You surely can’t have missed the wall to wall coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial where the teenager is accused of killing two Kenosha rioters and wounding a third when he feared they would kill him.
The Wisconsin National Guard has been called out in case he is found to be innocent of the charges filed against him and the thugs have a tantrum and riot again.
Here is just one of many stories in the mainstream media on the sensational trial.
Chemirmir with a few of his alleged victims. The trial tomorrow is for the murder of Lu Thi Harris, a Vietnamese American in the upper left block above.
But there is another trial beginning tomorrow in Dallas, Texas and I am guessing (maybe I will be wrong!) that unless you live in Texas (or read conservative news) the media will be silent when the infamous Billy Chemirmir, a Kenyan we permitted to live among us, will go on trialto face the first of many murder charges against him.
***Update*** Opening day of the Kenyan Killer trial,here.
Chemirmir didn’t use a big scary gun as did Rittenhouse to protect himself, in fact he used pillows to allegedly smother at least 18 defenseless senior citizens, all but one were women, in order to steal their jewelry and other valuables.
Also, see this series from NBC 5 in Dallas(hope springs eternal that NBC will follow the trial as closely as every outlet has followed the Rittenhouse trial).
There are other dreadful murder and attempted murder cases that didn’t attract any national attention, why? I think it is because like the Chemirmir case they go against the national media’s narrative that immigrants to America are just here to work hard and have a better life.
And, not to be overlooked is the fact that in most cases the victims of these evil people are often white and elderly.
John Binder reported recently on a case we covered at the time and has reported that Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 20-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador will be sent away for life (on your dime!) for murdering four older Americans. No big scary gun, just a smaller gun he stole from the ranch family.
Three American families destroyed
Illegal Alien Pleads Guilty, Gets Life in Prison for Murdering Four Americans
And, not to be overlooked. A Japanese art instructor at a liberal college pleaded guilty to attempting to kill another professor (not with a scary gun) but by beating her:
She straddled Savoy and punched her on the floor, the prosecutor said. She also used a fire poker, pruning shears, and a rock in the attack. Savoy said Hachiyanagi taunted her repeatedly by telling her she would be blinded, disfigured, then murdered.
So why the extensive media coverage of Rittenhouse and not Hachiyanagi, Martinez-Guzman, or most likely Chemirmir?
You know the answer….
Editor: Sorry I have not been posting lately. I will write something from time to time when something catches my eye, or when the unfairness of the media pushes me over the edge as this Chemirmir case has done. See my tag for Billy Chemirmir for my many many posts on the case.
BTW, I had to turn off comments because I was hit with a spam attack and the only way I could figure to stop all the spam was to turn off comments entirely.
Before I send you to the interview at Youtube, know that I was pleased to see that Beck gave Simpson credit for all of Simpson’s researchon the Cloward and Piven strategy more than a decade ago.
I wrote about the strategy as well. Here is one post:
The reason I am mentioning Cloward and Piven in a post about Karl Marx is that in case you are scratching your heads and wondering why the Biden cabal doesn’t see that we can’t handle an invasion of impoverished migrants and that it seems insane to be doing what they are doing, know that it is a strategy, they do mean to bring America down so that Communism can creep in and flourish.
It won’t flourish if Americans are generally optimistic and upwardly mobile.
They need masses of poverty for their strategy to succeed.
Sorry, didn’t mean to get into a big yak… Here is Simpson’s excellent interview. Hear what a crook ol’ Karl was….
One more thing! Know that in addition to flooding America with poor people the Marxists knew they had to bring down the family and the church if they were to succeed in their evil plan. You might want to learn more about “cultural Marxism” because it explains a lot of what we are seeing.
That is what Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas has asked the Department of Homeland Security reports John Binder at Breitbart.
You have probably seen the news, but just in case you didn’t know that some of Biden’s Afghans are not waiting for the nine resettlement contractors to pick their new homes in America choosing instead to walk away from military bases where they have been housed. So much for robust vetting!
Editor: Binder is keeping up with the latest Afghan evacuee news, so if you don’t read his reports you should.
Tom Cotton Sounds Alarm on ‘Unknown Afghans’ Fleeing U.S. Military Bases
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) says it is “alarming” that hundreds of seemingly “unknown Afghans” brought to the United States by President Joe Biden’s administration are prematurely fleeing U.S. military bases.
Last week, Reuters reported that at least 700 Afghans had fled U.S. bases in Wisconsin, Virginia, Texas, Indiana, New Mexico, and New Jersey for American communities before having been resettled by refugee contractors.
At Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, alone, the report stated that more than 300 Afghans had left since they started arriving weeks ago as part of Biden’s massive operation that plans to bring at least 95,000 Afghans to the U.S. for resettlement in 46 states.
In a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Cotton asked for information on the Afghans leaving U.S. bases. — including their immigration statuses and if they received approval from DHS to leave.
Editor: Apologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information. I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life.
Searching for something? I urge you to use the search window here and at RRW,where there are literally nearly 10,000 posts archived.
Some of you have noticed that I have deactivated my Facebook page—yes, I have.
My e-mail boxes are full and overflowing! The very best way to reach me is to send a comment to this post if there is something you want me to see. I do review and moderate comments every day or so, and if you have sent me some information that is off topic, I won’t post it, but will see it.
Isn’t diversity grand? I expect we will see more from the cultural enrichers Biden has airlifted to America.
As I said the other day when I posted this story, you would think these ‘new Americans’ could control themselves at least until they are free in a town near you!
Afghan man sexually assaulted boys ages 12, 14, in Fort McCoy bathroom, affidavit alleges
An Afghan man charged Wednesday with engaging in sexual acts with a child had been abusing two boys, ages 12 and 14, in a bathroom and housing area of the Fort McCoy military base in western Wisconsin, an affidavit alleges.
Bahrullah Noori, 20, appeared Thursday in federal court in Madison on the child sexual assault charges. Noori, who has not yet entered a plea, will remain in the Dane County Jail as the case proceeds.
According to the affidavits:
Another Afghan man, who was not identified, told investigators on Sept. 11 that Noori was molesting the 12-year-old and 14-year-old boys. The abuse had been happening over the previous two weeks.
The man told the FBI he walked into the bathroom in the early morning hours of Sept. 11 and saw Noori taking off the clothes of the 14-year-old and trying to have sex with him. The same day, the man came into the bathroom to find Noori kissing the 12-year-old.
The FBI said the man did not have any feud or dispute with Noori prior to the complaint and seemed credible as a witness.
Both boys told investigators Noori had touched them inappropriately, kissed and bit them and said he would beat them if they told anyone about the sexual abuse.
Noori is facing three counts of engaging in sexual acts with a minor, including one involving the use of force. He also is charged with a fourth count of attempting to engage in such acts with a minor while using force.
Editor: Apologies from me for not being able to keep up with everyone’s requests for information. I am overloaded on all fronts as I try to maintain some balance in my life. Some of you have noticed that I have deactivated my Facebook page—yes, I have.
My e-mail boxes are full and overflowing! The very best way to reach me is to send a comment to this post if there is something you want me to see. I do review and moderate comments every day or so, and if you have sent me some information that is off topic, I won’t post it, but will see it.