and definitely in the indoctrination centers of “colleges” and “Universities”. They must be warned about the nasty stuff that other people with other “cultures” bring to the U.S. If they’re from the turd world, it generally is nothing good.